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    • 1、Phases of Business Negotiation商务谈判的阶段Business negotiations are conducted in the following four phases: the preparation phase(准备阶段); the opening phase(开始阶段): 1.proposal:exploration(试探), bidding(报价); 2. reflecting the bargaining phase(讨价还价阶段): bidding & bargain the closing phase(结束阶段):settling(成交) and ratifying(批准)笼统一点分就是:Pre-negotiation (前期准备阶段)Face-to face negotiation (面对面谈判阶段) : the opening phase(开始阶段): 1.proposal:exploration(试探), bidding(报价); 2. reflecting the bargaining phase(讨价还价阶段):bidding

      2、& bargainthe closing phase(结束阶段):settling(成交), ratifying(批准)Post-negotiation (谈判后期阶段):summary of the negotiation (谈判总结) 评估谈判过程 评估对手 评估谈判对手 评估谈判结果For word meaning and business value might differ. If there is some negative feedback, it might cause another round face-to-face negotiation. Therefore, the terms agreed on should be read to each after the concessions are exchanged. The discussions should be held by means of minutes of the meeting. Or something unpleasant or unexpected might happen in th

      3、e later on course of implementation of the contract unless both sides paid enough attention to every detail. Its best to confirm that both sides understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the table.Modules of Business Negotiation商务谈判的环节Enquiry & Reply (询价与答复)Offer & Counter-offer (报盘与还盘)Acceptance & Conclusion of a Contract (接受与签订合同).Note: For word meaning and business value might differ. If there is some negative feedback, it might cause another round face-to-face negotiation.

      4、Therefore, the terms agreed on should be read to each after the concessions are exchanged. The discussions should be held by means of minutes of the meeting. Or something unpleasant or unexpected might happen in the later on course of implementation of the contract unless both sides paid enough attention to every detail. Its best to confirm that both sides understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the table.The Preparation Phase准备阶段The pre-negotiation stage starts from the firs

      5、t contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other is shown. From this stage on, both sides begin to understand each others needs, declare values and evaluate the benefits of entering the process of this negotiation. This stage is usually more important than the formal negotiations in the international business relationship. Social and informal relationships between negotiators, trust and confidence in each other are of great help. Both sides also start to form thei

      6、r strategy for face-to-face negotiation as well as try to foresee and take precautions against possible events. To be fully prepared before negotiations, negotiators will have to take into consideration the following aspects: the negotiation team, gathering of information, and the negotiation brief.谈判的准备阶段从双方有意合作的第一次接触时就开始了。双方开始了解各自的需求,声明价值,估计进入这次谈判所能获得的各项利益。这个阶段通常比国际商务关系中正规的面对面谈判还要重要。谈判者之间各种正式或非正式的社会关系、彼此的信任及信心都会对谈判有很大的影响。在这个阶段,双方也开始制订面对面的策略,预测各种可能发生的事件,并对此采取积极地预防措施。要在谈判前做好充分的准备,谈判者应考虑以下几方面:谈判队

      7、伍的组成,信息的获取可信性研究,谈判计划(制定谈判议程,制定谈判目标,谈判方案,策略应用)。1. Choosing your team2. Gathering of information:谈判队伍组成后,第一步,也是最重要的一步,就是获取信息。谈判开始前,尽可能多地了解你的客户或合作伙伴。各方面信息都需要,包括财务的、市场的、技术的、政策方面的、甚至是某个执行官的背景;接着就是分析各种信息,不仅从你方的立场或观点来考虑,也要从对方的角度来分析对方的目标和喜好。1) Obtaining information: the political system(政治系统), the legal system(法律系统), the business system(商业系统), the financial system(财政系统), infrastructure and logistic system(基础设施和物流系统),the counterpart(谈判对手)2) Analyzing information: 以项目为例 to ensure the feasibility.a) politi

      8、cal and social background: It should include the description of the project idea, its historical development, studies and investigations already performed. b) social and economic analysis: impact the project will make on the society, or the development of a certain area, c) detailed analysis: describing the technology the equipment that will be used in the project and the benefit obtained after its operation. For example, analysis should be made regarding the relationship between the market dema

      9、nd and the plant capacity together with its production program and its marketing strategy, the basis for the selection of materials and inputs require for the manufacturing as well as its supply system. d) location and site,:e) main costs, f) manpower, g) schedule implementation, h) financial and economic evaluation3) The negotiation brief(谈判纪要):a) The negotiation brief: It is in written form and manager responsible for the outcome of the negotiation signs it. It should be an explicit statement of the target objective.The brief should: Define the objective in terms of the major issues to be discussed. State the minimum acceptable level for each of the major items.Price, Terms of payment, D


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