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    • 1、 Revision 1 total 27 Listening and Speaking一、教材分析1. 教学内容 Revision 1 Activity 3-42. 教学重点、难点 教学重点能够看懂描述病人病情的短文,并根据短文写出医生和病人之间的对话。 教学难点根据病情描述,能写出英文病假条。二、教学目标1. 知识目标 帮助学生理解并掌握以下词汇:hurt, exercise, pill, symptom, cause, treatment, clinic, prescription, etc; 能够看懂教材中描述三位病人病情的小短文。2. 能力目标 学生能够根据病情写出病历和英文请假条; 学生能够在理解短文的前提下,根据所给提示词语,复述病人病情。3. 情感目标学生能用积极的人生态度、健康的生活方式面对生活。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (8 mins)1. The teacher greets the Ss with the following sentences. How are you?When did you go to bed last night?How

      2、 do you feel now?It seems that youre not yourself. Why?.2. Ask and answer.What do you often do when there is something wrong with you?What do you say to the doctor when you are in hospital?(设计意图:通过日常的师生问候让学生对一课时所学语句作简单回顾,然后借由两个提问导入本课话题就医,并对该话题表达自己的观点,为阅读内容的学习做好准备。)3. Activity 8: Discuss the possible illnesses in pairs. BehavioursIllnessesPlay computer games for the whole nightEat sweets before going to bed.Drink too little water.Eat a lot of icecream right after a meal.Never brush teeth.Wear onl

      3、y a T-shirt in a cold day.(设计意图:通过讨论激发学生对健康话题的兴趣,为接下来的阅读做好铺垫。)Step Two Reading (23mins)1. Activity 9: Read and fill in the forms.Fast reading. Get the Ss to read the letters as quickly as they can and fill in the forms. Then check the answer with the whole class. The teacher explains any language points if necessary.(设计意图:通过阅读病人的病情描述,培养学生快速阅读、捕捉信息的能力。)2. Activity 10: Read and complete the dialogue. Read the text again and complete the dialogue between Doctor Linda Smith and her patients. (设计意图:让

      4、学生对短文再作细读,并完成与之相应的对话,借此训练学生在阅读中查找细节信息的能力。)3. Read aloud. Step Three Writing (12 mins)1. Activity 11: Complete the following sentences to describe the pictures.Students work in pair and discuss the pictures. Get some pairs to complete the sentences to describe the pictures. The teacher explains any language points.(设计意图:先通过小组活动,让不同程度的学生都参与讨论。然后教师让个别同学发言,再全班校对,最后让学生把句子写下来。这种循序渐进的做法有助于克服学生写作上的心理障碍,为下一步的英文请假条的书写做好铺垫工作。)2. Activity 12: Complete the note for sick leave.Suppose you were Jack, complete

      5、the note for sick leave. Get the Ss to finish it individually first, then check the answer with the whole class. (设计意图:在上一活动中连词成句的基础上,让学生将请假条内容填写完整,这样既可锻炼学生的转述能力,也初步学会了英文请假条的书写格式。)Step Four Homework (2 mins)1. Suppose youve caught a bad cold and have a high fever. You want to see the doctor tomorrow. Write a note for sick leave to your headteacher Mr Fox. 2. Read the text fluently.(设计意图:通过创设情境,让学生运用课堂所学知识结合实际写出一篇英文请假条,培养学生在生活中运用英语的能力。流利朗读课文,可增加学生的英语语感,巩固课堂学习效果。)四、板书设计BehavioursIllnessesPlay comp

      6、uter games for the whole nightEat sweets before going to bed.Drink too little water.Eat a lot of ice cream right after a meal.Never brush teeth.Wear only a T-shirt in a cold day. headahce toothache cold stomachache roothache cold, fever, headache . Revision 1 total 28 Reading一、教材分析1. 教学内容 Revision 1 Activity 5-62. 教学重点、难点 教学重点a. 学习带有疑问代词和疑问副词的宾语从句的用法;b. 学习感叹句的两种表达方式。 教学难点带有疑问代词和疑问副词的宾语从句的用法。二、教学目标1. 知识目标 学生能够理解并掌握带有疑问代词和疑问副词的宾语从句的结构; 学生能够理解并识记感叹句的两种结构:What +(形容词)+ 名词 + 主语 + 谓语;How + 形容词 / 副词 + 主

      7、语 + 谓语。2. 能力目标 学生能在口头及书面表达中正确运用带有疑问代词或疑问副词的宾语从句,表达意愿和观点; 学生能用感叹句表达个人情感。3. 情感目标学生能用积极的人生态度、健康的生活方式面对生活。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in(8 mins)1. Have a comment on the Ss writings. Read some good examples in class. Then ask and answer. (设计意图:教师对于上一课时的家庭作业进行讲评,帮助学生及时查漏,找出学习中的不足。对于范文的朗读,则有助于激发学生学习的积极性,对其他学生也是一种促进。)2. Compare the two sentences and tell the difference between them.“What do you eat every day, Sam?” the doctor asked.The doctor asded Sam what he ate every day.The teacher get some students to tell

      8、 their answer, and then check with the whole class. Present the basic structure of the object clauses starting with how, where and what, ect. (设计意图:带有疑问代词和疑问副词的宾语从句的用法学习是本课的难点。通过句子比较,让学生能对宾语从句和简单句的区别有直观的认识。然后教师再帮助学生归纳出疑问词引导的宾语从句在以下几个方面的特点:引导词、语序、人称和时态变化等等。)Step Two Grammar focus (30 mins)1. Activities 13: Read and underline.Read the following sentences and underline the clauses that are similar to those in the box above.(设计意图:通过比较,让学生明确疑问词引导的宾语从句的结构特点,认清它与简单句之间的区别。)2. Put in the missing word.Get

      9、 the students to Put in the missing word and complete the following sentence.I dont know _ Helen will come to my party.Discuss the answer and check. Then show the answers and translate the sentences.I dont know whether / if Helen will come to my party.I dont know when Helen will come to my party.I dont know why Helen will come to my party.I dont know how Helen will come to my party.(设计意图:通过启发式的练习,让学生对宾语从句的引导词的用法产生兴趣,并有初步的认识。)3. Activity 14: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.Get the Ss to finish it individually. Then discuss w


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