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  • 上传时间:2020-07-12
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    • 1、南开20春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909、2003)大学英语(三)在线作业-参考资料请仔细阅读下面说明再下载:预览的题目和您自己的试题必须完全相同再下载金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题(单选题)He is a kind-hearted and( )gentleman.A、respectiveB、respectableC、respectedD、respectful参考答案:B第2题(单选题)We consider( )the instrument be adjusted each time it is used.A、that it necessaryB、it necessary thatC、necessary thatD、necessary of it that参考答案:B第3题(单选题) Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? ( ).A、Yes, but Ill have English classesB、Sorry. I have an appointm

      2、ent with Dr. BrownC、Im afraid I have no ideaD、I wont. Its kind of you参考答案:B第4题(单选题) Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? ( ).A、Certainly. Here you areB、Please dont mention itC、Its nothingD、Yes, I have a hand参考答案:A第5题(单选题) What about going for a walk? ( ).A、Walking is good to youB、Thats all rightC、So, do ID、Why not? A good idea参考答案:D第6题(单选题) What would you like, tea or coffee? ( ).A、Yes, I wouldB、Coffee, pleaseC、Yes, pleaseD、Its very nice参考答案:B第7题(单选题)Once youre into basketball, youll fi

      3、nd( )great fun to play as a way to relax.A、itB、thatC、thisD、what参考答案:A第8题(单选题) Hello, could I speak to Don please? ( )?A、Who are youB、Whats the problemC、Are you JaneD、Whos speaking参考答案:D第9题(单选题)( )all we should put the theory into practice.A、BesideB、ToC、AboveD、Of参考答案:C第10题(单选题)Smith drove all the( )to Los Angeles and was just in time for the opening ceremony of the 23rd Olympic Games.A、wayB、roadC、journeyD、trip参考答案:A第11题(单选题)He carried on( )after his accident.A、to workB、workC、workingD、worked参考答案:C

      4、第12题(单选题) What subjects are you studying? ( ).A、Yes, Im studying historyB、Im studying nowC、Im studying philosophyD、Im doing my homework参考答案:C第13题(单选题) We want to sit at the table near the window. Im sorry, but( )already.A、it tookB、it takesC、it is being takenD、it has been taken参考答案:D第14题(单选题)The road( )built last year.A、has beenB、has being builtC、is beingD、was参考答案:D第15题(单选题) Will you have some dessert, Judy? ( ).A、No, thank you. Im on a dietB、Yes, Ive had enoughC、You are so good at making itD、Oh,

      5、 I dont mind参考答案:A第16题(单选题) Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs? ( ).A、Id like to buy itB、Its of very good qualityC、About eighty-five dollarsD、It depends on how you like it参考答案:C第17题(单选题)Bushs farm( )is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America.A、streetB、roadC、laneD、avenue参考答案:C第18题(单选题)If I had more money, I( )travel around the world.A、willB、wantC、wouldD、like参考答案:C第19题(单选题) I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. ( ).A、The appointment is put offB、You look sick and

      6、 weakC、Please wait for a minute. He is busy nowD、Tell me your ID number参考答案:C第20题(单选题)She was convicted( )murder.A、toB、inC、withD、of参考答案:D第21题(单选题)People wandering in the fairground or park area( )wear a uniform.A、mustB、mustntC、have toD、dont have to参考答案:D第22题(单选题)They( )for hours.A、have been drivingB、have been drivenC、droveD、drive参考答案:A第23题(单选题) Is there a drugstore near here? ( ).A、Its very smallB、Its very crowdedC、Its a cheap oneD、Yes, there is a big one参考答案:D第24题(单选题) I wonder if Tim could con

      7、trol the situation. ( ).A、Its none of your businessB、Youll get involved in itC、Tim must be thinking about itD、Well, if he cant control it, no one can参考答案:D第25题(单选题) Ive got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? ( ).A、The tickets must be expensiveB、The match must be excitingC、Why not? Lets goD、The place is too far away参考答案:C第26题(单选题)After( )the bid, major construction began in Beijing.A、winB、winingC、winningD、won参考答案:C第27题(单选题)( ), we keep records on all the experiments so

      8、that we may have enough data.A、As a wholeB、As a ruleC、On the averageD、By all means参考答案:B第28题(单选题)They all( )the job.A、asked afterB、asked forC、asked toD、asked with参考答案:B第29题(单选题)I tried( ), but the line was engaged.A、phoneB、phonedC、phoningD、to phone参考答案:D第30题(单选题) Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? ( ).A、Hello! International AirlineB、Youd better look up the schedule firstC、Im sorry, but its completely bookedD、Im afraid you have to change参考答案:C第31题(单选题)His parents will be( )him if he fails the examination.A、disappointing withB、disappointed onC、disappointed withD、disappointing for参考答案:C第32题(单选题)One day while Mr. King was working, he had a(an)( )and his left leg was badly injured.A、businessB、accidentC、matterD、event参考答案:B第33题(单选题)The sun heats the earth,( )is very important to living things.A、thatB、whatC、whichD、where参考答案:C第34题(单选题) Ive ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? ( ).A、You are kind to invite meB、Yes, pleaseC、A beer is fine for me. Im not hungry yetD、


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