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外研版英语八下Module 9《Friendship》ppt周周清课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:tang****xu2
  • 文档编号:127226856
  • 上传时间:2020-03-31
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:341.50KB
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    • 1、检测内容 Module9 周周清9 一 单项选择 10 1分 10分 1 MrWualwaysspendsalotoftime thingstous Heissopatient A encouragingB introducingC regrettingD explaining2 LiuFanisshyandsheisafraidto infrontoftheclass A tellB sayC speakD ask3 Ihavesome withmystudy PleasecallStudyCornerHelpline Maybeitcanhelpyou A problemsB progressC changesD information D C A 4 Somebodyisknockingonthedoor Dad Goandsee A whoisitB whoitwasC whowasitD whoitis5 MyfatheraskedmetomeetMrLiuatthetrainstation ButIdon tknow hewillarrive A whatB howC wh

      2、enD where6 Lindaisgrowingfast Sheiseven thanhermother A tallB tallerC tallestD thetallest C D B 7 Helosthispet Thatmadehim sad A tofeelB feelC feltD feeling8 Ihavefewfriendshere soIfeel fromtimetotime A lonelyB warmC proudD excited9 Doyouknow Juliagotothelibrary Onceaweek Shelovesreadingbooks A howsoonB howlongC howfarD howoften10 Hello who sthat please A ThatisredB SheisMariaC ThisisMaryspeakingD I mMike C B A D 二 完形填空 10 2分 20分 Sometimesyouhaveafightwithafriend Manytimes youfindthatyouevenforg

      3、et 11 thefightisabout Youjustseemtoargue 争吵 andthen 12 talkingtoeachother Timegoesbyandyouhopetotalktoyourfriend 13 Youcandothefollowingthingstosaveyour 14 First calmdown 15 leavingtheproblemalone Ifyoutalkrightafterthefight youmaysaysomethingbadwithoutthinking However donotwaittoolong Sitdownandsayyou resorry 16 youaretheonewhostartedthefight Ifyouoftenhavefightswithyourfriend youshouldthinkaboutifthis 17 isreallyafriend 18 theemailsyouwrotetoeachotherinthepast Theycanhelpyouknowyourfriend side

      4、as Trytounderstandyourfriend Youarguedbecauseyoudidn t 19 onsomething So be 20 tounderstandwhathe shesaid 11 A whenB howC whatD where12 A stopB startC tryD keep13 A yetB insteadC againD too14 A skillsB lifeC studyD friendship D C A C 15 A atB byC ofD on16 A ifB orC butD so17 A animalB thingC bookD person18 A LookB ReadC ThinkD Forget19 A playB leaveC putD agree20 A sureB crazyC angryD sorry B A A D B D 三 阅读理解 5 3分 15分 Doyouwanttofindapenfriend HereissomeinformationontheInternet Comeon Writetothe

      5、monyourcomputerrightnow JasmineDate 13FebruaryMynameisJasmine I mastudent IcomefromEngland Iam13yearsold Myhobbiesaredancingandlisteningtomusic IloveChina WhenIgrowup IwanttoworkinChina soIwanttolookforsomeChinesestudentsasmypenfriends JohnDate 14FebruaryMynameisJohn I maboyfromCalifornia I m167cm Ienjoyclimbingmountains travellingandgoingtoparties FrankDate 15FebruaryMynameisFrank I maboyof15yearsoldandIaminterestedincomputers Doyoulikecomputers Iwouldliketomakefriendswithyou NancyDate 15Februa

      6、ryMynameisNancy I manEnglishteacher I minChinanow IwanttolookforpenfriendsfromBritain myhometown Pleasewritetome 21 Ifyouknowalotaboutcomputers youcanwriteto A FrankB NancyC JasmineD John22 Jasmineisinterestedin A learninglanguagesB dancingandlisteningtomusicC doingsportsandtravellingD goingtoparties A B 23 WheredoesNancycomefrom A China B France C America D Britain 24 WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage A TheyallstayinChinanow B TheyallcanspeakChineseverywell C Theywrotedowntheirinfo

      7、rmationonthesameday D Youcanmakefriendswiththembywritingemails 25 Wheremaytheinformationcomefrom A B C www pen D D D C 四 词汇运用 10 2分 20分 A 根据句意及首字母提示写单词 26 Tonymadeupastorytoe whyhewaslateforclassthismorning 27 IinvitedSimontomyparty buther Ifeelverysad 28 Fangfangisverykind soshehasalargec ofgoodfriends 29 Asclassmates weshouldt eachotherandhelpeachother 30 Hereisabitdark Foryoureyes you dbettermovetoab placetoread xplain efused ircle rust right brighter B 根据句意用方框中单词的适当形式填空 stick she separate in

      8、clude treasure31 Thegirlenjoyed atherfriend sbirthdaypartyyesterdayevening 32 Theythinktherearelotsof inbigcave 33 We reallgoodfriends andwedon twanttogot fromeachother 34 Daming themapofChinaonthewallwiththegluejustnow 35 Myjob sweepingtheflooranddoingsomethingaboutthecomputer herself treasures separated stuck includes 五 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 5 2分 10分 36 请不要担心我 我能够自己照顾自己 Pleasedon t me Icanlookaftermyself 37 我不知道我是否能够参加那个游戏 Idon tknowwhetherIcan thegameornot 38 那位老人静静地坐在那儿没说一句话 Theoldmansatthere with

      9、outsayinganywords 39 当夏天到来的时候 天气一天天变得炎热起来 Whensummercomes itisgettinghotter 40 起初汤姆跑得比其他人快 但后来他落后了 Tomranfasterthanothers butlaterhefellbehind worry about join in in silence day by day At first 六 任务型阅读 5 2分 10分 FirhallisasmallvillageinScotland Peoplebuiltittenyearsago Itisaninterestingplacetovisit Itisalsoaplacethathasmanystrangerules TherearemanyanimalsandtreesinFirhall Youcanseesquirrelsjumpingupanddowninthetrees Youcanhearbirdssinginginthetrees Itisagoodplacetodosports Youcanplayvolleyball ba

      10、sketballandgolfthere However mostchildrendon tlikeFirhallbecauseofthefollowingrules Peoplecan tkeepanimalsintheirhomes Childrencan tliveinFirhallforalongtime Ifchildrenvisittheirgrandparentsthere theycan tstayforlong Peopleinthisvillagemustbeoverforty fiveyearsold Mostoldpeoplelookforwardtolivinginaquietplace TheythinkFirhalloffersthemagoodone Manyoftheoldpeoplearealwayswelcometovisitus oneoldmantheresaid 41 WhendidpeoplebuildFirhall 42 WhatsportscanpeopledoinFirhall 43 WhydochildrennotlikeFirha

      《外研版英语八下Module 9《Friendship》ppt周周清课件》由会员tang****xu2分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语八下Module 9《Friendship》ppt周周清课件》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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