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课时作业(九) Warming Up & Reading

  • 卖家[上传人]:ya****8
  • 文档编号:127823672
  • 上传时间:2020-04-06
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:707.26KB
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    • 1、Unit 5 Travelling abroad 课时作业课时作业 九九 Warming Up Reading 单词拼写 1 It is a 安慰 to know that all the mine workers are in safety 2 The students are busy making 准 备 for the college entrance examination 3 Can you 推荐 a reasonably priced hotel in this city 4 What sort of 资格 do you need for the job 5 I cannot meet your 要求 6 Helen was fully 忙于 with business matters so we didn t want to bother her 7 Eva s busy 起草 her speech for the conference 8 This is a generally 承认 fact 9 She is a woman of great 事业心 10 Prof

      2、essor Watson is leaving the 学术的 world to take a job in industry 单项填空 1 2013 六安高二月考 I am afraid what you said yesterday what you are doing A compares B constructs C communicates D contradicts 2 His sacrifices for the country were never officially which made all of us feel discouraged 版权所有 21 教育 A acknowledged B appealed C recommended D evaluated 3 2013 安庆高二质检 The manager said to the employees Good work good pay A observes B deserts C deserves D reserves 4 Daddy I can pronounce these words You are

      3、 doing very well A Keep it up B Keep up with C Make it up D Catch it up 5 2013 合肥高二检测 We tried our best to make our garden its surroundings A fit in B fit in with C fit up with D to fit in with 6 They tried to hard plastics for metals in manufacturing machine parts A replace B substitute C take the place of D give way to 7 Obama that the world is changing and they can t control every event A allowed B acknowledged C urged D declared 8 We have contacted the families of all those workers missing i

      4、n Sudan and tried to them said the man in charge A distribute B donate C comfort D annoy 9 Hi guys If you make no for the coming examinations you are more likely to fail A preparations B qualifications C destinations D competitions 10 There was a knock at the door It was the second time someone me that evening A had interrupted B would have interrupted C to have interrupted D to interrupt 11 How shall we go to that airport Well I recommend a taxi A to take B taking C to taking D take 12 Tom rece

      5、ived a promotion to the role of assistant manager and he is the youngest person to that post in this international company A adopt B occupy C acquire D seek 13 The victims made a n that food and shelter should be provided at once A requirement B decision C guarantee D announcement 14 It was foolish of him to his notes during that important test and as a result he got punished 2 1 c n j y A stick to B refer to C keep to D point to 15 As far as their success they are lucky but no one knows what di

      6、fficulty they have suffered A is conducted B is resigned C is succeeded D is concerned 完形填空 Four years ago I went to the USA to improve my English My 1 plan was to be in Seattle for one month 2 then go to Japan to study Japanese for 3 month Once in Japan I felt I was lacking something in my life and not 4 my new life I decided to return to Seattle in search for new skills and training Upon my return to the USA I studied at a 5 school for six months and while doing that I 6 the community college

      7、market in Seattle After 7 costs programs distance to the city of Seattle and 8 I decided to attend the Graphic Imaging and Printing Technology program 9 by Seattle Central Community College I hold a four year degree in Advertising 10 I thought that learning about printing 11 give me the chance to gain hands on experience and 12 myself to the advertising industry in the Seattle area This is exactly 13 happened Besides discovering an excellent field to adding my 14 in advertising I was also offere

      8、d a job by the International Education department at the college Then the 15 experience suddenly became more touchable and my decision to 16 study in the USA started to make very good 17 18 first as an office assistant and then as a member of the marketing team at the college gave me customer service office and very good advertising development skills Within the first year of working at the college I had the chance 19 my ideas and actually start to get them 20 The remaining two years as an SCCC

      9、worker opened up a new horizon in my life 1 A own B first C original D private 2 A and B or C while D but 3 A other B another C the other D another one 4 A get used to B used to C used D used to live in 5 A printing B industry C language D marketing 6 A researched B searched C looked D entered 7 A compared B comparing C judged D determining 8 A price B conditions C surroundings D convenience 9 A offered B performed C offering D supplying 10 A however B then C therefore D yet 11 A used to B ought

      10、 to C would D should 12 A bring B take C introduce D carry 13 A which B that C as D what 14 A field B career C study D income 15 A real learning B true learning C learning real D learning true 16 A go in for B go back to C get down to D get along with 17 A sense B effect C influence D result 18 A To work B Working C Having worked D Being worked 19 A carrying on B to carry out C showing D to show 20 A to produce B to be produced C being produced D produced 阅读理解 Consulates 领事馆 exist to help citize

      《课时作业(九) Warming Up & Reading》由会员ya****8分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《课时作业(九) Warming Up & Reading》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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