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  • 卖家[上传人]:赵****
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    • 1、备战2021高考英语 外刊精读与练习Inside a teenagers brain了解青少年的大脑发育过程和特点语篇导读直到最近,人们曾以为人类的大脑在幼儿时期结束时就完全停止发育了。然而,在过去的十年间,有研究表明人类的大脑从青春期开始到成年初期的这段时间内仍然在变化。本集随身英语带你走进青少年的大脑,并介绍一些与 青春期 有关的英语表达。Step 1 Vocabulary: 词汇表3adolescence 青春期nightmare 噩梦,棘手的人或事out of control 失控adolescence 青春期multitasking 同时做多件事情hormone 荷尔蒙moodiness 情绪多变,喜怒无常dogma 教条lounge around 悠闲度日prefrontal cortex 前额皮层cognitive task 认知任务adolescent 青春期的,青少年的critically 极其地Step 2 Reading and understandingWhat were you like as a teenager? I was a nightmare. I

      2、was rude to my parents, always stayed out late, never did my homework, hung out with the wrong people and made lots of bad decisions. Apparently, this is the age when teenagers are out of control and behave badly. Maybe, if youre a teenager now, you think this is unfair criticism or its not your fault. Well, you might be right!Experts have found that its a teenagers brain that is to blame. Between the ages of approximately 13 to 19 - a period known as adolescence - the brain is still developing

      3、in areas that control behaviour. This has an impact on learning and multitasking, stress and memory, sleep, addiction, and decision-making. For parents, these consequences often manifest themselves in a variety of behaviours that they may have previously blamed on hormones or just moodiness.This is quite a new discovery, according to Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, who, speaking on the BBC radio programme The Life Scientific, says when I was at university, the dogma in the text books was that t

      4、he vast majority of brain development goes on in the first few years of life and nothing much changes after mid-childhood. That dogma is completely false.So our brains are still developing much later than was originally thought. Is this the perfect excuse for teenagers to lounge around and not get their homework done on time? Of course not! According to Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, its to do with our prefrontal cortex thats the part of our brain right at the front, just behind the forehead.

      5、She says its involved in a whole range of very high-level cognitive tasks such as decision making and planning - we know that this region is undergoing very very large amounts of development during the adolescent years. This is the part of the brain critically involved in planning, and, for a teenager, this hasnt developed yet. So getting organised to do their homework, for example, can come as a bit of a challenge.I wish Id known about this because instead of telling my teacher Id left my homew

      6、ork on the bus or that the dog had eaten it. Now I could say, Sorry sir, my brain isnt developed enough for the cognitive task of planning my homework.Step 3 测验与练习Task 1阅读课文并回答问题。1. During adolescence, what is thought to be happening to the area of the brain that is controlling behaviour?Between the ages of approximately 13 to 19, the brain is still developing in areas that control behaviour.2. How have ideas about early brain development changed?They have changed from thinking that the vast maj

      7、ority of brain development goes on in the first few years of life and nothing much changes after mid-childhood, to the idea that brain development continues through adolescence.3. What tasks does the prefrontal cortex part of the brain affect?It affects us performing cognitive tasks such as decision making and planning.4. True or false? Its hard for teenagers to get organised because the part of the brain needed to do this is still developing.True. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain

      8、critically involved in planning, and, for a teenager, this hasnt developed yet. So getting organised to do their homework, for example, can come as a bit of a challenge.5. Which word used in the article means to become clear through signs or actions?The word is manifest. For parents, these consequences often manifest themselves in a variety of behaviours that they may have previously blamed on hormones or just moodiness.Task 2 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。1. Our journey was a _. First w

      9、e got stuck in a traffic jam and then our car broke down!A. dogma B. nightmare C. cognitive task D. out of control2. Its _ important that we sign the contract today, otherwise we will lose the business.A. critical B. critically C. criticaly D. criticise3. Were blaming our sons behaviour on his _; it cant be anything else can it?A. adolescent B. dogma C. nightmare D. hormones4. Ive got a day off work today so Im just going to _ and watch TV.A. lounge around B. lounged around C. round lounge D. lounge up5. Some businesses feel the pressure to change smoking laws has been driven more by _ than hard facts.A. moodiness B. multitasking C. dogma D. cognitive tasksTask 3 语法填空What were you like as a teenager? I was a nightmare. I was rude to my parents, always stayed out late, never did my homework, hung out with the wrong people and made lots of bad_1_


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