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    • 1、GRE真题阅读170篇,逻辑80题整理汇编使用说明本套材料共由如下部分组成:1.必读 30 篇:所有阶段的 GRE 备考者,不论是刚刚开始备考 GRE 阅读的小白,还是处于考前冲刺阶段, 都要确保已经搞明白这 30 篇。这 30 篇涵盖 GRE 阅读所要求的全部技能和题型。2.Easy Section:这一部分涵盖历年 GRE 阅读真题中难度较低的文章共 30 篇,文章阅读难度不高,出题方式简单直接,适合基础阶段小白用于了解 GRE 阅读考法和做法。3.Medium Section:这一部分共涵盖 67 篇文章,难度较上一 Section 提升了一个档次。Medium 难度是所有考生在考试时都会遇到的难度,对于分数要求高的同学,务必保证这一部分的文章正确率达到 70%以上。4.Hard Section:这一部分共涵盖 19 篇文章,是历年考试中难度最高(文章阅读难度大或者题目难做)的文章,以长文章居多。有志从此 Verbal 163+的同学可以尝试。5.Practice Tests:模考单元,共 4 套,每套 2 个 section,分别对应真实考试的两个 Verbal Section

      2、 的阅读题目出题数量(其中第二套 Section1 多了一篇短文章)。适合考前一周计时训练。6.逻辑分册:涵盖 GRE 阅读全部逻辑题题型共 7 大类,75 道例题。7.本材料阅读共计 170 篇,逻辑题(逻辑分册+Practice Tests 的逻辑题)共计 80 道,是目前市面上专门针对新 GRE 阅读训练的最全面、校对最准确、答案最权威的材料。目录使用说明必读 30 篇Easy SectionMedium SectionHard SectionPractice Tests: Set OneSection 1Section 2Set TwoSection 1Section 2Set ThreeSection 1Section 2Set FourSection 1Section 2逻辑题分册削弱题假设题加强题解释题评价题结论题Boldface附录 1:KEYS附录 2:文章 3s 版本、难度及题型索引必读 30 篇Passage 1Historian F. W. Maitland observed that legal documents are the bestindeed, of

      3、ten the onlyavailable evidence about the economic and social history of a given period. Why, then, has it taken so long for historians to focus systematically on the civil (noncriminal) law of early modern (sixteenth- to eighteenth-century) England?Maitland offered one reason: the subject requires researchers to “master an extremely formal system of pleading and procedure.” Yet the complexities that confront those who would study such materials are not wholly different from those recently surmou

      4、nted by historians of criminal law in England during the same period. Another possible explanation for historians neglect of the subject is their widespread assumption that most people in early modern England had little contact with civil law. If that were so, the history of legal matters would be of little relevance to general historical scholarship. But recent research suggests that civil litigation during the period involved artisans, merchants, professionals, shopkeepers, and farmers, and no

      5、t merely a narrow, propertied, male elite. Moreover, the later sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries saw an extraordinary explosion in civil litigation by both women and men, making this the most litigious era in English history on a per capita basis.1.The passage suggests that the history of criminal law in early modern England differs from the history of civil law during that same period in that the history of criminal lawA.is of more intellectual interest to historians and their readersB.

      6、has been studied more thoroughly by historiansC.is more relevant to general social historyD.involves the study of a larger proportion of the populationE.does not require the mastery of an extremely formal system of procedures2.The author of the passage mentions the occupations of those involved in civil litigation in early modern England most likely in order toA.suggest that most historians assumptions about the participants in the civil legal system during that period are probably correctB.supp

      7、ort the theory that more people participated in the civil legal system than the criminal legal system in England during that periodC.counter the claim that legal issues reveal more about a countrys ordinary citizens than about its eliteD.illustrate the wide range of people who used the civil legal system in England during that periodE.suggest that recent data on people who participated in early modern Englands legal system may not be correct3.The author of the passage suggests which of the follo

      8、wing about the “widespread assumption”?A.Because it is true, the history of civil law is of as much interest to historians focusing on general social history as to those specializing in legal history.B.Because it is inaccurate, the history of civil law in early modern England should enrich the general historical scholarship of that period.C.It is based on inaccurate data about the propertied male elite of early modern England.D.It does not provide a plausible explanation for historians failure t

      9、o study the civil law of early modern England.E.It is based on an analogy with criminal law in early modern England.Passage 2Astronomers who study planet formation once believed that cometsbecause they remain mostly in the distant Oort cloud, where temperatures are close to absolute zeromust be pristine relics of the material that formed the outer planets. The conceptual shift away from seeing comets as pristine relics began in the 1970s, when laboratory simulations revealed there was sufficient ultraviolet radiation reaching comets to darken their surfaces and there were sufficient cosmic rays to alter chemical bonds or even molecular structure near the surface.Nevertheless, astronomers still believed that when a comet approached the Sunwhere they could study itthe Suns intense heat would remove th


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