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    • 1、爱家乡高中英语演讲稿3篇 英语演讲稿的特点是:思维严密、逻辑性强、语言精炼、表达有力、结构多变、节奏感强。以下是整理了爱家乡高中英语演讲稿3篇,供你参考。 爱家乡高中英语演讲稿篇1 my hometown is lhasa, the largest city on the roof of the world. it is the heart and soul of tibet. i think lhasa is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. it is surrounded by towering mountains and rarely a day goes by when you don t see the deep blue sky. lhasa river is flowing quietly around the city. lhasa is the mixture of tradition and fashion. firstly, lhasa has a long history. it is the pol

      2、itical, cultural and economic center of tibet. it has lots of famous sights to offer. the potala palace is the most famous, a magnificent and wonderful place to look at. in my opinion it is a unique artistic achievement of the tibetan people. likewise, the architecture, carvings and paintings throughout the city show hard work, wisdom and bravery of our people. secondly, led by the reforming and opening policy of china, lhasa has changed a lot. many new things have arrived up here, changing the

      3、face of the city. the old and new lie side by side in lhasa. many new buildings, schools and roads have been built here. furthermore, the qingzang railway leading to lhasa is being built. many shopping centers have been opened, and modern technology like telecommunications is spreading. the whole city looks prosperous, and our tibetan people take on a new look. every festival, people walk around freely on the new, wide and smooth streets, wearing the beautiful traditional costumes. right now, i

      4、am looking forward to a festival called shoduml;n which comes in june for eating yoghurt. at this time, all my family and i gather for a picnic together at the norbulinka, a famous garden. in the garden, we sing tibetan songs, dance guo zhuang on the grass; eat zanba, drink butter tea and barley beer on the beautiful carpet as well. we enjoy our life. i think that this festival exhibits the open-minded and optimistic character of the tibetan people. finally, i love my hometown. i love the people

      5、 in my hometown. thank you. tashidele. 爱家乡高中英语演讲稿篇2 I love hometown My hometown is not known, but in my eyes, the rivers and mountains of his home, plants are the most beautiful. Do not believe? Listen to me then to introduce the Four Seasons bar! Spring dream home just as the baby woke up, it looked Zhang curious eyes of the world: the swaying willow of hair, grass from the land out of the small head, is also pressing wildflowers River from the ground up, the light emitting fragrance. Flying Sw

      6、allow flew back from the South, and chirp in the branches and calls, and the spring air is filled with every corner. Summer, the home was surrounded by lush trees, thick foliage in brilliant sunshine all the more lush. Cicadas in the trees kept the cicada, cicada singing, old people leisurely sitting under a tree, slowly shaking fans, and children eating ice cream, chasing each other in the streets, playing, and to add hot summer endless vitality. Fall, like put home a golden dress, blowing in t

      7、he wind, the leaf pieces flying in the air. The golden fields of corn, rice farmersuncles face shine with the joy of the harvest, from the height look down, ah! Good a golden world. Winter, the snowflakes floating in the air to put on a white home.the streets of the thick snow, step up a creak sound, children with snowmen, snowball fights, and that the laughter turned into a cold winters well-being of the park. I love the rivers and mountains of his home, plants, love every one of its sky, every

      8、 inch of land, each stream. It is willing to develop faster, and build the United States and more. I feel my hometown proud! 爱家乡高中英语演讲稿篇3 I believe we all know that we are striving to Dongguan,the national civilized city,so we need no extra points,Dongguan civilization.Dongguan What is the result of civilization?Dongguan because of you,my civilization and civilized.Our Dongguan If there is no corresponding state of mind,environmental atmosphere and civilized behavior,there would be no civilizati

      9、on,Dongguan,Dongguan,includes both material civilization,Dongguan,also includes the spirit of Dongguan,Dongguan,the spirit of all of us who need a common,a long-term efforts.Civilization is a step forward in scientific thinking,behavior of the upright habit of improvement,the improvement of cultivation,quality upgrading; it is the liberation of humanity,freedom,perfection and beyond.Growth from an educational point of view,civilization is on a farewell to the ignorance and vulgarity,is conscious control of human nature to overcome and defeat does not meet the social,legal,discipline,morality instincts desire is to their mutual hostility from each other to prevent the liberation of out,from the war to liberate the soul from the narrow utilitarian and secular fetters freed .the reality of our growth and development needs call for the return of civilization,recon


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