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    • 1、 1 湖北省黄冈中学湖北省黄冈中学 2020 届高三届高三适应性适应性考试考试 英语参考答案及听力录音稿英语参考答案及听力录音稿 听力听力: 1-5 ACABA 6-10 CBCAC 11-15 ACBBC 16-20 BACBB 阅读阅读理解:理解: 21-23 DDB 24-27 ADAD 28-31 ABAC 32-35 DBBC 36-40 DFEAC 完型填空:完型填空: 41-45 CCDAD 46-50 CBADB 51-55 ABCDA 56-60 CADBB 语法填空语法填空: 61. longer 62. have fallen 63. is 64. largely 65. in/of 66. director 67. to strike 68. endangered 69. but/yet 70. that/who 短文改错短文改错: Recently I took a part in a geography research activity, whose theme was environmental pollution and protection. We

      2、took variety pictures showing the present pollution conditions of our city. To our surprise, there are still a great numberpeople doing silly things to our surrounding. Some people often throw rubbish whichever they like. Some cars gave off harmful gases and waste water is pouring into rivers by some factories. Worse still, people sometimes have to make his way through dusty winds as a result of the pollution. Through our research, we have come to realize what everybody must pay more attention t

      3、o protect our environment and that some measures should be taken to protect it. 书面表达书面表达: Dear Jeff, Thank you for your attention to the activity themed “The Chinese Scientist I Admire Most”, which was organized by the Students Union of our school. I am more than willing to tell you about the event. I shared the story of Mr. Y uan Longping, an agricultural scientist known as “Father of Hybrid Rice”. He developed the worlds first successful hybrid rice varieties, which dramatically increased rice

      4、 production in China. His approach to rice breeding also serves as a solution to food problems around the globe. The scientists stories shared by other participants truly inspired me, motivating me to truly love science by making great contributions to it. Could you please tell me about your favorite scientist? Yours, Li Hua various surroundings wherever of give poured that 或 what protecting their 2 听力材料:听力材料: (Text 1) W: Karl, where did you place my bike? I cant find it. M: Oh, I put it under a

      5、 street lamp, the one beside our backyard. (Text 2) W: Oh, sorry. I must have the wrong room. M: Which room do you want? W: The Committee Room. I thought it was here on the third floor. M: Its on the fourth floor and, anyway, you are lost, this is the second floor. (Text 3) W: The article in this mornings paper made me angry! M: I felt the same way when I first read it, but the more I thought about it, the more I agreed with it. Its an excellent article. (Text 4) W: Welcome. What kind of book wo

      6、uld you like? M: Something about history. W: Theyre over there. All the books are on sale this week. (Text 5) W: Hello. English Language Center. M: Hello, Sarah. This is Jacob. I have a bad cold. Could I take today off? I think Ill be ready for tomorrow. W: Sure. Well see if we can get another teacher to cover your classes. (Text 6) W: Excuse me. Id like to have the package and the letter posted. M: Would you like to mail by air or by sea? W: How long will it take to mail things to the U.S. by a

      7、ir? M: About 10 days. You can send it by express mail if you need it faster. It will only take three or four days. W: Then, express mail for the package. Its urgent. The faster, the better. And the letter by registered mail. M: OK. The package is 3 kilograms. Thatll be 20 for postage. W: Yes. And the letter? M: Registered. That is 3. So you should give me 23. W: Here you go. (Text 7) W: I really shouldnt have worn high heels today. M: No kidding. Who knew wed all be on a walking tour of the city

      8、 before the meeting? W: Maybe they think its the first time weve come to the city, so they arranged it. I remember 3 seeing a shoe store just around the corner from here. Do you think we have enough time to stop by? I honestly wont be able to walk back unless I get some relief for my feet. M: It should be fine. We can get you some shoes and then eat a quick lunch at the fast food restaurant. Were almost back at the meeting center anyway. W: OK. (Text 8) W: Do you have any plans during this summe

      9、r? M: Well, I want to get a summer job. Id like to save money for a vacation. W: Really? Where would you like to go? M: Id love to travel to Latin America. What about you, Melissa? W: Well, Im not going to get a job right away. First, I want to go to Spain and Portugal. M: Sounds great, but how are you going to pay for it? W: I know I cant ask my parents for money anymore, so Ill borrow some money from my brother. I have a good excuse. I plan to take courses in Spanish and Portuguese. M: Oh, Im tired of studying! W: So am I. But I also hope to take people on tours to Latin America. Why dont you come on my first tour? M: Count me in! (Text 9) W: OK, weve got all our cloud research so lets decide how to organize it. M: We should probably start by saying how clouds are formed, and then move on to the different types of clouds. We can separate them into low-level,


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