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    • 1、时态填空专项训练671题二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1Which is _ (cheap), the red one or the black one?2Dont keep your worries to _ (you), children.3The man was breathing _ (heavy) and had blood on his shirt.4The artists _ (wise) helps him go further on the road to his dream.5How about _ (have) a cup of coffee? 根据句意用所给的单词的适当形式填空。6The things made in China are _ used in the world at present. (wide)7For _information, contact our school, please.(far)8To tell you the _, I am not interested in Legend of Miyue at all. (true)9Dea

      2、r Peter, you have grown up, and you can decide your future _. (you)10The room with lots of things here and there looked very _.(tidy)用所给词的正确形式填空11Hes always been a follower rather than a_ (lead).12Nothing can make them change their_ (mind).13I felt a great sense of_ (achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.14I bought the house_ (simple) because it was large.15You have to work even_ (hard) to get ahead.16The twins are unequal in_ (high).17 Which book will you buy? The one_ (base)on his ex

      3、perience.18How _ (unhappy) she was telling me that he lost another bike!19I find the_(day) newspaper very interesting.20I hope to be a _(music) when I grow up.21The place is divided into two places by the _ line.(divide)22Though I like acting, I prefer_(be) a director.23I left early _(avoid) the rush hour, because the traffic was very heavy at weekends.24-What is special about his films? They join humor and exciting _(act) together.25The organization _ (set) up to help more children in poor area

      4、s several days ago.26He insists on_(praise) his son from time to time to encourage him.B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。并将答案填写在答题纸标号为6670的相应位置上。27The man prepared an _ (usual) present for his wife on their wedding day.28Many car accidents take place just because of peoples _ (careless).29It is said that Gang jiong is so attractive that it is worth _ (watch).30I like red and white because they are a good _ (match).31Mike is imaginative enough to come up with new ideas and his _ (suggest) are often pract

      5、ical.32Some _(German) set up an organization to save the poor people during the Nanjing Massacre. (南京大屠杀)33What caused the accident remains_ (know). We need to do more research on it.34We can never catch up with the fashion because it _ (change) all the time.35Lets have a _ (far) discussion about the air pollution.36My mother is already in her mid-_(40), but she looks much younger for her age.B.用be动词适当形式填空。(3.5分)37Jerry _ (not be )a member of the Reading Club.38These are my brothers trousers. Mi

      6、ne _over there.39One of my sisters _in Shanghai.40_this bag yours? No, it _.41_your brother in No. 1 Middle School? Yes, he is in Grade 9.42Li Ping and I _ Chinese. We can speak Chinese very well.43_you all here, Helen? No, we _.44My parents _ in Nanjing. They like this city very much.45_ there any orange in the bottle? Yes, just a little.C、用所给词的适当形式填空.(4.5分)46My brother_(have) lunch at school every day.47The little girl_(not do) her homework on Sunday morning.48_you often_( talk) to your parent

      7、s at home?49My grandma_(like) _(watch) TV in the evening.50I enjoy_(listen) to music when I clean the house.51My friend_(live) in a flat in Beiling.52My uncle Simon wears_(glass).用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。53It is dangerous to listen to the music while _(drive).54The man has to write down the Chinese _(fisherman) names, because they want to go fishing around the Huangyan Island.55Never touch the machine, children, or youll hurt _(you).56Students walked out of the classroom _(noise) when the class wa

      8、s over.57When I asked him for help, he just _ (shake) his head and refused me.58He was quite lucky to stay _ (live) after the accident.59My home is full of people today, because it is my fathers _ (four) birthday.60Dont wear _(comfortable) shoes. Its bad for your feet.61 What a pity! You missed the firework show last night. Yes. But I _ (write) an important report then.62Youd better _ (not cut) your names on the bamboo here. We should protect the bamboo forest.根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。63-Do you know the _ (high) of the teaching building? -About 15 meters.64The boy _(choose) a nice gift for his mother last Saturday.65They spent a lot of time _ (plan) the trip to Nanjing before leaving.66My mother is patient enough _


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