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    • 1、Page 1 of 2 SCORING SYSTEM for the distribution of postgraduate research scholarships and for determining RTS Places for 2014 applicants UTS Faculty of Science This Scoring System comprises 3 components refer to numbered end notes for clarifications on specific items 1 Academic Merit 2 Undergraduate Performance1 OR Relevant Professional Achievement2 3 Research Output Each component lists the points for all the items against which the Applicant s performance is measured Each Applicant is scored b

      2、y adding the total points accrued for all components Applicants are ranked in order of decreasing score i e highest to lowest Postgraduate Research Scholarships are awarded to the top scoring Applicants 1 Academic Merit only one item to be selected it being the highest award obtained by the Applicant Admission to Doctoral Program Bachelor s degree First Class Honours with University Medal 5 pts for Medal 26 pts Bachelor s degree First Class Honours without University Medal21 pts Masters by Resea

      3、rch degree would have 66 research component 20 pts 1 if outstanding thesis 3 Bachelor s degree Second Class Honours Division 1 18 pts Admission to Masters Degree by Research Program Bachelor s degree Second Class Honours Division 2 10 pts Bachelor s degree Pass 5 pts NOTE International or Applicants with academic paths leading to degrees different from those above must contact the Faculty of Science to demonstrate equivalency of their qualifications Successful Completion of Doctoral Masters Asse

      4、ssment One 1 point will be awarded for a currently enrolled research student who has successfully completed her his doctoral masters assessment within the first year of candidature 2 A Undergraduate Performance based on Grade Point Average GPA 4 point scale calculated on the entire undergraduate degree excluding Honours GPA 3 58 pts GPA 3 0 3 5 6 pts GPA 2 5 2 99 3 pts GPA 2 0 2 49 1 pts GPA 2 0 0 pts 2 B Relevant Professional Experience scores are cumulative multiple items are applicable Scores

      5、 for each employment item are for full time employment part time employment will accrue fractions of scores Scores must not exceed the values in the right hand column Full time employment as Research Assistant in a research group lab 3 pt yr 8 pts Full time employment as Professional Technical Officer in a relevant field 3 pt yr 6 pts Full time employment in any relevant professional field 0 5 pt yr 2 pts Peer reviewed publications not included in component 3 42 pts 3 Research Output5 calculated

      6、 on all items that apply Only items published in the two years prior to this application are counted6 The scores indicated in the right hand column are multiplied by the number of entries in the specific category Book chapter in a peer reviewed volume in a relevant field of which the Applicant is first 3 0 pts Page 2 of 2 author Journal article cat C1 peer reviewed in a relevant field of which the Applicant is first author 3 0 pts Journal article cat C1 peer reviewed in a relevant field of which

      7、 the Applicant is not first author 1 0 pts Peer reviewed article in Conference Proceedings cat E1 published in a volume with a bibliographic ISBN ISSN reference and including declaration from the Editor s that the papers included in the volume are peer reviewed 0 5 pt Computer software cat G major application 1 0 pt Patent cat I In a team Applicant must be principal contributor 2 0 pts Conference Abstracts Non refereed Articles Industry Reports not to exceed a total of 1 0 pts 0 1 pt DISCRETIONA

      8、RY POINTS FOR THE FACULTY TO ATTRIBUTE Students with a disability who score within two points of the cut off for UTS Doctoral Scholarships will be among those high scoring applicants deemed eligible to receive a scholarship Where there is evidence of outstanding contribution of the Applicant in a relevant field not listed in the scoring system components the Faculty will attribute points max 2 against that contribution Outstanding contributions must be of international calibre such as the award

      9、to the Applicant of an international prize involving a competitive selection process carried out by government professional agencies or international panels of experts and must be based on the recognition of a substantive piece of work e g peer reviewed journal article of which the Applicant is the first author or internationally award winning thesis or early career contributions recognised by international learned society medals or fellowships This item excludes everything else e g conference p

      10、rize for best student poster or presentation industry sponsored prizes etc END NOTES 1 To accrue points in the Undergraduate Performance component all Applicants must ensure that their academic transcripts include the Grade Point Average GPA calculated on their entire Undergraduate Studies UTS uses a 4 point system If the Applicant conducted his her undergraduate studies in a university using a different scale the GPA in the Applicant s transcripts will be adjusted to correspond to the UTS scale


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