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    • 1、2019年12月28日大陆地区GRE考试真题回顾数学部分数学 1有两个三角形周长分别为52和32,比较这两个三角形的面积大小数学 2k是正整数,问149的2k次方和143的2k次方的个位数比较大小数学 3H=1, 2, 3, 4,G=1, 3, 5, 7,问点(h, g)的个数数学 410个正整数,和为101,没有任何一个数超过另一个数的两倍,问:这10个数里面最大的数是多少数学 5将20加在这样一个数据的其中一个因数上,这个数据是113123135261293,问加在哪个因数上会使得最后的结果最大数学 6有4个同学 选至少2名或以上做project 有多少种组合数学 7100到999之间 有多少个3位数每个位数的sum是4的数学 8在大于100小于1000的整数中随机选出一个数字,求这个数能被7整除的数的概率数学 93219-32 unit digit 是啥数学 10Someone needs to import a number of sets of bottles. Each bottle charges $12.04, and it also charges $4.8 for

      2、shipping each set (not single bottle but a whole set). The standard deviation of numbers of bottles in each set is 1.5. What is the standard deviation of the prices for each set?数学 11事件A发生的概率是0.85,事件B发生的概率是0.9,AB是相互独立事件,问AB都不发生的概率是多少数学 12直线方程y=5x+40,x的标准差是4.6,问y的标准差是多少填空部分【所有题目均出自于真经填空机经1250题】填空 104-5Give a computer (i)_ taskwinning at chess, say, or predicting the weatherand the machine bests humans nearly every time. Yet when problems are (ii)_, or require combining varied sources, computers a

      3、re (iii)_ human intelligence.A. a well-definedD. nuancedG. no match forB. a randomE. inconsequentialH. unyielding toC. an open-endedF. solvableI. able to dwarf填空 20-3Historian Barbara Alpern Engels task in writing a book about women in Russia must have been a (i)_ one, because the (ii)_ the Russian empires peoples meant that Russian women could never be treated as a homogeneous group.A. motivatingD. unity amongB. boringE. disinterest inC. dauntingF. diversity of填空 19-8One of the peculiarities of

      4、 humans is that we irrationally gravitate to the predictable and avoid risk, whatever the reasons for this _, it is hardly a sound basis for dealing with complex, long-term problems.A. eccentricityB. predilectionC. vacillationD. proclivityE. waveringF. cowardice填空 90-6Part of what currently makes it so (i)_ to arrive at a scientific understanding of the living world is that while technological advances have produced a cascade of datafrom detailed genome sequence to the sophisticated satellite im

      5、agery that documents the planets ecosystemsour ability to (ii)_ these data still lags far behind their (iii)_.A. frustratingD. gatherG. acquisitionB. intriguingE. apprehendH. interpretationC. challengingF. disputeI. implementation填空 10-7In establishing that the dust she had observed constitutes two percent of the mass in the quadrant, the astronomer showed that the dusts extreme visual prominence _ its relatively minor contribution to the total mass of the region.A. beliesB. masksC. highlightsD.

      6、 nullifiesE. disprovesF. accentuates填空 16-5Despite the scathing precision with which she satirizes the lives of social aspirants and moneyed folk, the writer appears to (i)_ being part of the world she presents as so (ii)_.A. abhorD. unattainableB. relishE. insufferableC. evokeF. enchanting填空 40-1The medical professors thesishardly new, but rarely _ by a faculty members of his distinctionis that patients are more than the sum of their symptoms and systems.A. discountedB. ignoredC. subvertedD. un

      7、derestimatedE. espoused填空 30-8Tompkinsons prior donations to the university, while very generous, failed to _ the magnitude of her latest gift.A. compensate forB. portendC. clarifyD. predictE. offsetF. undermine填空 63-9Criticized for decades of overproduction in their signature line of derivative goods, Rectangle Record has satiated the market with a _ of repackaged old CDs, which interferes with its ability to innovate and produce new albums.A. dearthB. glutC. deficiencyD. surfeitE. abundanceF.

      8、profusion填空 31-3The genius of the scientific method is that it (i)_ the dictum of Aristotle that the goal of science is knowledge of the ultimate cause of things. True science, we now know, advances human knowledge by (ii)_ ultimate causes and focusing instead on the testing of empirical hypotheses.A. qualifiesD. ignoringB. jettisonsE. predictingC. affirmsF. confirming填空 118-1The nineteenth-century legislator Robert Barnwell Rhett was known for using language so intemperate that even in an era o

      9、f considerable political _, it came almost to occupy a category of its own.A. malfeasanceB. upheavalC. hypocrisyD. invectiveE. retrenchment填空 25-10For all the _ the new CEO has received from the press recently, her staff have adecidedly less rosy view of her.A. encomiumsB. tributesC. evaluationsD. critiquesE. attentionF. publicity填空 18-10Although scientific progress leads to constant revision of ideas, one observation that has remained _ over the years is that there are a lot of insects in the world: some 950,000 species have been identified.A. robustB. significantC. strongD. perplexingE. confoundingF. obsc


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