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    • 1、臺東縣立初鹿國民中學八十八學年度第一學期第二次段考英語科三年級試題 三年 班 號姓名:A、 聽力測驗:20B、 文字測驗部份:80一、 發音(選發音不同者):5 【 】1. jlooked kstopped lwashed mavoided 【 】2. jtaught kbought lsaw mfollow 【 】3. jdictionary kstation lquestion mvacation 【 】4. jdead ksteak lheavy mhead 【 】5. jborn kworld lword mwork二、 文意字彙:20_1. Whats the d_e between living and dead languages?_2. If we are good in English, we will have more o_es in life._3. English is studied by millions of people as a languages._4. I saw a terrible a_t near our school yesterday.

      2、_5. Like in many other cities, living in Taipei is very c_t._6. Living in the city can be , too._7. Well, t_c rules should always be followed._8. Eric was born in a small in Nantou._9. We should not study English only because it is a school s_t._10. Languages grow when new words are .三、選擇題:20 【 】1. The students _ when the teacher walked into the classroom. (jwere talking ktalked lare talking mtalk) 【 】2. John didnt ride his bike carefully and _. (jhurt kis hurt lgot hurt mhurts himself) 【 】3. He

      3、s never been to Nantou, _ he? (jis khas lisnt mhasnt) 【 】4. If it _ tomorrow, we will go to Yangmingshan. (jisnt rain kwill rain lwont rain mdoesnt rain) 【 】5. E-mail is _ to me. I dont even know how to use it. (jfunny kstrange linteresting museful) 【 】6. _ people watched the exciting game. (jTwo thousands kTwo thousands of lThousands mThousands of) 【 】7. _ its raining, _ we cant have fun. (jBecause; X kSo; X lSo; because mBecause; so) 【 】8. A dictionary can _ in a bookstore. (jbuy kbe bought lb

      4、ought mis bought) 【 】9. English is used by over 600 _ people today. (jmillions kmillions of lmillion of mmillion) 【 】10. I _ out the garbage yet. (jhavent taken khave taken ltook mam taking)四、選擇適當的動詞,並用適當的形式填入空格中:14 break bump happen hurt stop take talk walk Yesterday morning I saw an accident on my way to school. I _ along the street with my friends when the accident _. A motorcyclist _ into a car and was badly _. He _ his leg and could not move. Then he _ to the hospital right away. It was the

      5、 car drivers fault. He did not _ for the red light. He was talking on the car phone at that time. 五、依提示作答:12(任選四題)多對一題加2分1. People eat rice in Taiwan. 2. The dishes were washed by Mr. Wang .(改成被動) (改成主動)_ _ 3. The room should be vacuumed by Peter. 4. We should practice English every day. (改成主動) (改成被動) _ _ 5. Alice didnt make that cake. 6. The words cannot be seen clearly. (改成被動) (改成主動) _ _六、中翻英:9(任選三題)多對一題加3分 1. 要是明天天氣好,我就去打籃球。 2. 拉丁文再也不被講了。 _ _ 3. 那公車上的人呢? 4. 那位機車騎士超速。 _ _ 臺東縣立初鹿國民中學八十八學年度第一學期第

      6、二次段考英語科三年級試題 三年 班 號姓名:A、 聽力測驗:20一、 請選出老師唸的句子或單字:5 ( )1. jYou will have a big exam tomorrow. kYou will forget bring your homework.lYou will have a big typhoon.mYou will have questions about your lessons. ( )2. jDecember 25th is Christmas Day. kDecember 25th is called Christmas Day. lDecember 31th is New Years Eve.mDecember 31th is called New Years Eve. ( )3. jThese letters were written by Grandmother.kThese letters werent written by Grandmother.lThe little boy was taken to the doctor.mThe little

      7、boy wasnt taken to the doctor. ( )4. jBeautiful dresses can be found there.kBeautiful toys can be found here.lBoys will be taken to the hospital.mBoys will not be seen at a theater. ( )5. jtaught kbought lcould mshould 二、聽老師唸句子,並根據剛讀完的一篇文章,指出各句是否正確:5 1.【 】 2.【 】 3.【 】 4.【 】 5.【 】A. When Eric was ten, he moved with his family and has lived there since then.B. Eric enjoys the country life. C. Living in the city can be dangerous, because there are many department stores.D. The traffic has become a very big problem in Taipei.E. If people follow the traffic rules, a lot of accidents could be avoided.三、選出與圖案相同的句子:10 1.【 】 2.【 】 3.【 】 4.【


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