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    • 1、会计专业英语19秋期末考核试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,Which of the items below is not a business organization form?( )A、entrepreneurshipB、proprietorshipC、partnershipD、corporation正确答案:A第2题,Which of the following groups are considered to be internal users of accounting information?A、Employees and customersB、Customers and vendorsC、Employees and managersD、Government and banks正确答案:C第3题,Merchandise inventory at the end of the year was understated. Which of the following statements correctly states the effect of the error?A

      2、、net income is understatedB、net income is overstatedC、cost of merchandise sold is understatedD、merchandise inventory reported on the balance sheet is overstated正确答案:A第4题,The inventory method that assigns the most recent costs to cost of good sold isA、FIFOB、LIFOC、averageD、specific identification正确答案:B第5题,The two most common specialized fields of accounting in practice are( )A、forensic accounting and financial accountingB、managerial accounting and financial accountingC、managerial accounting and en

      3、vironmental accountingD、financial accounting and tax accounting systems正确答案:B第6题,The interest rate specified in the bond indenture is called the ( )A、discount rateB、contract rateC、market rateD、effective rate正确答案:B第7题,The excess of issue price over par of common stock is termed a(n) ( )A、discountB、incomeC、deficitD、premium正确答案:D第8题,The income statement is prepared from( )A、the adjusted trial balance.B、the income statement columns of the work sheet.C、either the adjusted trial balance or the income

      4、statement columns of the work sheet.D、both the adjusted trial balance and the income statement columns of the work sheet.正确答案:C第9题,The price at which a stock can be sold depends upon a number of factors. Which statement below is not one of those factors?( )A、the financial condition, earnings record, and dividend record of the corporationB、investor expectations of the corporations earning powerC、how high the par valueD、general business and economic conditions and prospects正确答案:C第10题,Which of the

      5、following measures a companys ability to pay its current liabilities?A、earnings per shareB、inventory turnoverC、current ratioD、number of times interest charges earned正确答案:C第11题,During a period of falling prices, which of the following inventory methods generally results in the lowest balance sheet amount for inventory. ( )A、average methodB、LIFO methodC、FIFO methodD、can not tell without more information正确答案:C第12题,For accounting purposes, the business entity should be considered separate from its o

      6、wners if the entity is( )A、a corporationB、a proprietorshipC、a partnershipD、all of the above正确答案:D第13题,The journal entry a company uses to record the estimated accrued product warranty liability is ( )A、debit Product Warranty Expense; credit Product Warranty PayableB、debit Product Warranty Payable; credit CashC、debit Product Warranty Expense; credit CashD、debit Product Warranty Payable; credit Product Warranty Expense正确答案:A第14题,A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because ( )A、th

      7、e depositors records and the banks records are in agreementB、the bank has not recorded all of its transactionsC、any differences between the depositors records and the banks records should be determined, and any errors made by either party should be正确答案:C第15题,What is the type of account and normal balance of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts?A、Contra asset, creditB、Asset, debitC、Asset, creditD、Contra asset, debit正确答案:A第16题,Which of the following should be considered cash by an accountant?A、coinsB、b

      8、ank checking accountsC、postage stampsD、Petty cash fundsE、IOU(I owe you)正确答案:A,B,D第17题,The primary purpose of a stock split include ( )A、increase paid-in capitalB、reduce the market price of the stock per shareC、reduce earnings per shareD、to increase the number of shares outstandingE、increase the market activity of the shares正确答案:B,C,D,E第18题,The following items below would affect the investors income for the period, they are( )A、interest received on a temporary investment in bondsB、dividends recei

      9、ved on a long-term investment in stock where the investor owns 10% of the investees stockC、dividends received on a long-term investment in stock where the investor owns 30% of the investees stockD、interest received on a long-term investment in bondsE、the periodic net income of the investee under the cost method正确答案:A,B,D第19题,The two methods of accounting for investments in stock are( )A、straight-line methodB、equity methodC、liability methodD、interest methodE、the cost method正确答案:B,E第20题,Current assets include( )A、intangible assetsB、cashC、receivablesD、short-term investmentsE、inventoriesF、property, plant and equipment正确答案:B,C,D第21


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