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    • 1、离线作业考核英语教学法满分100分I. Fill in the blanks.(每题1分,共52分)1. a. As for grammar, the structure connects _ forms_ (1) and _ functions_ (2) in the language.b. The two general ways to classify grammar items are _function_ (3) oriented and _form_ (4) oriented.c. English language is a _form_ (5) language.d. The two ways of teaching grammar are to teach grammar separately or to _ allocate_ (6) some time in class to do grammar teaching throughout the course.e. The instruction medium of grammar teaching can be e

      2、ither the _target_ (7) language or the _ native_ (8) language.f. Deductive learning is _systematic_ (9) and covers more grammar in a period of time.g. Grammar teaching can be either _systematic_ (10) or _ planned _ (11) or both.h. In Harmers opinion, a good presentation should be_ clear _ (12), _efficient_ (13), interesting, _appropriate_ (14) and productive. 2. a. In general, vocabulary items can be classified into three aspects: _ _sounds_(15) , _forms_ (16) and _meaning_ (17). b. Connotative

      3、meaning: the _additional_ (18) meanings that a vocabulary item has beyond its _denotative_ (19) meaning. In other words, connotation is associated _ meanings_ (20) or _ emotional_ (21) feelings that a vocabulary item evokes. It may or may not be indicated in a dictionary.c. There are two kinds of vocabulary learning: _ intensive _ (22) and _extensive_ (23). _Intensive (24) learning is to study words _ systematically _ (25). _ Extensive _ (26) learning and teaching is of_ incidental (27) nature.

      4、It is not planned but drawn to attention in the process of learning and teaching.d. Vocabulary learning and teaching is a process to build up vocabulary ability. They are_vocabulary knowledge_(28), _Vocabulary sense (29), _ Learning beliefs _ (30) and _self-management _ (31).e. Contextual meaning: the _specific_ (32) and _ appropriate_ (33) meaning of a vocabulary item that is used in a certain _ context_ (34). Some words are _ formal _ (35); some are informal _ (36). Although they both have the

      5、 same _ denotation_ (37) but they are used in different context.3. Grammar Translation Methoda. To learn a foreign language is aimed at being able to read its _ literature _(38), benefit from the _ mental _ (39) discipline and _intellectual _ (40) development. b. Reading (41) and _writing _ (42) are the major focus in teaching; _speaking _ (43) and_listening _ (44) are dealt with only a little or not at all.c. Vocabulary learning is conducted through _bilingual _ (45) lists, _ dictionary (46) st

      6、udy and memorization.d. The _ sentence_ (47) is of utmost importance as the basis of teaching and learning of the language. Sentence l earning is _analysis _ (48) of grammatical elements and _ translation_ (49) into and out of the target language.e._Accuracy_ (50) is strongly emphasized. Errors are avoided at any costs.f. Grammar learning is _deductive _ (51). The first step is presentation and study of rules; the second step is translation practice. Grammar points are organized systematically t

      7、hroughout the units of the textbooks.g. Classroom instruction _ (52) is conducted in the native tongue, which is used to present and explain the target language and compare the similarities and differences between the native language and the target language. . II. Explain the following terms。(每题4分,共24分)1. Teacher as an enabler A good teacher tries to enable students to do their self-discovery and self-exploration. To enable students also refers to facilitate students personality development and

      8、social abilities. A teachers work involves students who are the future of the society. As a teacher, he/she is responsible to educate and develop each individual learner as a whole person in equipping them with qualities of cooperation, justice, responsibility and discipline, and with abilities of being critical and judgmental in dealing with their complex life.2. Learning styles and strategiesLearning styles refers to an individuals natural, habitual, and preferred ways of absorbing, processing

      9、, and retaining new information and skills. These learning styles persist, regardless of teaching methods and content areas (Reid 1995: F35-8).3. Total physical responseTotal Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method developed by James Asher who advocates the coordination of speech and action. Language is taught through physical (motor) activity.4. Zone of proximal developmentThe distance between the actual developmental level which is determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development which is determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.5. Activity workshopThe repertory grid technique can be a powerful heuristic tool used to facilitate reflection in the sense that it generates a list of personal constructs. This generating pro


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