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    • 1、www AST AST MODULARAST MODULAR SMART BUNKERSMART BUNKER MODULAR ROOMSMODULAR ROOMS COOLING SOLUTIONSCOOLING SOLUTIONS 1 MARC FAIG CHIEF INNOVATION OFFICER MARC FAIG CHIEF INNOVATION OFFICER AST MODULAR AST MODULAR www AST SMART BUNKERSMART BUNKER 2 www AST Smart Bunker Data Center in a rack 3 www AST Why Smart Bunker Instead of a technical room provide a plug play one rack datacenter solution 4 www AST Fire Flood Vandalism Earthquake EM Interf Temperature Humidity Why Smart Bunker Provide increa

      2、sed protection for critical equipment 5 www AST Plug and play datacenter Makes your life easier and provides a datacenter ready for productionavoiding time and effort Same featuresof a normal datacenter Indoor and outdoor deployment Can work in an office or under extreme conditions Can be taylor made from 8 Us to 48 Us with your logo Customizablein terms of look and feel Can be easily relocated and fits through your door 6 Key Benefits www AST 7 2 Structure Types RF120 BASIC INSULATION www AST S

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      5、nvironmental conditions for all the IT equipment mounted inside the interior 19 rack Dimensions 23U 37U or 46U Other sizes available 2 types of insulation RF120 and RF30 Protects the most import asset of any company data Helps business continuity under a catastrophic event Smart Bunker highlights 16 www AST 2 types of insulation RF120 RF30 Smart Bunker Product Range 17 RF120HeightWeight 23U54 92 1 395 mm 1 055 lbs 475 Kg 37U78 54 1 995 mm 1 507 lbs 685 Kg 46U94 29 2 395 mm 1 555 lbs 770 Kg Width

      6、 32 28 820 mm Depth 53 58 1 361 mm RF30HeightWeight 23U48 62 1 325 mm 825 lbs 375 Kg 37U75 79 1 925 mm 1 232 lbs 560 Kg 46U91 53 2 325 mm 1 320 lbs 600 Kg Width 32 28 820 mm Depth 46 85 1 190 mm www AST Extremely robust construction Front door for access and back panel for an easy maintenance Fire protection RF120 minutes acc to EN13501 or Basic insulation Water and dust tightness IP55 Optional IP66 Thermal protection Electro magneticprotection EMI RCI 22dB Security door WK3 optional Standing le

      7、gs wheels optional Smart Bunker Specifications 18 www AST Alternative Configurations 19 www AST Customizations 20 www AST Application examples Local authorities hospitals city halls schools police Stations government buildings etc Military Oil Gas Mining SMBs Bigger corporations with sites in different locations Professional organizations lawyers solicitors engineers dentists doctors Ideal solution to protect CRITICAL servers email or data Storage units disk units NAS SAN etc 21 www AST MODULAR

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      9、lable design redundancies possible www AST 25 2 NON ISO Modular Datacenter DESIGNATIONMODULE SIZENUMBER OF RACKS 25 DC MODULE25 10 45 DC MODULE45 20 www AST 3 DATACENTER MODULAR ROOMS Modularity Possibility of future expansion Fast and secure assembly Adaptability to dimensions and shapes of the present room Construction without supporting columns in middle of room except existing columns in actual room Mechanical assembly clean and dust free Prefabricated solution Panels with possibility of reu

      10、sability in case of movement Lacked metallic surface diminishing in situ painting High mechanical resistance Kit Type Shelter IKEA type www AST What is the business value of using MDC Fast Time to MarketFast Time to Market 12 to 18 weeks for modular vs 12 to 24 months for traditional Scalable OPEXScalable OPEX 20 to 40 improvements in Energy Efficiency No overcooling or over powering of buildings Faster depreciation than bricks and mortar Environmentally friendly Scalable CAPEX Scalable CAPEX TR


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