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20春《综合英语(II)》作业2 My son walks toward mehis overstuffed carry on in his arms

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  • 上传时间:2020-06-02
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    • 1、20春综合英语(II)作业2 1 单选题 1 My son walks toward me, his overstuffed carry-on _ in his arms.A cradlingB cradlesC being cradledD cradled2 Her single Your Love Is King went straight into the British Top Ten _.A tableB scheduleC chartsD chart3 Between her third and fourth albums, there was a _ of four years.A gapB generationC spaceD time4 I watched people in the final moments before their_ ones arrive or depart.A lovingB loveC lovedD being loved5 The wife went on asking questions, _ she suddenly noticed

      2、a big hole in her husbands hat.A whileB asC whenD but6 We cant start the job _ we have the approval from the authority concerned.A untilB afterC whenD while7 The king permitted himself to be entertained _ music and a football match.A forB withC atD by8 The actual taking of exams plays a great _ in the general feeling of fear.A positionB partionC partD section9 It was _ a dangerous game _ kings actually banned.A so thatB such asC such thatD such like10 Venus has a temperature of 465, which makes

      3、it completely_.A habitaleB unhabitableC inhabitableD uninhabitable11 When you see your _ handwriting, you also wish that you had started revision earlier.A tidyB neatC intidyD untidy12 If the constellations appeared only once in a thousand years, could you imagine what an _ event it would be.A excitingB excitedC being excitedD excites13 Sade disliked the intense _ and enjoyed her obscurity.A opennessB publicityC publicD popularity14 She was very tired, _she kept on working.A althoughB neverthele

      4、ssC andD however15 My mother bought a _ brown carpet.A blackB heavyC darkD dull16 The suggested programme would have five_.A partionsB sectionsC stagesD periods17 He screamed when _ by any obstacle, real or imaginary.A confrontingB confrontsC having confrontedD confronted18 We all have found ourselves suffer the most severe _ over what we did.A complexesB confusionC wonderD mass19 Nowadays many women have done some horrendous things _ make themselves more beautiful.A so as toB as well asC soD as

      5、20 I did ask each neighbor the same simple but _ question.A momentalB momentaryC momentousD moment21 I have no willpower to force myself to sit down for hours _.A in endB at endC end onD on end22 Although people were _ to Sade, she enjoyed it.A differentB indifferentC indifferenceD undifferent23 He cant put the clock back, so he _ to the fact.A went backB retreatedC resignedD restored24 Sade herself is not clear _ why her UK fans stopped buying her albums.A asB as ofC as toD to25 This dance is popular _ young people.A inB amongC withD for

      《20春《综合英语(II)》作业2 My son walks toward mehis overstuffed carry on in his arms》由会员w****分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《20春《综合英语(II)》作业2 My son walks toward mehis overstuffed carry on in his arms》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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