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    • 1、第三篇 无损检测技术及其应用 Nondestructive Testing and the Application 现代材料分析技术 第三篇 无损检测技术及其应用 Nondestructive Testing and the Application 第一章无损检测概述 Chapter 1. Introduction of Nondestructive Testing 第二章 射线检测 Chapter 2. The Nondestructive Testing of Ray 第三章 超声波检测 Chapter 3. Ultrasonic Testing 第四章 磁粉探伤 Chapter 4. Magnetic Particle Testing 中华人民共和国国家标准批准发布公告 Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards of P.R.China 2005年第9号(总第83号) 国家质量监督检验检疫总局批准以下101项国家标准,现予以公布。 2005-8-31 20GB/T 19799.1-2005无损检测 超声检测 1 号校准试块

      2、 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 21GB/T 19799.2-2005无损检测 超声检测 2 号校准试块 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 22GB/T 19800-2005 无损检测 声发射检测 换能器的一级 校准 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 23GB/T 19801-2005 无损检测 声发射检测 声发射传感器 的二级校准 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 24GB/T 19802-2005 无损检测 工业射线照相观片灯 最低 要求 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 25GB/T 19803-2005 无损检测 射线照相像质计 原则与标 识 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 26GB/T 18851.1-2005无损检测 渗透检测 第1部分:总则 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 27GB/T 18851.2-2005 无损检测 渗透检测 第2部分:渗透 材料的检验 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 28GB/T 18851.4-2005无损检测 渗透检测 第4部分:设备 2005-06-08

      3、 2005-12-01 29GB/T 18851.5-2005 无损检测 渗透检测 第5部分:验证 方法 2005-06-08 2005-12-01 30GB/T 5097-2005 无损检测 渗透检测和磁粉检测 观察 条件 GB/T 5097- 1985 1985-04-202005-06-082005-12-01 31GB/T 12604.1-2005无损检测 术语 超声检测 GB/T 12604.1 -1990 1990-12-182005-06-082005-12-01 32GB/T 12604.3-2005无损检测 术语 渗透检测 GB/T 12604.3 -1990 1990-12-182005-06-082005-12-01 33GB/T 12604.4-2005无损检测 术语 声发射检测 GB/T 12604.4 -1990 1990-12-182005-06-082005-12- Chapter 1. Introduction of Nondestructive Testing (NDT)第一章无损检测概述 1.1 Introduction概述 无损检测技术可对工程材

      4、料、零部件和构件进行百分之百的 检测,并根据检出缺陷的特性,依据常规力学或断裂力学的判据 作出恰当的评价。 Nondestructive Testing technology could be totally (100%) to detect the Engineering materials, parts and components, which gives proper evaluation of them according to the criterions of conventional and Fracture mechanics. 无损检测技术是为了保证材料和构件的高质量、高性能以及 在安全可靠的基础上经济、有效地使用而提供依据的重要方法。 The Nondestructive Testing is the important technique to guarantee the high quantity and performance of Materials, parts and components, which can provides the importa

      5、nt technology for economically and efficiently application as that the basis of save and reliability. (1)NDT can carry out the control of quantity, save the raw materials, improve the technology, and increase labor productivity for industril produce. NDT是工业生产中实现质量控制、节约原材料、改进工艺和提高劳动生产 率的重要手段; (2)It is the important Monitoring means for equipments savelly operation. 设备安全运行的重要监测手段。 (3) NDT is Interaction of Fracture mechanics, Technology of Computing and other techniques, which are the adjacent sub

      6、jects of science and technique. 无损检测技术于断裂力学、计算技术等相邻学科互相配合。 (4)NDT Significant economic effects, and broad application. 显著的经济效果。广泛d的应用领域: Aeronautics and Space,Nuclear technology,wapons system, railway, and shipbuilding, oil and chemical industry, boilers and pressure vessels, construction, metallurgy and machinery manufacturing. 无损检测技术在航空与航天、核技术、武器系统、电站设备。铁道与 造船、石油与化工、锅炉和压力容器、建筑、冶金和机械制造等工业中应 用极为广泛。 1)Introduction概述 2)Methods and types of NDT原理、方法与种类 (1)As the development of the modern physics, m

      7、aterials science, microelectronics and computer technology, non-destructive testing technology (NDT) has gained rapid development. Various non-destructive testing methods of the basic principles involved in almost all branches of modern physics. In accordance with the different methods and different principles of detection and information processing methods, detailed statistics have been applied and is non-destructive testing methods of the study, a total of about 70 species. 随着现代物理学、材料科学、微电子学和计

      8、算机技术的发展,无损检测 技术也获得了迅速发展。各种无损检测方法的基本原理几乎涉及现代物理学 的各个分支。按照不同原理方法和不同的探测及信息处理方式,详细的统计 了已应用和正在研究的无损检测方法,总共大约70余种。 (2)Including: Ray Test, Sond and Ultrasonic Test, Electric and Electromagnetic Test, Mechanical and Optical Test, Thermodynamic and Chemical Test. 主要包括:射线检测、声和超声检测、电学和电磁检测、力学和光学检测、热 力学方法和化学分析方法。 And also, there are computer and image treatment, Image recognition and synthesis and automated testing technology. 现代无损检测技术还应包括计算机数据和图像处理、图像识别与合成和 自动化检测技术等。 (3)Method 方法 Detection in industrial pr

      9、oduction, the current widely used NDT: Liquid permeation, magnetic detection, ray detection, ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing method. 在工业生产检测中,目前应用广泛的无损检测方法:液体 渗透法、磁粉检测法、射线检测法、超声波检测法和涡流检 测法。 In recent years, the acoustic emission testing and detection of laser holography has also been a rapid development and application. 近年来,声发射检测和激光全息摄影检测等也获得了迅速的 发展和应用。 1.2材料和构件中缺陷与强度的关系 1) brittle fracture脆性断裂 Materials and components of brittle fracture, bringing a lot of catastrophic accidents. Is to study a variety of materials, an important aspect. So, the requirements of the material has good mechanical properties (high strength and toughness). 材料与构件的脆性断裂,带来很多的灾难性事故。是研究各种材料的一个重 要方面。为此,要求材料具有良好的


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