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沪教版英语八年级下册第八单元8B Unit 8 More practice习题含答案

  • 卖家[上传人]:副**
  • 文档编号:127665083
  • 上传时间:2020-04-04
  • 文档格式:DOCX
  • 文档大小:16.88KB
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    • 1、8B Unit 8 More practice习题含答案一 用所给词适当形式填空1. After _ (do) my homework, I went back to my room to rest.2. I _ (open) the door of the classroom at 7:00am this morning.3. Women like going _ (shop) with friends together.4. _ (sudden) a light went on and it got bright at once.5. What _ (happen) to Mikes fridge when it was working.二 阅读理解At the Barbers ShopJack went to a barbers shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result(结果). When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed

      2、and said, What has happened to your hair, Jack? Jack said, I tried a new barbers shop today, because I wasnt quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems even worse. Bob agreed(同意). Yes, I think youre right, Jack. Now Ill tell you what to do when you go into a barbers shop next time: look at all the barbers hair, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him. Why shall I go to him? Jack asked. But that would be foolish! Oh, no, it wouldnt, answered Bob. Who cut that mans ha

      3、ir? Just think it. He couldnt cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it. So you know he cant be the worst barber.1. When Jack went out of the barbers shop, he was not happy because _.A. nobody had cut his hair B. the barber hadnt cut his hair wellC. the barber had cut his hair carefully D. he was not satisfied with his old barber 2. I tried a new barbers shop today. means _.A. this barbers shop was a new one B. this was the only barbers shop in this townC. Jack often went to this b

      4、arbers shop D. Jack had not been to this barbers shop before3. After Jack had his hair cut, he thought _.A. the new barbers shop was the best one B. the old barbers shop wasnt so good as the new one C. the new barbers shop was worse than the old one D. the old barbers shop was the worst one4. Bob told Jack to find out which barbers hair looked the worst and then go straight to him. Why?A. Because he was certainly the best barber. B. Because he was free all the time. C. Because he was the worst barber. D. Because he wasnt the worst barber.5. From the story we know that _. A. its foolish to have ones hair cut at a barbers shop B. barbers cut each others hairC. barbers never have their hair cut D. a barber always cuts his hair by himself答案一1. doing 2. opened 3. Shopping 4. Suddenly 5. happened二BDCDB

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