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    • 1、英 语 试 卷第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。AThe dream to travel the world has always been in the mind of many. The national geographic and Discovery Channel videos are just not enough. You can only feel the excitement of experiencing all those fascinating wildlife, countryside or adventure tourism documentaries by traveling the world. Here are the best destination countries based on safety, culture, ease of transportation, and accommodation for single trave

      2、lers .Bali Island, IndonesiaThe cheapest of all countries to visit. Living in a comfortable room, having three meals a day and a few beers for only 25 dollars per day! Accommodation and goods are cheap everywhere, especially when you move further to the north.ItalyLined with olive trees, hilltop towns, and wonderful beaches, Italy is one of the most sought-after destinations; Not forgetting the wine and wine-cooked barbecues. All the cities of Italy are always full of tourists all year around.Vi

      3、etnamVietnam suburbs or the city of Hanoi is just where you need to be. Amazing landscapes, friendly locals, cheap food and affordable services. Cab services are a mere 10 dollars or less compared to cab services in the States which can get as high as 30 dollars for a couple of blocks away.FranceYou dont talk of France without mentioning Eiffel tower. At night, it gives the most incredible view of France. Avoid the long lines to the tower and book your trip earlier For Catholics or historians, a

      4、nd the Notre Dame and its surroundings will attract you with its ancient mummified (制成木乃伊的) cats, while Les Invalides military museum has all types of the world war weapons.21. Which country will probably be your choice if you like beaches?A. Indonesia. B. Vietnam. C. France D. Italy.22. What can you do in Bali Island?A. See mummified animals.B. Appreciate splendid scenery.C. Buy cheap things.D. Have wine-cooked barbecues.23. What can you infer from the text?A. You can take a taxi at only 25 dol

      5、lars in Vietnam.B. You can see different kinds of weapons in France.C. You can taste wine and barbecues from all over the world in Italy.D. You can spend only 10 dollars to have a comfortable day in Indonesia.BThough sometimes we may lose our ability to do something we love,passions dont have to end. Suzelle Poole of Dallas, Texas is living proof of that. The 79-year-old has been dancing for more than seven decades.Suzelle started ballet when she was just 7 years old, and her devotion only grew

      6、stronger as her talent increased in the following years. In fact, Suzelle was so talented that she went to perform all around the world! Like most professional ballerinas (芭蕾舞女),Suzelle expected a short-lived career. “When I was about 26,1 knew I only had a few years left,”she said. Its simply the nature of the art form because the movements are so hard on peoples bodies. But Suzelles body didnt wear out at 26 or even 56! At one point, she broke her arm but she was dancing again by the following

      7、 week.Nowadays she focuses on teaching the next generation of ballerinas at the Royale Ballet Dance Academy, where she and her students regularly perform for senior residents in assisted living facilities.Suzelle has become such an inspiration that CBS News reporter Steve Hartman and his 5-year-old daughter Meryl recently traveled to Dallas to interview her. Steves little girl couldnt wait to meet and dance with the woman she wants to become.During the interview, Suzelle shared a piece of wisdom

      8、: “Ballet helps everything,” she said. “If youre not feeling very well, you go to a ballet class, and you feel better after.” Meryl nodded knowingly. She also added, “Ballet could always cheer me up whenever I feel depressed.” Its no wonder Suzelle has no plans to hang up her pointed shoes. Why would she give up something that brings her so much joy?24.Why did Suzelle at her 26 think her career would end soon?A.The nature of the body didnt allow lasting performance.B.The audience didnt like her

      9、performance.C.She injured her arm in a training course.D.She had to look after her family.25.Why did Steve Hartman take his daughter Meryl to meet Suzelle?A.To help Meryl with her problems.B.To make Meryl experience a reporters work.C.To inspire Meryl to pursue her dancing dream.D.To realise Meryls dream of dancing with famous people.26.In Suzelles opinion, ballet dance _.A.benefits peoples mental healthB.should be taught at primary schoolC.is less attractive to the youngD.raises peoples interest in art27.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph probably mean?A.Suzelle will go to find other joy of life.B.Suzelle will carry on her ballet career.C.Suzelle will put away her ballet shoes.D.Suzelle will devote herself to art teaching.CCamping is a good way to spend time along with your kids and to show them how wonderf


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