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    • 1、2016.12九年级英语第三次大联考参考答案1. W: Tim, do you know when was the computer invented? BM: Of course. It was invented in 1946.2. Can I smoke here? BSorry. You mustnt smoke in the cinema.3. W: Whose pen is this? AM: It might belong to Mary. I saw that she used a black pen like this yesterday.4. W:How many people will go to the concert? AM:Ten if the twin brothers can come.5. W: Do you think it is necessary to have a robot in the house?M: Yes. A robot can help human beings do everything. A6. W:Jack, look at

      2、 your hair. Its too long. You should cut your hair. CM:Mom, long hair makes me look cool7. W: Are you allowed to go out with your friends on weekends, Jeff? 7. BM: Yes. Actually I will have a picnic with Toby and Jimmy this Saturday.8W: How do you like the singing group? CM: I hear they write their own music. But I dont think they sang well.听下面一段长对话回答910小题。答案:BAHello, Gina! What are you going to do?I am going to color my hair.Color your hair? What color do you like?Yellow. I want to be cool.But

      3、students shouldnt be allowed to color their hair.It doesnt matter. I am eighteen years old. I am not a kid anymore.You are still a student. You cant break the school rules.听第二段对话,回答第11至12小题。 1112. AB W: So, what do you want to watch on TV tonight? M: Well, whats on? W: Hmm. There is a talk show on BTV 8. M: No. You know I dont like talk shows. W: Well, thenAh, heres something. Do you want to watch a movie, Star Wars? Its on CCTV 6. M: No. Ive seen it twice. Id like to see something different. W:

      4、 OK. Lets see whats on CCTV 5. A basketball game, but . . . but I guess . . . M: Oh, great. You know I like basketball so much.听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。1315. A B CW: What do you think is the most important invention, Dad?M: I think the most important invention is the light bulb.W: Why do you think so?M: Because we can not see anything in the dark without it.W: I dont think so, Dad. I think the most important inventions are the telephone and the computer.M: Do you know who invented the telephone?W: Yes

      5、. Alexander Bell.W: The final exam was finally over. 1618 AACM: Thats right. Did you do it well?W: Not very well. The science almost killed me. I only finished half of the questions. And I made many mistakes when I was taking the math test. How about you? M: Just so-so. I didnt do well in my English test. By the way, do you have any plans for the summer vacation?W: Yeah, I want to going swimming every afternoon. And you?M: I havent decided where to go. Do you have any good ideas?W: Why not pay a

      6、 visit to Dalian? I have been to the Ocean Park several times. Its very interesting there. You can even take pictures with dolphins.M: Sounds great. Ill discuss it with my family. Thanks a lot.短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容及问题,选择正确的答案。答案:1922. CCBC Im a student at Hope Middle School. Our school is very big and beautiful. There is also a big playground and a small garden. Our teachers are all very kind and friendly. They work hard and teach us very well. There are twenty girls and fifteen boys in our class. We

      7、 all get on well with each other. We work hard at all our subjects. We have a lot of rules at our school. For example, we have to come to school on time. We are not allowed to get to class late. We have to wear school uniforms every day. We cant go out with friends on school nights. We are not allowed to get our ears pierced. We think our school rules should be changed so that it is good for studying. I love my school.你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。Of all the things we eat and drink,

      8、 water is the most important. Not many people understand this but it is quite true. The human body can go without food for a long time, but two or three days without water usually make people dead. Many people do not understand how much water the human body needs and many people do not drink enough of it. In hot weather, many people prefer to drink cola. Most people drink water when they are thirsty. They often need more water especially when they take exercise. A mans body has 65% to 70% water. If we do not have enough water, we will feel tired and may become ill.28.-35. DBCD BCBA4145 CBADD 4650CBCBD 5155 CBBAC51-60 wild has life trees carry well Another so to control usually四、阅读理解 (30分)A) 61-63 DBC 64. C65. B66. C67. A 68-71. DCA D 7275 BABDB) 76. B77. D78. E79. A80. C五、补全对话81、Could you please tell me how to get there?82. Is it far from here?83. Can I take the bus to get there?84. Which bus should I take?85. Thank you very much.11


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