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  • 卖家[上传人]:灯火****19
  • 文档编号:137172596
  • 上传时间:2020-07-05
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    • 1、1 IntroductionThe main story of the novel happens between Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy. Although, it seems that, they havent attracted anyones eyes. We all know that at the first ball, when Lizzy asked Mr Darcy to have a dance. He refused. He didnt think that anyone at the village can deserve him. After this, Lizzy promised not to pay attention to him any more because of his pride. At last, when everything comes to light Lizzy regretted. She found that she had misunderstood Darcy. And Darcy had al

      2、though changed. He made an offer of marriage to her again and was accepted. No pride and no prejudice are between them.The novel also reflected the author oneselfs marriage view: It is wrong to marry for the property, money and position. She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage, and regard men and womens emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .Just because Pride and Prejudice, I have a profound thinking about marriage. The writer uses intelligent words to d

      3、epict a few different marriages in the book, each of which reflects peoples attitudes toward marriage in that time. We can comprehend the essence of Jane and Bingleys marriage, Elizabeth and Darcys marriage , Lydia and Wickhams marriage and Charlotte and Collinss marriage through Elizabeths views. Through the wise heroine, we see marriage description. To marry for wealth and beauty is wrong. This kind of marriage cannot retain long-term happiness, and truly happy marriage is based on love and se

      4、nse.2 The analysis of Elizabeths character Elizabeth Bennet is a person worthy of our imitation. She is a model because she is different from all the other characters, except Darcy, and because she does not adhere rigidly to the standards set forth by society, she is self-reliant and independent. Elizabeth rejects Mr. Collins proposal because she does not think that marriage was boring, nor does she believe in marriage of convenience. When Mr. Collins says arrogantly to Elizabeth, she politely r

      5、efused him. Unlike Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth would never violate her principle and her integrity and throw away her talents by marrying Mr. Collins, a conceited, narrow-minded, and pompous fool. Elizabeth looks nature because she puts her trust in her own perceptions and impressions. On the other hand, she is not ready to rebel against society. She does not totally disregard social proprietary. She has good manners; her slight breach of decorum walking alone to Nether field Park is justified by

      6、 her genuine concern for her sister who is ill. She has good manners. When Lady Catherine criticizes Elizabeth skill of playing piano, she can have good manners to keep polite. 3 Elizabeths views about her sisters and friends marriage 3.1The most realistic marriage Charlottes marriage For money and marriage, Charlotte by marriage just wants to get a rich husband, thus she can have the economic security. Marriage for them is a task, but Collins couples obtain from the marriage what they want: Cha

      7、rlotte gets stable of rich life; Collins also gets a warm home. This is their understanding of marriage. 3.2 The most ridiculous marriage Lydias marriageLydia and Wickham is absurd combination of extremely. Their relationship is completely built on lust and appearance, no love foundation, say, is neither practical nor romantic. Lydia got erotic satisfied; Wickham also get what he wanted wealth, this is their understanding of marriage. 3.3The most happy marriage Janes marriageJane and Bingley mar

      8、riage is considered the happiest marriage. Jane and Bingley match each other faces, male prodigy, anyone opinion, they are the most suitable for together. Their marriage, love, in my opinion, is not the main base, the main is a kind of attraction. For Janes beauty and Bingley, Jane attracted to kind of handsome and Bingley attracted gentleman poise, their love more performance for a mutual admiration of love. Marriage is a complicated contract, both parties must have enough love to maintain the

      9、basis of this contract. But Jane and the love between the Bingley too insipid, too. Thats not enough deep-rooted, let I dont feel safe, seem to lurk trace dangerous breath. 3.4 The most admirable marriage Elizabeths marriageThe marriage is tortuous between them but again ups deep-rooted of love based. Economic and social structures with such great power sways interpersonal the relationships between people and this made her became the cartoonist monster(D.W.Hardin 166-179). With first marriage proposal as a border, in thinking changed not only is Elizabeth, and Darcy. Elizabeth because Darcy letter, to realize their prejudice; Darcy because Elizabeth words, to realize their arrogance. If Elizabeth for Darcys first marriage proposal didnt refuse words may Darcy for her infatuation will not lasting. If no refusal dialogue, Darcy or that although multimillionaire, although a handsome, but too arrogant on high. For su


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