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    • 1、旅游初级英语(一)19秋期末考核-0001试卷总分:100 一、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)1.Dishes in Sichuan are noted for their varied and ( )flavors.A.tenderB.lightC.heavyD.fresh答案:C2.Old World as a popular wine classification includes the following except ( ).A.PortugalB.ItalyC.FranceD.Australia答案:D3.People nowadays seldom choose ( ) to travel between cities.A.water waysB.trainsC.planesD.highways答案:A4.Nobody is ( ) touch that book.A.lost toB.checked inC.allowed toD.added to答案:C5.( )is a kind of very dry white wine produced in C

      2、entral France.A.LambruscoB.ChiantiC.ChablisD.Bordeaux答案:C6.What does VAT stand for?A.Value-Assist TaxB.Value-Assist TagC.Value-Added TaxD.Value-Added Tag答案:C7.I had no ( ) staying at home because I have no money.A.alternative toB.alternative byC.alternate toD.alternate by答案:A8.( )is medium sweet produced in Germany.A.SauternesB.RiojaC.MuscadetD.Liebfraumilch答案:D9.An unsatified guest will cost you as much as( ) times that guests annual purchases in terms of lost patronage over five years?A.5,000B

      3、.500C.1,000D.100答案:C10.Nobody is ( ) touch that book.A.lost toB.checked inC.allowed toD.added to答案:C二、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)11.Specialists in( ) must be a part of the hotels staff.A.trainingB.housekeepingC.food operationD.building maintenance答案:BCD12.A comprehensive transportation system consists of ( ).A.water transportationB.railwaysC.highwaysD.airports答案:ABCD13.The Housekeeping staff consists of ( ).A.room attendantsB.floor housekeepersC.executive housekeeperD.deputy housekeeper答案:ABCD14.A com

      4、prehensive transportation system consists of ( ).A.water transportationB.railwaysC.highwaysD.airports答案:ABCD15.As a highly organized commercial industry, hotels can be classified into ( ).A.resortB.residentC.conventionalD.commercial答案:ABCD16.Which of the followings are mentioned as Fomous Hotels in the textbook?A.Jinling HotelB.Holiday InnC.Crown Plaza ShanghaiD.Crown Plaza Beijing答案:ABD17.If staff react defensively to a complaint, they will lose ( ).A.promotionB.jobC.guests patronageD.chance to

      5、 learn答案:CD18.Surrounded by ( ), the Li River is the most beautiful scenic area in China.A.steep cliffsB.rolling hillsC.groves of bambooD.fantasitc caves答案:ABCD19.Which of the following brands are included in Britains Intercontinental Hotels?A.RenaissanceB.IntercontinentalC.Holiday InnD.Crown Plaza答案:BCD20.Some four-star or five-star hotels are also equipped with ( ).A.swimming poolsB.saunasC.safety-deposit boxesD.bowling alleys答案:ABCD三、判断题 (共 15 道试题,共 30 分)21.During the early Middle Ages inns w

      6、ere not so important as they are today.答案:错误22.Like Call-Ahead Seating, the new Click-Ahead Seating requires labor involving service.答案:错误23.Many hotel have large rooms in which banquets and dances are held.答案:正确24.There are normally dozens of bus routes in large cities.答案:正确25.In the past, taking a train in China was as comfortable as it is today.答案:错误26.With large numbers of taxies running around, it is very convenient to take them in all large Chinese cities.答案:正确27.By the end of 1998, all of

      7、 140 airports opened to civil aviation could accommodate large airplanes.答案:错误28.Whenever and wherever possible, the staff should fulfill any reasonable requests from their guests and offer to do extra work for the guests.答案:正确29.In resort hotels, special attention is given to the request from business guests.答案:错误30.Suzhou and Hangzhou are connected by the Yangtze river.答案:错误31.Jinling Hotel is a 37-story tower building.答案:错误32.The hotel depends for its success upon the management.答案:错误33.Nanji

      8、ng Harbor, with an annual capacity of 20 million tons, is Chinas largest river harbor.答案:错误34.Rickshaws can still be seen in almost all cities in China.答案:错误35.The guest is told to check in 30 minutes prior to his waiting time.答案:错误四、问答题 (共 6 道试题,共 30 分)36.英译汉The Chinese were the inventors of noodles; they were brought to the European noodle countryItaly, by Marco Polo only in the 13th century.答案:中国人发明了面条,仅在13世纪面条就由马可波罗传到了欧洲面食之国意大利。37.英译汉Westerners dont know too much about the importance of feng

      9、shui in traditional Chinese culture.答案:西方人不太了解中国传统社会向来重视风水观念。38.汉译英:我们的国家正要迎来一个新的时代,充满了希望和机会。答案:Our nation stands at the dawn of a new era of hope and opportunity.39.汉译英:为什么我们今天不改改口味,到一家墨西哥餐厅试试?答案:Why dont we go to a Mexican restaurant today for a change?40.汉译英:请尽快调查并进行修缮。答案:Please investigate and carry out repairs as soon as possible.41.英译汉Not only do basic cooking techniques require great skill, but they also demand a deep understanding of the ingredients themselves.答案:基本的烹饪技术不仅需要高超的技艺,也要对食物成分本身有深刻的理解。


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