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Yuan cognitive strategy is expensive to rising level of audition of student of major of Gao Zhuanying language has duty why to be affected

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741700
  • 上传时间:2017-10-15
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:32.50KB
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询Yuan cognitive strategy is expensive to rising level of audition of student of major of Gao Zhuanying language has duty why to be affectedSummary yuan acknowledge is new the belongs to psychological category idea that advance. Author from yuan cognitive concept, content, and the respect such as construction, discussed yuan of acknowledge to be opposite high post the influence of the English audition class of student of major of Gao Zhuanying language. Key word yuan ackn

      2、owledge high post audition of Gao Zhuanying languageThe United States develops psychologist John Fulaweier at going up 70 time of century end took the lead in putting forward yuan of acknowledge this one concept. Yuan acknowledge is learner place provides some about oneself thinking activity and the acknowledge that study an activity are mixed monitoring, it is the cognitive activity of a kind of deep administrative levels. Content includes learner to realize ego monitoring to his study, effecti

      3、ve organization studies an activity and take the knowledge that politic sex acts and ability, and the specific 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询strategy that uses in learning a process and method. At present our country have not will yuan acknowledge blends in high post education of class of audition of Gao Zhuanying language. The article discussed yuan of acknowledge to be opposite high post the influence of the audition education of student of major of Gao Zhuanying language. This is reform of educat

      4、ion of English of our development classroom, raised level of student English audition to provide feasibility basis. One, yuan cognitive constructionYuan acknowledge is by yuan cognitive knowledge, yuan cognitive experience is mixed yuan of cognitive monitoring 3 person the organic unity that form. Yuan the knowledge of the cognitive process that cognitive knowledge basically points to to individual place provides some to may affect his about certain factor with some kind of means and cognitive r

      5、esult. Yuan the cognitive experience that cognitive experience is companion as cognitive activity generation or affection experience, it is divided again for foregone experience and sealed experience; The experience of successful experience and failure, happy experience or depressed experience are waited a moment. Yuan what 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询cognitive monitoring points to is main body is in the process of cognitive activity, the surveillance that undertakes consciousness to its acknowled

      6、ge activity ceaselessly, control and adjust. 2, yuan acknowledge and high post Gao Zhuanying the relation of language classStudy activity of the mankind also is a kind of cognitive activity, the essence of yuan of acknowledge is a person the self-awareness of cognitive to oneself activity, ego monitoring and ego adjust, fulaweier thinks yuan of relevant major that acknowledge applies in the language is medium having very main effect, because this also is a kind of cognitive skill. 90 time, someb

      7、ody offerred intercourse ability point of view, this viewpoint thinks the gift of tongues is mixed by language knowledge a series of yuan cognitive and politic composition. The politic ability in English intercourse has quadruplet yuan acknowledge is politic: The evaluation is politic; Firm objective is politic; Formulate plan strategy and executive plan strategy. Fall in intercourse setting especially in English audition class these each respects of yuan of cognitive strategy and language knowl

      8、edge already organic union 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询interaction. The operation move of audition class is as follows: The audition with complete full text, dismiss inattentivegeneral idea slightly; understands the problem of part of audition material key and vocabulary ahead of schedule, conduce to oneself better understanding stuff; is taking problem and keyword to hear stuff; states material and answer issue with his language; tries to recollect material. If the student mastered audition to op

      9、erate measure, and can strategy combines yuan of acknowledge to it, the audition ability that can let oneself rises, the study of audition class also is the study of knowledge of sex of a kind of program essentially, from allegation the phase of knowledge of sex of program of translate into of sexual knowledge phase reachs introspection acknowledge level finally. In English audition class, yuan of acknowledge of learner how to raise English audition to undertake ego understanding and introspection to oneself namely, if can realise the method that has audition study effectively clearly, put into practice, study the effect with respect 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询to what can achieve satisfaction. 1 2 of on one page issues one page So yuan cognitive strategy is all in all to English audition. 3, yuan the acknowledge influence to the student1, the understanding audition that makes a student deeper. Can help a student gain yuan of accurate cognitiv

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