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【外研版选修8】2014高考英语一轮复习配套课件:Module 1 Deep South

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  • 文档编号:117830513
  • 上传时间:2019-12-11
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    • 1、晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 请请用英语语写一篇有关环环保主题题的短文,简简要描述漫画 内容,并结结合实际实际 ,就人与自然的和谐谐关系方面发发表自 己的看法。 Module 1 Deep South 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 注意: 1词词数120150; 2内容充实实,结结构完整,语语意连贯连贯 ; 3书书写清晰,工整。 参考词汇词汇 : 烟囱chimney 环环境environment 污污染pollution 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC The two newly married birds are looking for an ideal place to settle down,only to find a treelike chimney with heavy smoke rising from it. Seriously poisoned,they drop dead from the sky. Seeing the picture,I feel quite sorry for them.I think just as p

      2、eople want to live a good life,all the living things also have the right to live in this world,so we must leave more space for birds and other animals.Besides,we must take measures to control pollution to protect all the living things from being harmed. 【满满分作文】 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC We should always remember a fact that people cant live well on our planet without other living things.We should try hard to improve the environment not only for ourselves but also for the birds and animals,and thus w

      3、e can live in harmony with nature. 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 【高级词汇级词汇 】 settle down定居,停留 in harmony with与和谐谐 【佳句变换变换 】 Having suffered from serious poison,the birds end up (in) death. Also,immediate action is an urgent need to shelter all the living things from harm. We should try our best to improve the environment that is shared by our human beings and animals. 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 1_adj.每年的 2_ n状态态,状况 3_ adj.极端的,极度的 4_ v储储存,留存 5_ v使平衡 6_ n(全体)船员员 7_ n衣服;(尤指)某种服装 8_ adj.不很昂贵贵的;适中的 A 考纲词汇思忆 annual

      4、 state extreme trap balance crew clothing modest 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 9_v对对待如朋友 10_ n荣幸 11_ n深度_adj.深的_vt.加深; 使变变深 12_ v促进进,增进进_n促进进, 促销销 13_n紧紧急情况;突发发事情_ v出 现现;显现显现 出来 14_ n鼓舞;启示;灵感_v鼓舞 befriend privilege depthdeepdeepen promotepromotion emergencyemerge inspirationinspire 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 字词词入章,相得益彰 He befriended every stranger he met and he was very modest about his achievements.He was seldom absent from work and he worked hard,so he was soon promoted.It encouraged us greatly that he sho

      5、wed remarkable courage when dealing with an emergency.He was a constant inspiration to us. 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 1_ average平均 2adapt _ 使适应应 3as _ as (除之外)也,既又 4_ a result因此 5_the form of 以形式 6stand _ 引人注目;突出 7set foot _ 进进入,到达 8Come_sight进进入视视野 9break _ 分裂,分解 10come up _ 想出;提议议 B 重要短语识记 on to well as in out on into up with 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 11_ ones promise 信守诺诺言 12be _ of 喜欢欢 13_ case 如果;假使 keep fond in 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 1_the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross

      6、the Antarctic Circle,but he never saw land.(not until置于句首,主句采用部分倒装。) 直到18世纪纪末,英国探险险家詹姆斯库库克才穿越了南极圈 ,但他却始终终未发现发现 任何陆陆地。 2Then in 1895,a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became _ man _ the Antarctic mainland.(当名词词前有the first等序数词词修饰时饰时 其后用to do不定式作后置定语语。) 后来到了1895年,一个叫卡斯腾腾博克格雷温克的挪威人 成为为第一个踏上南极大陆陆的人。 C 经典句式再现 Not until the first to set foot on 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC One explanation is the law of over learning,which can be stated as follows. (2012新课标课标 ,阅读阅读 D) 一个解释释就是过过度学习规习规 律,可以陈陈述如下。 state n状

      7、态态,形势势;州,国家,政府vt.陈陈述,声 明,说说明adj.官方的;国家(州)的 A 核心单词巧布点,基石奠 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC The roads are _after severe winter weather. 严严冬过过后,这这些公路的路况极差。 The company will _about the accident later today. 那家公司将在今天晚些时时候对这对这 一事故发发表声明。 in a.state 发发表声明 in a bad state make a statement 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC All the photographs in this book,_stated otherwise, date from the 1950s. (2012陕陕西卷, 25) Aunless Buntil Conce Dif 答案 A 看看高考怎么考 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC balance v使保持平衡n.平衡;平衡能力;天平 These elements destroyed the socia

      8、l balance of the twelve family groups on the island.(2012山东东卷,阅读阅读 A) 这这些东东西打破了岛岛内十二家族的势势力均衡。 lose out of 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 巧学助记记 I _and fell on my face. 我失去平衡,脸脸着地摔倒了。 _is very important for you to keep health.平衡饮饮食对对你保持健康非常重要。 lost my balance A balanced diet 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC You were working too hard. Youd better keep a _between work and relaxation.(2012天津卷,3) Apromise Blead Cbalance DDiary 答案 C 看看高考怎么考 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC Throughout history,advertising has been an effective way to promote(促进进)the trading and selling of goods. (2011全国卷,阅读阅读 B) 纵贯历纵贯历 史,广告一直就是促进贸进贸 易提高销销售的手段。 promote vt.促进进;增进进;晋升;使升级级;宣传传 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC We launched a big advertising campaign _ new products. 我们发动们发动 了一场场声势势浩大的广告宣传传,旨在推销销我们们的 新产产品。 Our English teacher has _ headmaster.我们们的英语语老师师已被提升为为校长长了。 be promoted to 得到/争取晋升 to promote been promoted to 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC discourage v阻止;打消的念头头 from courage encourage 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC 巧学助记记 We ought to be f

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