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X档案第三季The XFiles中英剧本

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    • 1、X档案第三季The XFiles中英剧本第一集有个古老的印弟安传说 There is an ancient lndian saying.有些东西随着人类的记忆而消失 that something lives only as long as the last person who remembers it.我们人类相信对历史的记载 My people have come to trust memory over history.记忆就象火一样 Memory, like fire,发射着光茫无可抗拒 is radiant and immutable.历史是为那些控制它的人而服务的 While history serves only those who seek to control it,他们为了真理的火焰扑灭 those who would douse the flame of memory,会歪曲历史 in order to put out the dangerous fire of truth.小心这些人 Beware these men.他们这样并不明智 for they are

      2、dangerous并使自己处于危险之中 themselves and unwise.他们歪曲历史的事实就记载在 Their false history is written in the blood of those who might remember.那些寻找真理的人在血液中 and of those who seek the truth.趴下 别动 Lets go! Get down! Get down! Dont move!跪下 把手放在头上 On your knees. Hands behind your head.我想知道穆德在哪 我不知道 I want to know where Mulder is. I dont know.他们车就停在外面 他一定在这 His cars parked outside! He was here!我要穆德 还有那些档案 I want Mulder, and I want those files!这里没有你要找的 You will find nothing here.发生什么事了 有人来过 What happened? There were

      3、men.他们在找你的拍档 They were looking for your partner.他在哪 Where is he?穆德 Mulder!下车 Out of the car!快点 Come on!举起手 伸开腿 Hands on top! Spread your legs!穆德呢 把脸转过去 Wheres Agent Mulder? Turn and face away!档案在哪里 在车后箱 Where are the files? In the trunk.我们需要DAT的拷贝 谁拿了 We need the DAT copy! Who has it?我没拿 I dont have it.谁拿了 Who has it?穆德 Agent Mulder.我们走 Lets go!根据职业行为办公室的评价 lt is there commendation of the Office of ProfessionaI Conduct.史卡利探员 that Special Agent Dana Scully.将被勒令休假 be given a mandatory leave of abs

      4、ence.FBI总部 华盛顿特区直到对她的失误完全调查清楚 until the full detail of her misconduct can be calculated.这个决定依据职业行为办公室的报告 This summary action is justified under the O.P. C. Articles of Review,史卡利会被暂时停职停发工资 and Agent Scully will complete her suspension of duty.这是由于她不服从上级的性格导致的 without pay or benefits due to the nature of her insub ordination.你离开前 我们要求你交出 We will have to ask that you check your weapon and your badge.你的配枪和徽章 史卡利 before you leave the building, Agent Scully.我们还会就穆德的去处向你提出的问题 Wed also ask that you mak

      5、e yourself available to answer further questions.希望你密切配合 in our investigation into Agent Mulders whereabouts.我知道的都说了 Ive told you everything I know.据我所知 穆德已经死了 To the best of my knowledge, Agent Mulder is dead.对于谁都不好受 Dont think that this hasnt been difficult for everyone.史卡利探员 Agent Scully.这些人是谁 Who are these people?这些人是公事公办 These people are doing theirjob.他们这样做只是在一个 What theyre doing is putting an official stamp不朽的谎言里帖上官方的邮票 on the perpetuation of a lie.他们只是按章办事而已 These people have a protocol

      6、to follow, 而不是像你和穆德 which is something you and Agent Mulder did not do.那给穆德喝的水里下毒的人呢 What about the people who were poisoning Agent Mulders water?那又是谁的主意 Whos protocol was that?这起调查 The investigation调查只是一个形式 The investigation will be an exercise.那个杀了穆德和他父亲的人 The men who killed Agent Mulder, the people who killed his father他们是找不到的 我们会找到的 They arent meant to be found. We will find them.尊敬的长官 我想你高估了 With all due respect, sir, I thinkyou overestimate.你的权力 your position in the chain of command.纽约46号大

      7、街那些保安都干什么去了 Where were the safeguards against this?这些档案从来没人见过 These files were never to be seen.这是40年的心血 损失无法估计 Forty years of work The damage could be incalculable.这已经是事实了 The damage is done.我们已经控制了局势 Gentlemen, we have control.档案已被修复 The files have been recovered, and the men involved in their theft.那些贼已经一个不漏地被除掉 have been removed without incident.对FBI来说这是小事 There is a small matter of concern with the F.B.I.,我们会往常一样最终处理好 but well handle that internally, as usual.媒体一定不会注意到的 The media attention

      8、will amount to nothing more than a few, uh,只会发布讣告 scattered obituaries.穆德是个问题 The Mulder problem.穆德已经死了 Special Agent Mulder is dead.他的尸体不会被发现的 His body will not be recovered.在事态平静后 Hell be officially listed as missing他会被列在官方的失踪名单里 until the matter can be resolved quietly.我们已经找到了 And weve recovered the copy被偷的电脑档案的拷贝吗 of the stolen computer files?是的 Yes.那通知有关方面 Thenall thepertinentparties shouldbe informed我们能够继续我们的工作了 that we can continue with our work.史卡利 妈妈 Dana. Hi, Mom.你的鞋怎么了 What are you do

      9、ing with your shoes?它们使我的脚起泡 They, uh They started to give me blisters, so这么晚你还走着过来的 You walked here at this time of night?妈妈 Oh, Mom.怎么回事 我犯了个大错 What is it, Dana? Ive made a terrible mistake.爸爸会以我为耻的 Dad would be so ashamed ofme.那些威胁我们的人 The men who had come and threatened to use没有再回来了 did not retrun to our house agian但第二天 有人告诉我们 but fllowing day some of the boy from the reservation他们在采石场附近 came to tell us they had seen看见很多飞鸟到处乱飞 buzzards flying out near the quarry.那儿是埃立克最初遇见那些人的地方 where Eric had first encountered the men.这飞鸟又大又懦弱 The buzzard is a large but cowardly bird.它们并不追杀猎物 It does not work for it sprey,而是让别人替它把猎物杀了 Ietting others provide the kill.我看见它们在水沙漠上盘旋 When l see them circling in th

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