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    • 1、电子科技大学大学英语2(专科)20春期末考试-参考资料请仔细阅读下面说明再下载:预览的题目和您自己的试题必须完全相同再下载金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题(单选题) Let me introduce myself. Im Steward. _A、What a pleasure.B、Pleased to meet you.C、I dont know.D、Thanks a lot.参考答案:B第2题(单选题)This cake is so sweet. You _ a lot of sugar in it.A、should putB、could have putC、might putD、must have put参考答案:D第3题(单选题) What do you think of my dress? _A、Its on sale.B、Its a birthday present for you.C、You really need one.D、It looks very good on you.参考答案:D第4题(单选题)The

      2、 lawyer was expected to _ some proposals after reading all those documents.A、come up withB、put up withC、look up toD、keep up with参考答案:A第5题(单选题) You know, I have three kids now. _A、Well, Ive grown a mustache.B、Thats terrific!C、Say, youve really changed your hair.D、Well, I gave up drinking.参考答案:B第6题(单选题) This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so? _.A、Youre wrongB、I dont think so, Im afraidC、Not at allD、No, thats not real参考答案:B第7题(单选题). Please help yourself to the fish.A、Thanks, but I do

      3、nt like the fish.B、Sorry, I cant help.C、Well, what about you?D、No, I cant.参考答案:A第8题(单选题)What about having a drink?_ .A、Go ahead, pleaseB、Help yourselfC、Good ideaD、Me,too参考答案:C第9题(单选题)What is the train _ to Birmingham?A、feeB、tipC、fareD、cost参考答案:C第10题(单选题)Shall I help you with that suitcase?_ .A、Its all right, thanksB、Yes, go on, pleaseC、I dont want to trouble you too muchD、No, please dont do it参考答案:A第11题(单选题) Would you like to order now? _A、Im full now.B、Yes. Id like fish and soup.C、But the price

      4、 is high.D、Its very kind of you.参考答案:B第12题(单选题)In 1492, Columbus _ on one of the Bahama islands, but he mistook it for an island off India.A、landsB、landedC、has landedD、had landed参考答案:B第13题(单选题)I wonder why Mike _ to us recently. we should have heard from him by now.A、hasnt writtenB、doesnt writeC、wont writeD、hadnt written参考答案:A第14题(单选题)That piece of music sounds familiar. Who _ the piano upstairs.A、has playedB、playedC、playsD、is playing参考答案:D第15题(单选题)_ that she would make greater progress in her s

      5、tudy of Italian.A、she is hopedB、it is hopedC、she was hopedD、it was hoped参考答案:D第16题(单选题)He couldnt buy the dictionary because he had _ money with him.A、a fewB、fewC、a littleD、little参考答案:D第17题(单选题)I called Li Ming many times last night, but I couldnt get through. Her sister _on the phone all the time!A、was talkingB、has been talkingC、has talkedD、talked参考答案:A第18题(单选题)Over ten people died and twenty people were _ wounded in the train crash.A、eventuallyB、urgentlyC、bitterlyD、seriously参考答案:D第19题(单选题) Wha

      6、ts the weather like in your hometown? _A、Its a nice place.B、I like the food there.C、He asks me whether I like the weather.D、Its cold in winter and hot in summer.参考答案:D第20题(单选题) Did you catch what I said? Sorry. I _ a text message just now.A、had answeringB、have answeredC、would answerD、was answering参考答案:D第21题(单选题) Excuse me, when will the 17:15 train arrive? _A、I dont tell you.B、Its been delayed one hour.C、You have to be patient.D、Dont ask me.参考答案:B第22题(单选题) Good morning, Dr Johnsons office. Can I

      7、 help you? _A、Speaking, please.B、Id like to make an appointment, please.C、Yes, go on.D、No, you cant.参考答案:B第23题(单选题)This time next year Ill be on vacation. Probably I _ on a beautiful beach.A、am lyingB、have lainC、will be lyingD、will lie参考答案:C第24题(单选题)In the near future, more advances in the robot technology_ by scientists,A、are makingB、are madeC、will makeD、will be made参考答案:D第25题(单选题)On Monday mornings it usually _ me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.A、takesB、

      8、is takingC、tookD、will take参考答案:A第26题(单选题)The climbers _ their ambition by reaching the summit of the mountain.A、obtainedB、sustainedC、maintainedD、realized参考答案:D第27题(单选题) Paul, _? Oh, thats my father! And beside him, my mother.A、what is the person over thereB、whos talking over thereC、what are they doingD、which is that参考答案:B第28题(单选题) Can I borrow your camera for a week? _.A、Sure, here you areB、Yes, you can borrowC、Yes, bring it with youD、It doesnt matter参考答案:A第29题(单选题) Sorry, Professor Smith. I didnt finish the assignment yesterday. Oh, you _ have done it as yesterday was the deadline.A、mustB、mustntC、shouldD、shouldnt参考答案:C第30题(单选题)I really love the area and see it as a() _ place to start my new career.A、


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