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    • 1、2020年高考英语语法针对型训练(一)高频语法+名词性从句1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Litter is everywhere, doing great harm _the environment and life on our planet. Jeff Kirschner, who wants to build a litter-free world, started a global community named Litterati _(settle)this problem.The story began with his 6-year-old daughter. One day they were going on a hike when the girl noticed a _(break)plastic tub(浴盆)in a river. She said, “Daddy, that doesnt go there.” That took Kirschner by surprise. He, like many adults, h

      2、ad become so used to the rubbish around them that he hadnt given it a second look _his daughter said reminded him of the serious problem our planet faces.Jeff started to take _(act).He created Litterati, an app that makes it fun to pick up litter. The idea is _(fair) simple: Spot a piece of trash, take a photo, post the photo online and then put the litter into dustbins._(see)that Jeff was keeping a record of the positive impact he was having on the planet,people worldwide started participating.

      3、 Up to now, over 2,500,000 photos posted by 3,500 people from over 40 countries _(find)their way to Litteratis digital landfill.Litterati is more than an app.It is a highly _(effect)solution to a pressing issue. Wherever you live, whatever you do and _you are, join Litterati to make the world a cleaner and healthier place to live in.2.阅读下面材料,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Filial piety,otherwise _(know) as (孝),is at the core of Chinese culture. Originating from Confucian philosophy, filial piety means

      4、love and respect for ones elders and _ (obey) their wishes. But there is something else too. To fulfill filial piety, you have to be there for them physically, and look _ them in their old age.In our modern 21st century, _ (globe) migration has long become a norm(标准). Many of my Western _ (friend) say they feel very little connection to _ (they) birth country, after a few significant moves across regions.But Chinas case is _ little different. Although young generations of Chinese people have emb

      5、raced their new lives all around the world, the strength of our family ties and filial piety deeply _ (bond) us to our cultural roots. Like kites flying high in the sky, we will always _ (connect) to the land andthe people who have shaped us into _we are.3.阅读下面材料,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 How do native speakers truly feel when speaking with non-native English speakers? It seems that _(break) English annoys them. However, they keep being really nice when speaking with non-native speakers. I wonde

      6、r how they really feel when doing so. I think it would depend_ the native English speakers. Some people are just _ (easy) annoyed. Personally, I study Spanish. When I hear someone _ (attempt) English, I am patient with them because I know difficult it is to talk in a non-native tongue. I also know English is very difficult _ (learn) , and that increases my respect for their efforts. Im a patient person by nature. The situation _ (matter) too. IfI were waiting tables on a super crowded day and re

      7、ally _ (need) to do about a dozen different things, I might become upset at having to wait for someone to struggle while ordering his meal. There also exists the _ (possible) that what is considered as annoyance is not truly annoyance. I might frown(皱眉) while listening to a non-native speaker,_ that would be because I am concentrating and listening hard to understand him. It wouldnt mean Im at all annoyed.4. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Generally speaking, joy_(express) by laughter. But as it

      8、 turns out, it reveals a lot more than the fact_you are happy. It enables listeners, even those who cannot observe you, _(realize) if you are having a good time with a close friend or laughing_(polite) with a complete stranger.At least, this is the conclusion_(reach) by a team of scientists led by Greg Bryant,_assistant professor of Communication Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. The researchers began by_(request) volunteers from across the world to send them audio clips(音频剪辑

      9、) of people laughing. The 48 tapes they received_(range) from recent recordings of laughter between two college friends _ones from conversations made ten years ago. The clips also had all possible _(combine)-communications between friends, strangers, all-male groups, all-female groups, etc.Bryan says that the results of this cross-cultural examination show that people all over the world know laughter in similar ways.5.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。While many countries love their tea, UK ci


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