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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、 Scholarship Selection Process for the Business School Selection is based on academic merit and research potential To achieve this the Faculty prepares a ranked list in order of final mark as described below of all applicants that it wishes to support for the award of a scholarship The checked Faculty lists will be combined into a single list using the applicants final mark The applicant s final mark consists of the UG WAM and or Honours 1 or Honours 1 equivalent mark and Research Potential Indi

      2、cator The use of these components is based on whether the applicant has attained an Honours 1 degree has completed his her most recent studies Honours 1 degree or equivalent see 2 below within the last five years by the time the scholarship is being awarded and the extent of any relevant research professional experience A greater weight is given to the Honours 1 or H1E mark The Faculty ranked list will then be reviewed by the Faculty Scholarship Committee UG WAM The undergraduate weighted averag

      3、e mark average mark weighted according to the relative credit point value of the individual units of study is obtained by averaging the marks the applicant obtained in all second and third year units of study in the relevant degree The UG WAM of combined degrees will normally be calculated from all units except those in the first year and the honours subjects H1 or H1E mark This is the mark achieved in the Honours or equivalent degree The criteria for ranking Honours 1 equivalent qualifications

      4、are detailed in section 2 below Research Potential Indicator RPI point RPI points are awarded for relevant research and or professional achievements as detailed in section 3 below 1 Calculating the UG WAM and Hons Mark It is the responsibility of applicants to provide numerical marks of their academic results wherever possible If the mark is not available or is unobtainable the result will be entered at the respective mid point for the equivalent Pass i e 57 and Credit i e 69 5 grades at the Uni

      5、versity of Sydney A mark at the lowest one third i e 78 33 will be entered for the equivalent Distinction and the lowest mark i e 85 for High Distinction grades If the results are ungraded applicants should provide information on the overall position in the class and or thesis examiners reports if available It is important to provide the grading system showing the range of marks or the minimum mark required for each grade and different levels of Honours Discounting of marks will be made to accou

      6、nt for a pass mark of e g 60 used in some overseas institutions compared to 50 in Australian universities Scaling of Honours 1 marks will be made if the institution does not use 80 as the cut off requirement for Honours 1 This is also applicable to University of Sydney honours marks awarded before the standardisation of Honours 1 at 80 2 Honours 1 Equivalence Where applicants did not have an Honours 1 degree they can be ranked as having an Honours 1 equivalent degree on the basis of an additiona

      7、l qualification under the following criteria a A completed Master of Philosophy or equivalent by thesis In this case the Hons mark will be 83 unless a higher thesis mark has been recorded on the transcript b A completed Masters by coursework with a weighted average mark of at least 80 and a research component requiring the completion of a dissertation treatise long essay or major report of at least 12 credit points where 48 credit points denotes a one year full time course In this case the weigh

      8、ted average mark in all units of study including the dissertation will be the Hons mark c A completed Masters by coursework with a weighted average mark of at least 80 and a research treatise of 25 000 words as a requirement of the course In this case the weighted average mark in all units of study including the treatise will be the Hons mark d A completed Masters by coursework with a weighted average mark of at least 80 and a research component verified by the Faculty Research Committee to be a

      9、cademically demanding and a relevant foundation in research training for the proposed PhD project e A completed Masters Preliminary or Graduate Diploma with a research component as per b above of at least 25 of the course requirements and assessment equivalent to Fourth Year Honours at Honours 1 standard a minimum mark of 80 In this case the weighted average mark in all Masters Preliminary or Graduate Diploma units of study will be the Hons mark f Overseas qualifications that are considered as e

      10、quivalent to an Australian Honours 1 degree In this case the weighted average mark after discounting scaling if applicable in all units of study will be the Hons mark g Graduates who did not have an Honours 1 result but have attained membership or fellowship of prestigious learned professional organisations by advanced study examination and professional practice may be eligible for H1E The Faculty will require the candidate to demonstrate an appropriate level of academic rigor In all such cases


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