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Module3 Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module

  • 卖家[上传人]:摇****
  • 文档编号:117768321
  • 上传时间:2019-12-11
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    • 1、Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema Section Other Parts of the Module 语言点一 单词集释 板块 语言点二 短语荟萃 板块 语言点三 句型解构 板块 课时跟 踪检测 识 记 . 掌 握 应 用 . 落 实 理 解 . 拓 展 识 记 . 掌 握 理 解 . 拓 展 识 记 . 掌 握 应 用 . 落 实 理 解 . 拓 展 语篇理解 课文自读 板块 应 用 . 落 实 返回 返回 返回 返回 .True (T) or False (F). 1.Mark Twains life didnt resemble the life of the characters he created. ( ) 2.Mark Twain led an adventurous life when he was young. ( ) 3.Mark Twain was good at describing the life on the river. ( ) 答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 返回 .Read the pass

      2、age “The Life of Mark Twain” and choose the best answers. 1.From the text, we can know that . A.Mark Twain was a college student B.Mark Twain was born in a rich family and his father left him a lot of fortune C.Mark Twain left school early and he went to make his own fortune D.Mark Twain started writing early and made his fortune in California 返回 2.Mark Twain decided to take a boat to the Amazon . A.because he could write the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn there B.because he wanted to m

      3、eet Huckleberry Finn there C.and he arrived in the South America as he wished D.but he found no boats there at all and so he had to change his plan 返回 3.From the last paragraph, we know that . A.Mark Twain started writing when he was still young B.what Mark Twain started writing about was the life on the river C.the author of this text has no interest in Mark Twains stories D.the author believes Mark Twain is still alive 返回 4.From the passage we can see that . A.like many writers, Mark Twain wro

      4、te his stories on the basis of his own experiences B.Mark Twain was famous for his stories only in the last century C.Mark Twain was famous as an American writer and he grew up in Canada D.Mark Twain used to be a traveler who collected materials for his writing 答案:1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 返回 返回 返回 A.根据词性及汉语释义写出单词 1. n. 外形;轮廓 2. n. 虚构或幻想出来的事 3. n. (影视、音乐)评论 4. n. 例外 5. vt. 强迫;迫使 outline fiction review exception force 返回 6. adj. (描述)生动的;逼真的 7. n. 名誉;名望;声望 8. vt.塑造;创作 n.创造 adj.创造的;有创造力的 9. adj.坚决的 v.决心 n.决心

      5、 vivid reputation createcreation creative determined determine determination 返回 B.词义配对 1. comedy A. break the rest, concentration or calm of (sb./sth.) 2. disturb B. light or amusing play or film, usually with a happy ending 3. establish C. to look like or be similar to another person or thing 返回 4. resemble D. not deep 5. warn E. give sb. notice of sth., esp possible danger 6. shallow F. to start or create an organization, a system, etc. 答案:1.B 2.A 3.F 4.C 5.E 6.D 返回 返回 1.disturb vt.打扰;搅乱,弄乱;使焦

      6、虑 教材P25原句 “Who is it disturbing me at this time of night? ” said the captain. “深更半夜的是谁在打扰我?”船长问。 They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them. 他们摘下电话听筒,以免电话打扰他们。 Dont disturb the papers on my desk. 别把我写字台上的文件弄乱了。 返回 She was disturbed to hear of her mothers sudden illness. 她获悉母亲得急病后感到心神不安 返回 disturb, interrupt disturb “打扰扰、扰扰乱、妨碍”,但不一定使 中断 interrupt “打断、打扰扰、阻断”,往往使中断 返回 自填助记 We have to you,because your speech has gone beyond the time limit. Playing with mobile phones in class c

      7、an other students study. interrupt disturb 返回 2.warn vt.警告;提醒 教材P29原句 “Mark Twain”, which means “watermark two”, was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water. “马克吐温”意思是“水深二英尺”,这是密西西比河 上的水手们用来警告正在进入浅水区(安全通行)的同船 水手们的口号。 返回 They were warned not to climb the mountain in such bad weather. 已经劝过他们天气这么恶劣不要攀登那座山。 Earth Day was founded to warn people of/about the dangers to the environment. 地球日的建立是告诫人们环境危机的状况。 The doctor warned us aAgainst overti

      8、ring the patient. 医生告诫我们不要让病人过度疲劳。 Experts warn smokers that they could lose one third of their everyday memory. 专家们告诫烟民他们可能会丧失三分之一的日常记忆。 返回 warn sb. sth. 警告某人某事 warn sb. (doing) sth. 警告某人提防某事 warn sb. sth. 警告某人(不)做某事 of/about against (not) to do 返回 3.determined adj.坚决的,有决心的;果断的 教材P29原句 He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined to make his fortune in South America, set off from his home in Hannibal, Missouri,for New Orleans. 他很早就离开了学校,还是青少年时就下决心要去南美 洲碰运气,于是他离开家乡密苏里州的汉尼拔,动身去 了新奥尔良。 返回 She gave me a determined look the kind that said she would not change her mind. 她给了我一个坚决的表情那 种表明她不会改变主意的表情。 We were determined that we should never allow such things to happen again. 我们决定这种事情决不允许再发生。 返回 be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(表状态态) determine vt. 决定,决心,确定 determine to do sth. 决心做某事(表动动作) determine on sth.

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