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  • 常见问题
    • 1、 兰生复旦第一阶段测试卷(7B)Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and GrammarI. Find out the word with a different sound in each group.( ) 1. A. machine B. since C. prince D. stupid ( ) 2. A. theatre B. reason C. really D. ideal ( ) 3. A. pigeon B. magic C. imagine D. altogether ( ) 4. A. surprised B. travelled C. laughed D. chargedII. Choose a proper word or a phrase to complete the sentences in their proper forms.nation, active, robber, fun, tell the time, be full of1. A few _ took place along the street last mont

      2、h.2. Buses and underground trains _ passengers during the rush hours.3. All of us students should take part in sports meet _.4. In the old days, people were used to _ by looking at the sun.5. Like it or not, he is indeed an _ known star.6. The film “The Stupid Clown” is _ of all I have ever seen.III. Choose the best answer1. There is _ information board in our school to show us what we are to do every week.A. a B. an C. a piece of D. some 2. It is five years since my dear aunt _ here.A. left B.

      3、has left C. is left D. had left 3. _ the boy students in our school will take the basketball test.A. Two hundred B. Hundreds of C. Two hundred of D. Two hundreds of 4. It is the best way I can think of _ the problem.A. solve B. to solve C. solving D. solved 5. Little Jenny has some interest in English, and she can also understand and even speak quite _ of it.A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 6. -What about _ to the Madame Tussauds after the boring exam? -Great! A. visit B. visiting C. to vis

      4、it D. a visit 7. How glad we are _ a spring outing this semester!A. having B. have C. to have D. had 8. -Id like to go hiking with you, but I have a meeting _. -If you dont go, _.A. to attend, so do I B. attending, so will I C. attend, neither will I D. to attend, neither will I 9. -Whom would you rather _ the room? -Jack, of course.A. have clean B. clean C. have cleaned D. get cleaned 10. -Would you mind me turning on the air conditioner? Its hot here. -_.A. Sure, go ahead. B. Of course not. C.

      5、 Never mind. D. No, please dont. IV. Fill in the blanks with the proper verbs.carry, call, plan, learn, pay1. The Smiths _ their trip to Disneyland this summer holiday at present.2. Its been nice talking to you. I _ on you some day.3. The property buyers _ less to buy flats before this spring festival.4. A cable car is used for _ people to a hill.5. Some of us _ the drama course in the past few months.V. Rewrite the following sentences as required.1. The duration of the film Swan Lake is 80 minu

      6、tes. (改为同义句) The film Swan Lake _ _ 80 minutes.2. Our school is in the charge of Mrs. Zhou. (改为同义句) Mrs. Zhou _ _ for our school.3. Jerry and Mary have lived in the USA since 10 years ago. (对划线部分提问)_ _ have Jerry and Mary lived in the USA?4. Never judge a book by its cover. (改为反义疑问句)Never judge a book by its cover, _ _?5. is, it, a, prince, princess, and, a love story, a, swan, about (连词成句)_.Part 3 Reading and WritingVI. Reading comprehensionA Choose the best answerWhere in the world can you tak

      7、e an hours train ride, and pass a forest, a London street, a scene from the Wild West, and a burning building that never burns down? Theres only one place, and thats Hollywood, in California. The scenes you see from the tourist train are film sets (布景) in the Universal Studios, one of the oldest and largest movie companies(公司) in the USA.A visit to Universal Studios brings back memories of great days of Hollywood, the films and the stars. But they are only memories. Hollywood, isnt quite the same as is used to be. Costs have gone up and confidence has gone down. Movie-makers are afraid to spend their money on expensive new ideas. Instead, they repeat old ones.The Film industry is changing fast. Teenagers still go out to the movies. The theatre is a good place to meet friends away from home. But older people mostly stay home to watch series, like Dynasty, which have become as important to Hollywood as expensive movies. These “soap operas”, as t


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