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安卓APP | ios版本


  • 卖家[上传人]:huang****ling
  • 文档编号:127038702
  • 上传时间:2020-03-30
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:189.95KB
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    • 1、词汇运用 2019 第一节词汇运用 共两题 满分30 分 一 单词拼写 共 5 小题 每小题2 分 满分10 分 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示 将单词的正确形式完整地写在答题卡相应的位置上 56 It s good manners to keep your v down in public 58 The man is happily 描述 what he saw during his winter vacation 59 As the old saying goes God helps those who help 他们自己 60 We all agree that the driver who drives after drinking wine 酒 should be p 二 综合填空 共 10 小题 每小题2 分 满分20 分 根据短文内容 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空 使文章通顺完整 每词限用一次 he kill scared silly lie courage hear against fight strong One sunny afternoon a young deer

      2、 and an old deer were 61 under a tree in the forest Suddenly in the distance they 62 some sounds of dogs barking The old deer stood up quickly He felt nervous and 63 He said to the young deer Be quick It s time to find a place to hide in The barking dogs are fierce 凶猛的 and they will 64 us The young deer laughed and said Why should we hide from the dogs We are bigger and 65 than them We can toss 扔 them aside with our big antlers 角 We should fight with them bravely The old deer admired the 66 of t

      3、he young deer but he did not believe the young We d better run away now said the old deer The young deer refused to run away He decided to fight 67 the dogs As the dogs ran to 68 he put down his antlers and wanted to toss them aside But he didn t win the 69 because there were too many dogs He was killed by the dogs in the end The young deer lost his life because he didn t know his strength and weakness We can learn a lesson from the story Don t be like the 70 young deer when we are in danger We

      4、should know our strength and weakness 第一节词汇运用 一 单词拼写 56 voice 57 relaxed 58 describing 59 themselves 60 punished prevented 二 综合填空 61 lying 62 heard 63 scared 64 kill 65 stronger 66 courage 67 against 68 him 69 fight 70 silly 2018 一 单词拼写 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示 将单词的正确形式完整地写在答題卡相应的位 置上 31 一 Cindy what kind of restaurants do you like 一 I p restaurants that can provide customers with free Wi Fi 32 Mr King is very p He often explains difficult problems many times until we understand 33 It s d for people to use

      5、 the mobile phone while crossing the street 34 China has been making many great 成就 in every field these years which amazes the world 35 Teenagers should be 鼓励 to learn and spread Chinese traditional culture 答案 31 prefer 32 patient popular 33 dangerous 34 achievements 35 encouraged 解析 31 句意 森迪 你喜欢哪种餐馆 我更喜欢那种给顾客提供免费Wi Fi 的餐馆 根据 what kind of restaurants do you like 和首字母 可知是更喜欢 故填prefer 32 句意 金老师非常有耐心 受欢迎 他经常把难题解释很多次直到我们理解 根据 He often explains difficult problems many times until we understand 和首字母 可

      6、知是有耐心 受欢迎 故填 patient popular 33 句意 当穿过街道时用手机对人们来说很危险 根据use the mobile phone while crossing the street 和首字母 可知是危险的 故填dangerous 34 句意 中国这些年在每个领域都取得了许多让世界惊奇的成就 根据many 修饰可数名 词复数 和汉语提示 故填achievements 35 句意 青少年应该被鼓励学习和传播中国传统文化 根据主语Teenagers和鼓励之间是 被动关系 所以用被动语态 故填encouraged 二 综合填空 根据短文内容 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空 使文章通顺 完整 sleep who sit similar active off raise how little kind In today s world sleep experts oftensay that for a better night s rest Americans should turn 36 their smart phones or iPads before sleeping

      7、 Such electronic products make the brain more 37 and then influence their sleep But according to a latest survey more than 90 of Americans regularly use a computer or some other 38 of electronic products in the hour before bed Researchers find that man made light from some electronic products at night may reduce 减少 the brain chemicals that help 39 In the study the researchers let volunteers read play games and watch movies on a screen for different time while measuring 40 much light their eyes r

