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    • 1、离线作业考核英语课程与教学论( 完 整 答 案 附 后 )满分100分I. Multiple ChoiceSelect the best answer for each of the questions, and there is only one correct answer to each question. (每个2分)12345678910BAA111213141516171818201. Which view of language believes that language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning?A. The structural view;B. The communicative viewC. The interactional viewD. The instrumental view2. Which view of language believes that language is a system of structurally related elements for the

      2、transmission of meaning?A. The structural viewB. The communicative viewC. The interactional viewD. The instrumental view3. Which of the following sounds -oo- is pronounced differently from the other three? _A. blood B. look C. mood D. wood4. A _ item is a teaching or learning point concerned with the pronunciation of the language.A. phonological B. lexical C. structural D. grammatical5. The analytic syllabus refers not to what the syllabus designer does, but to the_ required of the learner.A. do

      3、ingB. operationsC. practiceD. learning6. The distinctive view of the nature of content for language pedagogy introduced two important elements to syllabus design, namely, _.A. Structural aspect and functional aspectB. Useful aspect and functional aspect C. Notional aspect and conceptual aspectD. Notional aspect and functional aspect7. Nowadays, the _ is gaining more and more popularity in foreign language teaching and more and more educators and learners are embracing it.A. book B. video C. tape

      4、 D. internet8. _students can be greatly benefited by individualized, student-centeredcollaborative learning.A. Clever B. Lazy C. Active D. Inactive9. If you are the observer about the class, before the observation, what should you do except_.A. describe what youll be doing during the observationB. schedule a meeting to discuss the observationC. clarify the purpose of the observationD. it is not necessary to meet with your colleague or TA to discuss10. The following is a thing that the teacher of

      5、ten do in a language classroom. Please decide what role the teacher is playing this activity: the teacher gives students 2minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he/she asks students to stop and answer some questions _.A. prompter B. organizer C. controller D. participant11. Assessment is concerned with _.A. individual students learningB. several students learningC. a group of students learningD. the whole students learning12. _ is characteristics of good assessment for classroom purposes.A

      6、. The content of the assessment should match the teachers educational objectives B. The items should represent partial range of knowledgeC. Expectations for student performance neednt to be clearD. The assessment should involve extraneous factors13. _ utilize group of subjects in research. This method can also be used in experimental research. A. Group study B. Teaching journal C. Lesson report D. Action research14. Observation is_ qualitative research with no hypothesis.A. description-oriented

      7、B. experimental research C. action research D. deductive15. Which collocation is not right?A. Acculturation Theory & ShuamannB. Accommodation Theory & Del HymesC. Interlanguage Theory & SelinkerD. Universal Grammar & Chomsky16. Which one of the characters is not belongs to a good language learner? A. Be creative and experiment with languageB. Learn to live with errors and learn from errorsC. Recite words without understandingD. Seek out all opportunities to use the target language17. Which one d

      8、oes not belong to the advantages of solo work ? _A. It allows students to work at their own speed.B. It often provides welcome relief from the group-centered nature of much language teaching.C. Students can consider their own individual needs and progress.D. It will enhance students self-confidence.18. Which is not the characteristic of a successful teacher? _A. use English most of time in every classB. focus just on “finishing” the syllabus or textbook C. have a practical command of English, not just knowledge of grammar rulesD. find time for ready communicative activities, not just practice of language forms19. Among the following post-listening activities, which one helps the teacher determine whether or not students have got the gist of what they have listened to?A. summaryB. discussionC. role playD. simulation20. In real life, what kind of rea


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