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    • 1、题型组合训练六(B).七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Self-driving cars are believed to be the future of driving. Companies including Toyota, Uber and Google are all competing to be the first to bring them to the market. However, car-makers need to solve one problem first: 1Most drivers today use gestures to show their intentions. They wave a car into a lane (车道), or nod at passers-by and cyclists, to let them cross. 2 So what can they do? The US car-maker Ford and its partner Virginia Tech thi

      2、nk they have the answer, according to Business Insider.3For example, if a driverless car is giving way, it could flash two white lights side to side. A solid white light would tell people nearby that there are no humans in the car. A slow blinking light would show the car is coming to a stop.4 To test the method on real roads, the team designed a special suit that looks exactly like a car seat. When a driver wears it, it looks like the car is driverless.The team successfully collected more than

      3、1,500 hours of data after about 2,900 kilometers of “self-driving” through busy cities.5 Ford says it plans to share the data with 11 other car-makers, according to DOGO News. Ford hopes that in the future, every car-maker will use the same system of signals.A.But self-driving cars dont have this ability.B.Its a test for the companys self-driving technology.C.The data recorded how people interacted with a driverless vehicle.D.How driverless cars communicate with passers-by, bikers and other driv

      4、ers.E.A rapidly flashing light would tell passers-by that a car is about to speed up.F.More than one-third of them are worried about the safety of self-driving cars.G.The team is testing a method that uses light signals to show what self-driving cars are doing.答案语篇解读无人驾驶汽车如何和行人、骑自行车的人以及其他司机交流呢?美国汽车制造商Ford和其合作者Virginia Tech 找到了一个办法:使用光信号来表示无人驾驶汽车要做什么。1.D上一句提到:汽车制造商需要首先解决一个问题,故该空应该是一个问题。选项中只有D选项是问题:无人驾驶汽车如何与行人、骑自行车的人以及其他司机交流?2.A上一句提到:今天,大部分司机使用手势来表达他们的意图。他们挥手让一辆车进入车道或者向过路人、骑自行车的人点头让他们通过。下一句提到:那么,他

      5、们能做什么?该空承上启下,应表示无人驾驶汽车不能像司机那么做。故A选项正确。3.G下一句是个例子:如果无人驾驶汽车要让路的话,它可以来回闪动两个白灯。由这个例子可知,汽车制造商的解决办法应该是使用光信号来表示无人驾驶汽车要做什么。故G选项正确。4.E考查上下文理解和逻辑推理能力。上文举了两个例子来说明无人驾驶汽车如何利用光信号来表示无人驾驶汽车要做什么。该空承接上文,应该也是类似例子。故E选项正确:快速的闪光告诉行人汽车要准备加速。5.C上一句提到:这个团队成功地搜集了1,500多个小时的数据。承接该句中的“data”,C选项正确:这些数据记录了人们如何和无人驾驶汽车互动。.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2018江西重点中学协作体第一次联考)I got on the bus to go to school as normally do. Today, however, was quite1.As we approached the next stop, a little girl got on.She2her wall

      6、et to find the $2 to pay the driver, but I could3by her expression that she didnt have the correct4. Therefore, I stood up, took out $2 from my wallet, and paid5the girl.Then I walked back and sat down.The girl6me, sitting down next to me.She said “thank you” in a sweet little voice and we began to chat.I found out that she was trying to get to State Street.I felt7to think about a girl in such a young age8around in the city with no money or guardian.When my9approached, I instructed her to get of

      7、f with me and she agreed.As we got to the10, the little girl took my hand, and I11her across the street to safety.12, I had some spare time, so I13the girl to State Street, gave her $5, told her how to get home, and said goodbye.As I14out my hand to shake, she ran to me and gave me the biggest and15hug.We waved each other goodbye and she looked at me with the sweetest blue eyes, and then she skipped away16the street.Although my new friend, Emily, was just a 9-year-old girl, she gave me17that wil

      8、l take her many years to understand.As we hugged, none of us said a word;18, I knew that our hearts had met and a19was made.No age can limit the 20 of ones heart or the love that they can give.1.A.frighteningB.disappointingC.differentD.crazy2.A.observedB.touchedC.presentedD.searched3.A.tellB.realizeC.imagineD.base4.A.ticketB.accessC.permitD.fare5.A.forB.offC.backD.to6.A.followedB.pushedC.noticedD.excused7.A.tiredB.boredC.troubledD.inspired8.A.chattingB.lookingC.playingD.wandering9.A.companyB.storeC.centerD.stop10.A.cornerB.crossroadsC.destinationD.shop11.A.madeB.hurriedC.ledD.freed12.A.UsuallyB.LuckilyC.GenerallyD.Personally13.A.accompaniedB.treatedC.invitedD.instructed14.A.pulledB.carriedC.madeD.held15.A.toughestB.tightestC.softestD.strongest16.A.acrossB.overC.offD.down17.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.everything18.A.otherwiseB.howeverC.besidesD.therefore19.A.connectionB.contributionC.conclusionD.decision20.A.strengthB.powerC.force


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