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外研版英语八下《Module 3 On the radio》(Unit3)ppt课件1

  • 卖家[上传人]:tang****xu5
  • 文档编号:127226860
  • 上传时间:2020-03-31
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:467KB
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    • 1、 Module3OntheradioUnit3Languageinuse We dliketothankyou Remembertolookoutfortheredlight Irememberlisteningtotheradio EveryoneneedstospeakEnglishwell Ienjoyshowingvisitorsaround Stoptalking Keepstudying Ihatelosing I llstartrainingintheafternoon Justtellmewhatyouhadforbreakfast Languagepracitice Activity1 1 Putthewordsinthecorrectcolumn decidelearnwant keepneed hate rememberlikestoptrylovestart 2 Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewords 1 Tonyhates see histeamlose 2 Damingenjoys listen to

      2、music 3 Theydecided visit RadioBeijingwithSally 4 Theyhavetostop talk whentheredlightison seeing listening tovisit talking Activity2 studying tospeak making getting tospeak 5 Keep study EnglishifyouwanttoworkonRadioBeijing 6 Youneed speak Englishtoworkinradio 7 Hestarted make hisownradioprogramme 8 Heremembers get hisfirstjobinradio 9 Helearnt speak ontheradio 4 Choosethewordwhichdoesnotbelongineachgroup 1 articlereportnewspaperreporter2 sunnyrainglassweather3 scoreresultmatchstudio4 presenterma

      3、nagernewsreaderreporter5 sportnewsjokesunny Activity4 latestpreparerainresultscoresportssunnyweatherweatherreportwin 5 Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsandexpressionsinthebox Activity5 Didyoulistentothe Whatwillthe beliketomorrow 2 It sgoingtobe Itisn tgoingto 3 Wecanhaveapicnic I ll thefoodtoday 4 It ssixo clock Let slistentothe newstofindouttheof thefootballmatch 5 Hey ourteam threegoals They thematch That sfantastic 6 Doyoulikeother aswellasfootball weatherreport weather sunny

      4、won rain prepare latest result scored sport Listening Activity8 Activity7 9 Completethepassagewiththephrasesinthebox I mgoingto theradiostation Youmust theredlight Whenit son youhavetobequiet Iknowsomeofyou workinradio I llintroduceyoutothepresentersandyoucantalktothem Thisscreenshowsuswhat shappeningoutside Wecan t thewindow becausetherearen tanywindows Thefirstprogrammeofthedaystartsat5am andthestation at12pm OK that s thetour Hasanyonegotaquestion takeyouaround lookoutfor wouldliketo lookouto

      5、f closesdown theendof Activity9 Aroundtheworld TheClockworkRadio NewsSportsandsportsnewsMusicStories ReviewsInterviewsPhone insWeatherreports Decidewhattoincludeinyourschoolradioshow Workinpairs Makingaschoolradioprogramme 合作探究 Decidewhowillwriteandpresenteachsectionandwrite grammar to v 与v ing作宾语 1 wanttodosth 2 wouldliketodosth 3 hopetodosth 希望自己做某事4 wishtodosth 5 plantodosth 6 needtodosth 7 decidetodosth 8 forgettodosth 忘记做某事 尚未做 9 remembertodosth 记着去做某事 尚未10 trytodosth 11 agreetodosth 同意做某事

      6、跟动词不定式作宾语的动词有 enjoydoingsth 喜欢做某事例如 HeenjoyswatchingTV 2 finishdoingsth 完成做某事例如 Hefinishedcleaningthefloor 3 practisedoingsth 练习做某事例如 Hepractisessingingthesong 4 keepdoingsth 一直做某事例如 Hekeepswritingthestory 5 giveupdoingsth 放弃做某事例如 Hegaveupsmoking 6 stopdoing停止做某事例如 HestoppedwatchingTV 必须跟v ing形式作宾语做宾语的情况 既可以跟动词不定式又可以跟v ing形式做宾语的词 有时候要注意它的意义的区别 1 stoptodosth 停下来去做某事stopdoingsth 停下来不做某事2 seesb dosth 看见某人做某事全过程seedoingsth 看见某人正在做某事3 hearsb dosth 听见某人做某事全过程heardoingsth 听见某人正在做某事4 forgettodosth 忘了去做某

      7、事forgetdoingsth 做过某事而忘了5 remembertodo记得去做某事rememberdoingsth 记得做过某事 Summary 单词 短语 句型 在小组内口头汇报 2 掌握to v 与v ing作宾语 单项选择1 Whataboutgoingswimmingwithme Sorry Ihavealotofhomework A todoB doneC doD tobedone2 Idon tknowwiththisproblem It stoohard YoucanaskMr Wangforhelp A whichtodoB whentodoC whattodoD howtodo3 It sbadforyoureyes computergamestoomuch A playsB toplayC playD playing4 Lucywants anewpen A tobuyB buyC buyingD buys 5 WecanuseQQtotalkwitheachotheronline Good Willyoupleaseshowme it A whattouseB

      8、 howtouseC whentouseD wheretouse6 Mywatchisbroken Iwanttoknowhowtomakeit A workB toworkC walkD towalk7 Motherasksme computergamesbeforefinishingmyhomework A notplayB toplayC nottoplayD tonotplay8 Ifeveryonemakesacontribution theenvironment ourcountrywillbecomemorebeautiful A toprotectB inprotectingC toprotectingD forprotecting 完成下列句子1 记得不要把这个秘密告诉他 Remember himthesecret 2 她很喜欢唱歌 但今天因为不舒服 不想唱 Shelikessinging butshe singtodaybecausesheisn tcomfortable 3 他停下来做功课 Hestops hishomework 4 她希望不久能找到工作 Shehopes ajobsoon 5 这些花需要淋水 Theflowers nottotell doesn tliketo needswatering tofind todo Homework 1 复习本模快的知识点 词汇 短语 2 预习M4 Thankyou

      《外研版英语八下《Module 3 On the radio》(Unit3)ppt课件1》由会员tang****xu5分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语八下《Module 3 On the radio》(Unit3)ppt课件1》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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