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    • 1、Traveling in Jiangxi,by Chen Xi,1.places and tourist attractions 2.celebrities 3.famous dishes,1.places and attractions,江西,简称“赣”,古有“吴头楚尾,粤户闽庭”之称。因公元733年唐玄宗设“江南西道”而得省名,又因省内最大河流为赣江简称赣。 全省面积16.69平方公里,有11个地级市。地处九江的鄱阳湖是中国最大的淡水湖,上饶市的婺源是中国最美的乡村,而景德镇则有“中国瓷都”之美誉。,(1).capital Nanchang,history:Nanchang is the capital city of jiangxi province.Nanchang is reffered to as “Hong cheng”(洪城).It is also has the nickname hero city because of the famous Agust 1 uprising. famous attraction:Pavilion of Prince Teng(滕王阁

      2、),Nanchang uprising of bayi memorial(八一起义纪念馆),Badashanrens former residence(八大山人故居),Qiushui Square(秋水广场).,滕王阁江南三大名楼之一One of the three most famous towers in south China,落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色,临帝子之长洲,得天人之旧馆,Nanchang uprising of bayi memorial,8.1 uprising museum,Qiushui square,Famous dishes in Nanchang,(1)Jar soup(瓦罐汤) (2)Bakon with Artemisia(藜蒿炒腊肉) (3)Nanchang fried noodles(南昌炒粉),Jar soup,One of the most famous Gan dishes,its very nutritious and tasty.,Bakon with Artemisia藜蒿炒腊肉,在江西有句话人们耳熟能详鄱阳湖的草,南昌人的宝。 A

      3、ctually,this dish is invented by Anhui people , but its delicacy made it very popular on Jiangxi Peoples dining table.,Nanchang fried noodles,(2)Ganzhou(赣州),The south gate of Jiangxi,1.tourist attractions: Yugu platform(郁孤台) Bajing platform(八镜台) Rujin revolutionary ruins(瑞金革命遗址) Longnan Hakka buildings(龙南客家围屋) .,郁孤台下清江水,中间多少行人泪。西北望长安,可怜无数山。 青山遮不住,毕竟东流去。江晚正愁余,深山闻鹧鸪。 辛弃疾,Bajing platform八镜台,八镜台建于北宋嘉祜年间(1055-1063年),是赣州也是江西著名古迹之一,台高三层,27.8米,建于宋代古城墙之上,登台可眺赣州八景,台下章、贡二水汇入赣江,向北奔流,古榕成荫,气势磅礴。宋代古城有藏兵洞十余孔,颇似

      4、南京明代建筑的中华门,台内设有赣州博物馆,展出的历史文物颇为丰富,台下辟为八境公园,Longnan Hakka round buildings,龙南县有包括国家级重点文物保护单位关西新围、燕翼围在内的376座围屋,占赣南现存客家围屋的70%以上,其数量之多、规模之大、风格之特别、保存之完好均为全国之最。2007年10月,龙南县被上海大世界吉尼斯总部授予“拥有客家围屋最多的县”荣誉称号。2013年龙南县被中国民间文艺家协会授予“中国围屋之乡”称号。,Ruijin revolutionary ruins,瑞金是中华苏维埃共和国的首府,瑞金市境留内有诸多革命遗址,主要分布在叶坪村、沙洲坝、云石山等地。,Famous dishes in Ganzhou,(1)Ganzhou fish dumplings(鱼饺) (2)Fish cake(鱼饼) (3)Stewed chiken with three cups of sauce (三杯鸡) (4) Hakka style brewed bean curd (客家酿豆腐) (5)Qiyunshan sour jujube cake(齐云山南酸枣糕

      5、),Ganzhou fish dumplings(赣州鱼饺),Fish cake(鱼饼),Stewed chiken with three cups of sauce(三杯鸡),It gets the name because of its special cooking mean. You should pour a cup of sweet rice wine, a cup of pig oil ,and a cup of source into it ,after the cooking procedure,you can see the beautiful colour.,Hakka style brewed bean curd (客家酿豆腐),Qiyunshan sour jujube cake (齐云山酸枣糕),(3)Ji an(吉安),吉安,古称庐陵、吉州,元初取“吉泰民安”之意改称吉安,位于江西省中部。 Tourist attractions Jing gang mountain(井冈山) Bailuzhou academy(白鹭洲书院) Wen tianxiang M

      6、emorial hall(文天祥纪念馆) Luling Cutral Park(庐陵文化园),Jing gang mountain,Jingganshan revolutionary base area is the first rural revolutionary base area under the leadership of the Party.,Bailuzhou Academy,Wentianxiang Memorial hall,The great poet and politicianpassing by lingdingyang,Ive taken pains reading classics to be an official, Four bleak years have been spent in thick battles. Our land is broken like catkins drifting in the wind, I roam here and there as duckweed buffeted by the rain. How panic

      7、-stricken I was retreating before the Tartars! Being a captive, I lamented over my solitary confinement. Who can avert his death since time is immemorial? Let my heart remain true to shine in the annals.,过零丁洋,辛苦遭逢起一经,干戈寥落四周星。 山河破碎风飘絮,身世浮沉雨打萍。 惶恐滩头说惶恐,零丁洋里叹零丁。 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。,A patriotic hero we should all remember.,Famous dishes in Ji an,(1)Jing gang bamboo shoots(井冈竹笋) (2)An fu ham(安福火腿) (3)Sui chuan duck(遂川板鸭),Jing gang bamboo shoots(井冈竹笋),An fu ham(安福火腿),Sui chuan duck(遂川板鸭),(4)Ping xiang,To

      8、urist attractions Kongfu mountain(武功山) the dragon hole(孽龙洞) An yuan uprising memorial(安源起义 纪念馆) Yang Qi Temple(杨岐寺),The Kongfu mountain,Its a very beautiful mountain .Since 2008 the government of pingxiang holds the International Camp Festival every year in Semptember. This festival includes hiking ,bike racing ,campfire entertaining and movie show.If you are interested in camping,you can have a try.It will be great fun.,the tent festival,An yuan uprising memorial(安源起义纪念馆),The dragon hole,This h

      9、ole is abundant in stalactites(钟乳石) ,thus making it extraodinary magnificent in the colorful lights.It a rather great idea to enjoy the cool in the drgon hole in hot summer days.,the Yang Qi ordinary temple is one of the birthplaces in Chinese Buddhism.,Specialties in pingxiang,(1)Lian hua blood duck(莲花血鸭) (2)Pingxiang fried pork(萍乡小炒肉) (3)Shredded smoked fish(手撕腊鱼) (4)Boiled Wushan chicken(清炖武山鸡),Lian hua blood duck(莲花血鸭),Pingxiang fried pork萍乡小炒肉,Shredded smoked fish(手撕腊鱼),Boiled Wushan chicken(清炖武山鸡),(5)Yi Chun,Tourist attractions Bao Feng temple in Jing an (靖安宝峰寺) Baizhang temple in fengxin (奉新百丈寺) Mingyue mountain(明月山) the moon culture festival(月亮文化节),Baizhang Temple,Bao feng temple,Mingyue mountain,The moon culture festival,Famous dishes in yichun,(1)Pig trotter(鱼香蹄花) (2)Steamed duck(清蒸板鸭) (3)Preseved eggs(松花皮蛋),Pig trotter(鱼香蹄花),Steamed duck(清蒸板鸭),Preseved eggs(松花皮蛋),(6)Fuzhou,You may not have heard Fuzhou,but I think you must have heard about “L


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