      8、eceived They found that two hours of 41 before a bright screen at night reduced the sleep chemical levels by about 22 Then the researchers studied the college students 42 often used computers at night They got the 43 results And researchers say that may not only cause sleeplessness but also 44 the risk of obesity 肥胖症 diabetes 糖尿病 and other diseases To be on the safe side the researchers suggest that we should use computers 45 than before or turn down our screens as much as possible before sleepi

      9、ng 答案 36 off 37 active38 kinds 39 to sleep 40 how41 sitting 42 who43 similar 44 raise45 less 解析 文章介绍了电子产品的光会影响睡眠 36 句意 美国人应该在睡觉前关掉他们的手机 根据 Such electronic products make the brain more 2 and then influence their sleep 电子产品使他们的大脑更兴奋 影响他们 的睡眠 turn off 关掉和选词 故填off 37 句意 电子产品使他们的大脑更兴奋 影响他们的睡眠 根据influence their sleep 和选 词 可知是活跃的 故填active 38 句意 超过90 的美国人在睡觉前使用电脑或其他种类的电子产品 根据 electronic products 和选词 可知是种类 other 名词复数 故填 kinds 39 句意 调查发现从电子产品发出的光 能减少帮助睡眠的大脑的化学物质 根据上文电 子产品影响睡眠 和选词 可知是睡眠 根据help to do sth 帮助

      10、做某事 故填 to sleep 40 句意 测量他们的眼睛接受到多少光 根据how much 多少 和选词 故填how 41 句意 在晚上坐在亮屏幕前两个小时 减少睡眠化学物质大约22 根据 before a bright screen at night 和选词 可知是坐 根据of 可知用 doing 故填 sitting 42 句意 在晚上经常使用电脑的大学生 这是定语从句的结构 先行词是college students 和选词 可知引导词用who 故填 who 43 句意 他们得到相似的结果 根据 And researchers say that may not only cause sleeplessness 和选词 可知是相似的结果 都影响睡眠 故填similar 44 句意 而且也增加肥胖症 糖尿病和其他疾病的风险 根据And researchers say that may not only cause sleeplessness but also和选词 可知也增加患病风险 故填raise 45 句意 我们应该使用电脑比以前更少 根据or turn down our scr


    发车时刻表 长途客运 入党志愿书填写模板精品 庆祝建党101周年多体裁诗歌朗诵素材汇编10篇唯一微庆祝 智能家居系统本科论文 心得感悟 雁楠中学 20230513224122 2022 公安主题党日 部编版四年级第三单元综合性学习课件 机关事务中心2022年全面依法治区工作总结及来年工作安排 入党积极分子自我推荐 世界水日ppt 关于构建更高水平的全民健身公共服务体系的意见 空气单元分析 哈里德课件 2022年乡村振兴驻村工作计划 空气教材分析 五年级下册科学教材分析 退役军人事务局季度工作总结 集装箱房合同 2021年财务报表 2022年继续教育公需课 2022年公需课 2022年日历每月一张 名词性从句在写作中的应用 局域网技术与局域网组建 施工网格 薪资体系 运维实施方案 硫酸安全技术 柔韧训练 既有居住建筑节能改造技术规程 建筑工地疫情防控 大型工程技术风险 磷酸二氢钾 2022年小学三年级语文下册教学总结例文 少儿美术-小花 2022年环保倡议书模板六篇 2022年监理辞职报告精选 2022年畅想未来记叙文精品 企业信息化建设与管理课程实验指导书范本 草房子读后感-第1篇 小数乘整数教学PPT课件人教版五年级数学上册 2022年教师个人工作计划范本-工作计划 国学小名士经典诵读电视大赛观后感诵读经典传承美德 医疗质量管理制度 2 2022年小学体育教师学期工作总结 2022年家长会心得体会集合15篇
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