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    • 1、冠 词 目录 一. 冠词概述 二. 冠词的分类 三. 冠词的用法 一. 冠词概述 冠词的概念:冠词是经常加在名词前面的 一个辅助词,限制名词的意义。 冠词在句子中不能单独作一个成分,是虚 词。 冠词的范围:a、an、the 二. 冠词的分类 不定冠词:a和an 定冠词:the 三. 冠词的用法(不定冠词) (一)不定冠词的用法: 1. 表示类属中的“任何一个” 用来列举此类人或事物中的任何一个都具有某种能力或 某种特征。 A child should have more free time to think. 2. 表示泛指的某人、某物 用来指某人或某物,不明确指出具体的人或物,只说明 大体情况。 An English-English dictionary is very necessary for me. 3. 表示数量中的“一 ”。 用在数词中,表示“一”。 A hundred and more people attended this meeting. 4. 表示单位量词的“每一” 指某种人或事物中的任何一个 ,或表示“每一”的概念。 Take three pills a day

      2、 and youll get better soon. 5.与一些常用动词构成搭配 get a cold感冒 pay a visit 拜访 take a seat坐下 get in a word 插话 make a living 谋生 make a face 做鬼脸 make an apology 道歉 make a speech做演讲 take an interest in对感兴趣 take a message for 为某人稍口信 lend/give sb. a hand 6. 不可数名词如education, history, knowledge, population, time, world等,在表述其某一部分或某 一方面的内容、概念时,前面常加不定冠词 have a long history have a good time receive a good education a knowledge of English and computer 7. 用于部分动词短语中 具有动作意义的名词在与动词have, take, make, give等构成短语表示一种短暂性的动作时,

      3、此名词前 的不定冠词一般不可缺少,表示“做一做” have a look/walk/break/try/bath make a choice/decision/plan/study 三. 冠词的用法(定冠词) 1 表示特定的人或物 这种用法可以表示上文提到过的或谈话双方明确的人或物。特指 某人或某事物,以区别于同类中的其他人或事物。 Is this the book that you are looking for? 2 表示某类属的全体:the 常用于单数名词前,代表一类人或事物。 Do you know who invented the computer? The cat, is liked by many people. 3 表示地球、宇宙中的独一无二的事物 世界上独一无二的东西很多,这里所指的独一无二主要是指各种 天体及世界上比较有影响力的物体。 The sun is bigger than the moon. 4 表示具体的地点、方位,具体的时间或某天的一部分等 on the right in the east in/at the end in the afternoon i

      4、n the center in/at the beginning all over the world. 5 用于比较级、最高级所修饰的名词和序数词前,常用the ,表示特指 Which story is the more interesting (story) of the two. He is always the first to come and the last to leave. 6 用于“越.越”结构中,the必不可少 The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes youll make. 7 用于形容词或分词前,表示一类人或事物 The rich should help the poor. The old are easy to catch cold. 8 用于乐器前,在演奏的乐器前加the Shall we dance to the guitar? 9 定冠词的习惯用法 (1)用定冠词的地名、组织名 the US, the Great Wall, the UN, the History Museum (2) 常用定冠词的习惯短

      5、语 与时间相关的短语:in the middle of, at the same time, at the age of, all the year around 与地点相关的:at the foot of, in the world, on the way to, in/on the street, in/on/to the east of, at/on/in the corner of, on the ground/playground, at the beginning/end of, at the back of 其他固定短语: tell the truth, make the bed, in the darkness, with the help of, on/over/through the radio, at the top of ones voice 注意 不用冠词的场合(零冠词) 1 专有名词前一般不加冠词:China, American, Grade Two 2 一些抽象的不可数名词前不加冠词: Life is short. Time waits for no ma

      6、n. 3 名词前已有this, that, my, whose, some, any, no, each, every等 等修饰限定时,不加冠词。 I have some questions to ask. 4 复数名词表示某一类人或事物时,不加冠词 They are workers. Computers are very popular to all kinds of people. 5 季节、月份、星期和节日的名词前不加冠词 It is Sunday today. June 1st is Childrens Day in China. Spring is a lovely season. 6 在语言、学科、三餐、球类等名词前不加冠词 Miss Smith can not speak Chinese. Maths is hard to learn. 7 在人名、称呼语、头衔、职务等名词前,一般不加冠词 What color are Mr. Greens shoes? The president gave a talk on TV. 8 在与by连用的交通工具名称前不加冠词 by ca

      7、r, by bus, by train (但take a bus, in a boat, on the bike前要加冠词) 9 表示语言的名词前不加冠词,但后加language时,必须 加the Chinese French English the Chinese language 10 在一个“普通名词(或形容词最高级)+as(though)” 引导的让步状语从句中,不用冠 Shortest though he is, he runs fastest in our class. 1. Mr Wang has worked as _English teacher for more than 10 years. A. / B. a C. an D. the 2 How long does it take us to go to your hometown from here? It takes us _ hour or more to go to my hometown by_ train. A. an; a B. a ; an C. an; / D. a; / 3 What _ us

      8、eful book it is! Yeah, it tells you how to play guitar. A. an; the B. a; a C. a; the D. an; a 4、.Susan joined an art club at age of six and paints well. A. the B. an C.a 5、My uncle is _ engineer. He works very hard. A. the B. a C. an 练习 6.A horse is _ useful animal. A. a B. an C. the D. / 7.We usually go to _ school on weekdays, and sometimes go to_ cinema at weekends. A. 不填;the B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;不填 8._ are planning to go on vacation. A. Blacks B. A Blacks C. The Blacks D. The Blacks 9.Mrs Smith has _ son and a daughter. A. a B. an C. the D. / 10. Her daughter began to play _ piano when she was five. Now she s very good at it. A. an B. a C. the D. / 11. She learned to play _ piano all by herself. A. a B. an C. the D.不填 12. What do you want to be in the future, Nick? I want t


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