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Welding Electrical Engineering Practice Report (radio side)-英文文献

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11755632
  • 上传时间:2017-10-15
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:24.50KB
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    • 1、1Welding Electrical Engineering Practice Report (radio side)This is a report on the internship electric welding, The relevant theories of learning, I was finally able to start their own practice, and that makes me excited, I am very serious task to complete their internship. First, the practice: (1) learn to identify simple electronic components and electronic circuits; (2) to learn and master the radio works; (3) in accordance with the drawings welded components, assembly of a radio, and master

      2、 the testing method. II Practice Equipment Description: (1) Soldering iron: the welding of components, therefore the use of electric iron is hot outside, the power of 30 w, iron head is made of copper. (2) screwdrivers, tweezers and other necessary tools. (3) rosin and tin, due to its low melting point solder, soldering, solder can quickly take a walk on the metal surface welding firm, bright and beautiful spot. (4), two 5 batteries. Third, the practice aims: electronic technology practice The m

      3、ain purpose is to develop our ability, with the significance of metalworking is the same, we are daily requested metalworking machinery lathe, working tools and familiar 2with, to make yourself a decent things to come. and electronic technology training to Our electronic components to identify the appropriate tools and operations, the use of related equipment, electronic equipment production, the whole process of alignment, grasp the failure to find and eliminate common method of electronic circ

      4、uits have a more detailed experience, not in the face of such Shihai things as before in vain. help us to understand the theoretical knowledge, professional knowledge to help us learn. so we installed electronic components and radio and debugging a certain emotional and rational understanding of, lay in the future in-depth study of electronic technology base. At the same time the radio internship has given me a knowledge of the actual production and assembly skills, the ability of theory with pr

      5、actice to improve the analysis of problems and problem-solving skills, enhanced ability to work independently. but also develop teamwork among the students, explore, and common progress of the spirit. the specific purpose of 1. familiar with common hand tools, solder use and maintenance and repair. 2. basic grasp of hand soldering iron welding technology, independent of the completion of a simple installation and welding of electronic 3products. familiar electronics installation process of the production process. 3. Familiar with printed circuit board design steps and methods of hand-made printed circuit board are familiar with the process, according to the circuit diagram, components of physical design and production of printed circuit boards.

      《Welding Electrical Engineering Practice Report (radio side)-英文文献》由会员豆浆分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Welding Electrical Engineering Practice Report (radio side)-英文文献》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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