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SIEMENS FDUL221线路测试仪说明书.pdf

  • 卖家[上传人]:飞****9
  • 文档编号:134140636
  • 上传时间:2020-06-03
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:565.71KB
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    • 1、Building Technologies Fire Safety Personal injuries or damage caused by disregarding safety instructions in the documentation or on the product Personal injuries or damage caused by poor maintenance or a lack of maintenance Standard symbols Result note Quotation reproduced identically see Cross reference Brackets contain supplementary text suggestions etc Technical terms Term Explanation MCL MC Link Maintenance and Commissioning Link Document identification Position Meaning Title page System nam

      2、es Product type Purpose of document Last page bottom left hand side Document number Edition date Last page bottom right hand side Manual Register Modification index Number Version Date Brief description 008250 b de 01 2005 New version with MCL interface 008250 a de 12 2004 Software version 2 5 6 Download You can find the current version of the documentation on our intranet Safety regulations 7 Building Technologies 008250 b en doc Fire Safety take the possibility of panic reactions into account

      3、Inform the alarm and fault receiving stations connected to the system before carrying out the tests Modifications to the system design and the products Modifications to a system or to individual products may cause faults or malfunctioning Please request written approval from us and the relevant authorities concerning in tended system modifications and system extensions Modules and spare parts Locally procured modules and spare parts must comply with the technical specifica tions laid down by the

      4、 manufacturer This compliance is always ensured for original spare parts supplied by us Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion Only use the specified battery type or an equivalent battery type recommended by the manufacturer Batteries require environmentally safe disposal They must be handed in at the local collecting points Please take into account that the extinguishing agent cylinders are pressurized

      5、 and must be exchanged in compliance with the local safety regulations Overview 11 Building Technologies 008250 b en doc Fire Safety the line topology read in can be stored on the PC The PC software CD is included in the line tester delivery the software can also be downloaded from the Intranet Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the Hotline Prior to startup the software must be installed on the computer connected to the line tester Additional contact informat

      6、ion can be found in the chapter Details for ordering Setup and function 13 Building Technologies 008250 b en doc Fire Safety otherwise reconfigure the device see Chapter Configuring the line tester 5 Press Enter The topology is read in automatically 6 Press Enter The menu Topology is displayed You can select the submenus by means of the Up Down buttons in the following sequence Line devices number of line devices on the detector line Messages faults on the detector line Line test resistance test

      7、 of the detector line Search sounder base Types overview line devices recognized by the line tester In the line topology that has been read in the buzzers become visible only after activating the function Search sounder base During this process the outputs of the detectors briefly become active Operation 20 Building Technologies 008250 b en doc Fire Safety on the other end the last line device is connected The line testers are connected in parallel to the detector line The figure below shows a s

      8、implified representation of a stub and the display indication 12345 109876 Fig 6 Stub Operation 21 Building Technologies 008250 b en doc Fire Safety all other detectors are not displayed The open line is located after the last displayed detector 6 4 2 Open line on the negative line An open line on the negative line is indicated by the line tester in Line Mode in the error list as open Loop When an open line is detected on a loop the line tester indicates two stub lines The open line is located b

      9、etween the last two detectors of the two stub lines Stub In case of an open line on a stub only the detectors before the open line location are recognized all other detectors are not displayed The open line is located after the last displayed detector 6 4 3 Short circuit Loop A short circuit is displayed by the line tester in Line Mode in the error list as open In addition the two detectors are displayed between which the short circuit on the line has occurred Stub A short circuit is displayed b

      10、y the line tester in Line Mode in the menu Supervision as open and open On a stub only the detectors before the shirt circuit location are recognized all other detectors are not displayed The open line is located after the last displayed detector Maintenance Troubleshooting 29 Building Technologies 008250 b en doc Fire Safety in addition the shielding must be connected to the ground connection of the line tester The line tester recognizes a ground fault on the shielding and indicates it in Line

      《SIEMENS FDUL221线路测试仪说明书.pdf》由会员飞****9分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SIEMENS FDUL221线路测试仪说明书.pdf》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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