安卓APP | ios版本
安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:资****亨
  • 文档编号:133209812
  • 上传时间:2020-05-25
  • 文档格式:PPT
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    • 1、 Afineday Lesson33 Whatishedoing Heissharpeningthepencil Whatisshedoing Sheistakingoffhercoat Whatisitdoing Itisdrinkingthemilk Whatisshedoing Sheisshuttingthedoor Whatisshedoing Sheistypingaletter Whatisshedoing Sheisemptyingabasket Whatisitdoing Itiseatingabone Whatishedoing Heiscleaninghisteeth Whatisshedoing Sheiscookingameal Whoiscookingameal Whatisshecooking Whatisshedoing Sheislookingatthepicture Whoislookingatthepicture Whatisshelookingat Whatishedoing Heisturningonthelight Whoisturningo

      2、nthelight Whatisheturningon Whatisshedoing Sheisturningoffthetap Whoisturningoffthetap Whatissheturningoff cook shave sleep cooking shaving sleeping type typing sit sitting shut shutting 直接加ing 以不发音的e结尾 去掉e再加ing 以重读闭音节结尾的动词 如果末尾只有一个辅音字母 应先双写这个辅音字母 再加ing 写出下列的动词的现在分词形式1 run2 make3 shine4 take5 walk6 fly7 empty8 cry9 shut10 put11 dust12 shave day de n 日子cloud kla d n 云sky ska n 天空sun s n n 太阳shine a n v 照耀with w prep 和 在一起family f m l n 家庭 成员 walk w k v 走路 步行over v prep 跨越 在 之上bridge br d n 桥boat

      3、b t n 船river r v n 河ship p n 轮船aeroplane e r ple n n 飞机fly fla v 飞 day n It safineday dayandnight日日夜夜dayafterday日复一日cloud c e g Therearesomecloudsinthesky blackclouds乌云cloudyadj 多云的cloudless无云的 sky u intheskysky blue天蓝色sunsunriseabeautifulsunrisesunsetabeautifulsunsetsunglassessunnyasunnyroom asunnydayshinev Thesunshineseveryday Thesunisshiningsunshine阳光的照射 sunlightYou remysunshineaftertherain 你是我雨后的阳光 walkv nwalkhomegooutforawalkWewalktoschooleveryday Let sgooutforawalk overprep跨越 在 之上walkovert

      4、hebridge walkonthebridge flyovertheriver jumpoverthefence over强调过程 从一端到另一端 而on强调位置onbeneathThereisavillagebeneaththehillsaboveThebookisabovemeontheshelf belowPutthedeskbelowthepicture overThebridgeisovertheriver under withprepbewith 和 一起I mwithmyparents Theyarewiththeirchildren familyn家庭 成员 Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily familydoctorhome抽象的概念MyhomeisinChina house房子结构 建筑物本身Willyoucometomyhousetomorrow family家庭成员关系 boatboatraceinthesameboatriverTherearesomeboatsonth

      5、eriver Therearemanyfishesintheriver shipspaceshipaeroplane 正式 airplane 正式 plane 非正式 flyv飞 飞行AnaeroplaneisflyingovertheriverflyakiteImustflyI mflyingtoLondontomorrow n 苍蝇nothurtafly 非常善良 天空云太阳照耀家庭 成员 和 一起走路 步行 words sun cloud shine sky family with walk bridge over river boat ship aeroplane fly 桥跨越河小船轮船飞机飞 Completewords cl d n f m ly sh ne b t w th s sh p aer pl ne w k br ge r v v bridge cloud shine family clouds sky sun walk boat boats river ship aeroplane 1 WhatisSallylookingat 2 WhereistheJones

      6、family Questions 5 Arethereanyboatsontheriver 4 Whoiswalkingoverthebridge 3 Arethereanycloudsinthesky 6 WhatareMr Jonesandhiswifedoing 2 Isitacolddaytoday 7 What sTimdoing 8 Whatistheaeroplanedoing 1 Itisafinedaytoday 今天是个大晴天 英语中 表示天气内容的句子通常以Itis 开头 Itisrainingnow 天正在下雨 2 Therearesomecloudsinthesky 天上飘着几朵云 1 这是一个典型的 therebe 结构的句子 因为句子的主语 someclouds 是复数 所以句型用 thereare 2 在天上 的表达式 inthesky 而不是 onthesky Therearesomebirdsinthesky 天上有一些小鸟 3 Mr Jonesiswithhisfamily 琼斯先生同他的家人在一起 with是个介词 后面常常跟名词或者代词来做它的

      7、宾语 bewithsb 和某人在一起 4 Family1 家庭Ihaveahappyfamily 我有一个幸福的家庭 2 家庭成员Myfamilyareallworkers 我们家都是工人 family在表示 家庭 意思的时候是一个单数的可数名词 family在表示 家庭成员 的时候是一个集合名词 本身表示复数 Sallyislookingatabigship Theshipisgoingunderthebridge 5 Sallyislookingatabigship 萨莉正在看着一艘大船 lookat是一个动词词组 学生们正在看着黑板 Thestudentsarelookingattheblackboard Itisafinedaytoday Mr Jonesiswithhisfamily Theyarewalkingoverthebridge Therearesomecloudsinthesky butthesunisshining Fillintheblankswithsuitablewords Timislookingatanaeroplane Therearesomeboa

      8、tsontheriver Theshipisgoingunderthebridge Mr Jonesandhiswifearelookingatthem Sallyislookingatabigship Theaeroplaneisflyingovertheriver Fillintheblankswithsuitablewords 1 sun shining is the 4 at an is Tim aeroplane looking 5 over the is the flying aeroplane river 2 a looking is big Sally at ship 3 the bridge under is ship the going 组词成句 6 bridge walking are they over the 7 them lookingat and Mr Jones are hiswife Whataretheydoing Lesson34 Whatarethecooksdoing Theyarecooking cook Whatarethechildren

      9、doing Theyaresleeping sleep Whatarethemendoing Theyareshaving shave Whatarethechildrendoing Theyarecrying cry Whatarethewomendoing Theyaretypingletters typeletters Whatarethechildrendoing Theyaredoingtheirhomework dotheirhomework Whataretheydoing Theyarewashingdishes washdishes Whataretheydoing Theyarewalkingoverthebridge walkoverthebridge Whataretheydoing Theyarewaitingforabus waitforabus Whatarethechildrendoing Theyarejumpingoffthewall jumpoffthewall Whataretheydoing Theyaresleeping Whataretheydoing Theyarecrying Whataretheydoing Theyarewashing Whataretheydoing Theyarewaiting Whataretheydoing Theyarejumping Whataretheydoing Theyarecooking Whataretheydoing Theyareflying Whataretheydoing Theyareeating Thankyou


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