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  • 卖家[上传人]:奥鹏****师
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    • 1、19秋学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909)大学英语(二)在线作业-0002试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.The hero in that film is based on a real historical figure, not an _ one.A.imaginativeB.imaginationC.imaginaryD.imaginable答案:C2.They ( ) him for the job because he is a good teacher.A.recommendedB.madeC.introduced答案:A3.Thats a ( ) excellent idea.A.veryB.tooC.really答案:C4.Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. I want to buy ( ) for her.A.special somethingB.something specialC.anything special答案:B5.( ) he is over 70 ye

      2、ars old, he still works very hard.A.BecauseB.AsC.Although答案:C6.We need to have our TV set ( ) before this weekend.A.to repairB.repairedC.repair答案:B7.If I won the lottery, I ( ) a big house.A.would have boughtB.would buyC.will buy答案:B8.A: Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow? B: ( ).A.No, I haventB.No, I dontC.No, I didnt答案:A9._ this problem, I will tackle with it later.A.WithB.ConcernedC.AtD.As to答案:D10.His hesitation _ unwillingness.A.suggestionB.pointsC.indicatesD.announcement答案:

      3、C11.You must _ the fact that you are no longer as strong as you were.A.live withB.live upC.live onD.live in答案:A12.Everybody( ) a good time at the party.A.hadB.gotC.enjoyed答案:A13.A: ( ) another piece of chicken, Sally? B: No, thanks. It was delicious, but Im really full.A.How isB.How aboutC.Do you have答案:B14.Did Ann ( ) a message?A.ask to leavingB.ask to leaveC.ask leaving答案:B15.A: Have you been to Canada before? B: ( ).A.Yes, I haveB.Yes, I didC.No, I have答案:A16.When he woke up, he heard the ( )

      4、 of knocking at the door.A.voiceB.soundC.noise答案:B17.The police arrived quickly, ( ) it was too late.A.soB.butC.and答案:B18.You can see McDonalds almost ( ) in the world.A.somewhereB.nowhereC.everywhere答案:C19.After they finished ( ) football, they went for a drink in a pub.A.to playB.playingC.play答案:B20.I ( ) football when I was young.A.used to playingB.used to playC.used to be playing答案:B21.The meeting ( ) for five hours. No one knows when it will end.A.lastedB.have lastedC.has lasted答案:C22.As _

      5、as I am _, I dont care what you do.A.longconcerningB.longconcernedC.farconcerningD.farconcerned答案:D23.Its a long way to get there. This is ( ) we started so early.A.whyB.whatC.how答案:A24.( ) was she dancing with? Her new boyfriend?A.WhoB.WhichC.What答案:A25.Because of the illness, she ( ) in bed for a few months.A.was keptB.was keepingC.kept答案:A26.He ( ) the Museum of Chinese History tomorrow.A.visitsB.visitC.is going to visit答案:C27.In fact she doesnt like him ( ).A.no moreB.at allC.any more答案:B28.

      6、_ the sentence pattern and vocabulary _, this paragraph is quite simple.A.As far as is concerningB.As far as is concernedC.As far as concernD.As far as are concerned答案:C29.Its my _ opinion that I should go abroad after graduation.A.consideringB.consideredC.considerateD.considerable答案:B30.May I ( ) a photo of your hometown?A.ask withB.ask toC.ask for答案:C31.Shall we ( ) a time for our next meeting?A.makeB.fixC.decide答案:B32.( ) is this beautiful handbag?A.How muchB.How manyC.How cost答案:A33.Each tic

      7、ket _ only one person to the exhibition.A.postsB.persuadesC.entersD.admits答案:D34.He ( ) his clothes and got into the bath.A.took offB.put onC.dressed off答案:A35.Come here ( ). The meeting will begin in five minutes.A.soonerB.quicklyC.fast答案:B36.My uncle ( ) in this city since 1980.A.livedB.is livingC.has lived答案:C37.The baby is named ( ) the nurse who was looking after her.A.withB.forC.after答案:C38.Do you know whether he is on holiday or ( )?A.to workB.on businessC.in business答案:B39.Mad with _, he

      8、 beat his son with a big stick.A.rankB.rangeC.rageD.rag答案:C40.He arrived ( ) good time for the concert.A.onB.inC.at答案:B41.Mr Hilton is not good at music. Neither ( ) his children.A.isB.beC.are答案:C42.Both sides _ these terms.A.agreed withB.agreed toC.agreed onD.agreed答案:C43.He likes ( ) football very much.A.to playB.playingC.play答案:B44.Your daughter doesnt ( ) you at all.A.take likeB.take afterC.look after答案:B45.Did you happen to ( ) my old school tie?A.watchB.look atC.come across答案:C46.( ) will be good for you.A.Every of the booksB.Either of the booksC.Either of the book答案:B47.In a few minutes, Mrs. Smith suddenly _.A.regainedB.recoveredC.overcameD.came to答案:D48.Its very easy to clean up the room ( ) can do it.A.someoneB.no oneC.anyone答案:C49.A: Have you finished your homework? B: ( ).A.No, I havent finishedB.No, I ha


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