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    • 1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandasPart 6 Self Check自我检测,综合提升一、读音标,写单词。1 /zu/pnd/elfnt/ zoo panda elephant 2 /slip/nml/streli/ sleep animal Australia 3 /kjut/dend(r)/f(r)get/ cute danger forget 4 /kl/lan/frendli/ kill lion friendly 5 /sev/tag(r)/drf/ save tiger giraffe 二、单元语法过关。( B )1There is _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant is from Africa.Aa; The Ban; The C/; AnDa; An( B )2_ do you like pandas? _ theyre cute.AWhy; because BWhy; Because CWhat; Because DWhich; Because( A )3Mr. Li is kind _us. But some

      2、times he is kind _ serious.Ato; of Bwith; to Cof; to Dof; of ( B )4The old man is_ to me. We are _Afriendly; friend Bfriendly; friends Cfriend; friend Dfriend; friendly( B )5What will global warming(全球变暖)bring us? Scientists have given us a clear list.Anews Bdangers Csubjects Drules( C )6Da Shan is _ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very _.Agood; good Bwell; well Cgood; well Dwell; good( D )7Tom doesnt like thrillers because its _.Afunny Binteresting Cexciting Dscary( B )8What can I do for you?

      3、I hope I have a nice house _ a big garden.Aof Bwith Cfrom Dabout( C )9Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning. It doesnt mater. Dont forget _ it here this afternoon. Aleft; to take Bforgot; bringing Cleft; to bring Dforgot; to bring( B )10Lets go to the zoo on Saturday! _.AExcuse me BGood idea CYoure welcome DThanks三、配对阅读专练。左栏是对五种动物的描述,请从右栏中选择相应的信息。并将答案的字母编号填写在答卷相应的位置。( B )1They live in Africa. They are tall, big and heavy. They have long teeth and long noses. They like to live in gro

      4、ups. They can remember well and never get lost. ( A )2They are white and black. They have a round face and a fat body. They only live in China. Bamboo leaves is their favorite food.( D )3They only eat meat. They are dangerous. They live in the mountains and forests. They are called the “King of All Animals”.( E )4Most of them are family member pets. They like sleeping in the day and getting up at night. They like eating fish and playing with balls. They can catch mice(老鼠).( G )5When they are sma

      5、ll, we can call them chickens. When they get old, we can call them cocks or hens. Hens can lay eggs. We often have eggs and chicken for meals. AThere are three pandas in the zoo of my hometown. Although they sleep during the day, I like them very much, I like the baby panda best.BI like elephants a lot. They are heavy but I think they are lovely. But my sister Lucy doesnt like it. I want to Africa to see them one day. CI have a dog named Ahuang. I like her and often play with her. She has four b

      6、abies now. I often take them to go for a walk after supper. DThere are few tigers in the world now. I think everyone in the world can protect(保护)them. As we all know, animals are our friends.EMy sister Mary has a pet cat named Mimi. The cat likes eating fish very much. My parents often buy fish for the cat. But I dont like it.FThere are many animals in the zoo. I often go to the zoo with my parents on the weekend. I think its a good place to spend time. GI often have two eggs for the breakfast.

      7、My grandmother gives us many eggs, because there are many hens in her farm. 四、短文填空。I have a pet. It is a lovely cat. Her 1 is Kitty and she is three 2 old. Her eyes are green 3 she is quite small. She is only about 2 kilograms. She is usually very friendly and quiet. 4 she is scary when she is angry. She can scratch(抓伤)and bite(咬)Her 5 food is fish. Usually she 6 cat food from a tin. She likes milk if it is not too cold. She likes 7 in a basket. When she is not sleeping, she plays 8 balls. She d

      8、oes not like dogs and she hates the rain. Kitty is a very good friend but sometimes she is very 9 . She never worries about anything because she knows we will always look after 10 .1 name 2 years 3 and 4 But 5 favorite 6 eats 7 sleeping 8 with 9 lazy 10 her 五、读写综合。A信息归纳。There are lots of animals in Peoples Zoo. Let me introduce(介绍)some of them. This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. This is Ling Ling. She is five years old. She is very beautiful, but shes very shy, so please be quiet. This is Bill. Isnt he cute ? He is from Australia.


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