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    • 1、out city created, and care masses life, focus work, in-depth investigation, more out boutique masterpiece, makes we of research results more to into led of decision vision, more to in national some has effect of newspaper Shang published, for advance work, and publicity changde play due of role. Third, information submitted to be pragmatic. Quick and timely. The ancients said: for the time system; statement back for the time being, nothing. Therefore, the submission of information to do four, th

      2、at is, find the problem faster, editorial writing, send and read faster approval and feedback to implement quickly. To be true and accurate. True mainly reflect the full picture of events, one is one, two, this is the life of the information. Accuracy is primarily qualitative and quantitative questions, quantitative objective of publicQualitative logic. To be reliable and useful. We submit information to have access to decision-making, to guide and promote the work and solve practical problems.

      3、Mixed cum. On the negative information and emergency information, rapid escalation in strict accordance with the procedures, firm, newspaper, newspapers, never late, fail to report, false claim and skimming. Investee 2. supervision and insist on, around and protecting their interests to touch the truth, seek practical results. Adhere to people-oriented, the most important thing is to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. We carry out

      4、 inspection, so must go deep among the masses, go deep into the realities, always pay attention to the peoples livelihood, to grasp the public sentiment, and earnestly safeguard the benefit, addressing the masses are most concerned about and reflecting the strongest issues, efforts to solve the problem of decisions implemented and not implemented. One is to stick to principles. Right of inspection is one of the most important powers of the Office, should not only dare to use, but also with cauti

      5、on. So-called dared to use, is to hold a number of important issues, bold supervision over supervision, track inspection, problems are not solved do not pass, the blame does not hold did not miss, dissatisfaction of the masses did not miss, the real right of supervision authority, with the benefits. Call with caution, is supervising departments should strengthen the consciousness of authorized strictly according to procedure, preventing the supervision and excessive to prevent adding burden to g

      6、rass-roots. To this end, the supervision Department of the Party Committee of supervision must be under city and County party Committee Secretary-General (Office). Second, we should focus on. Is the Governor, those related to the globalEvent, Governor the protracted difficult, strong Governor during emergency urgent. Not having special departments in charge of the General Governor, under the normal procedure can do good things not Governor, not authorized by County leaders, not the Governor. Thi

      7、rd is to solve the problem. The purpose of supervision, to resolve the problem. To adhere to and further improve the拟任县处级党政领导职务政治理论水平任职资格考试第1套试题一、单项选择题(以下各题中,每题只有一个答案符合题意,将光标指向符合题意的答案,单击左键使该答案前的圆框内出现小黑点即可,共11小题,每小题1分)。1、邓小平理论的精髓是(A)。A、解放思想,实事求是B、社会主义初级阶段理论C、社会主义市场经济理论D、社会主义本质理论2、四川省面积48.5万平方公里,为中国面积第(D)大省区。A、三B、四C、二D、五3、民族作为一种历史上出现的人民共同体,其最终发展趋势是(A)。A、以民族融合的方式走向民族消亡B、民族与国家融为一体,民族问题转化为国家之间的问题C、通过发展经济文化事业,实现各民族共同繁荣D、各民族不仅获得政治上、法律上的平等,而且在事实上也完全平等4、人事行政是指国家人事管理机关对(C)所进行的管理。A、全体公民B、国有企业人员C、国家公务人员D、执行




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