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With good English extracurricular the activity increases student learning interest

  • 卖家[上传人]:豆浆
  • 文档编号:11741619
  • 上传时间:2017-10-14
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:36.50KB
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    • 1、精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询With good English extracurricular the activity increases student learning interestWhen all sorts of competition of this age bound, final it is the competition that behaves the ability that it is a person, achieve the competition of modelling talent especially. High quality starts formative talented person, come from the education of the creativity at high quality. Reason this, this task is placed in us of each teachers before. The article, oneself are emphasized talk wi

      2、th broad person of the same trades in English extracurricular activity, how be applied and permeate creation to learn a principle, undertake innovating educational the research of mode, develop innovation consciousness of the student and innovation ability. English extracurricular activity and classroom education connect cheek by jowl, it is to make the student develops innovation thinking, master the auxiliary form with English knowledge and indispensable ability as soon as possible. It can con

      3、solidate, deepen, enlarge the knowledge that learns on classroom, can rise “ with interesting passion, contain teachs Yu Le “ action; Be helpful for raising a student to use the practice capacity of English intercourse, help 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询student is active study from passivity study change; Be helpful for the understanding of pair of English language countries; The interest that is helpful for fostering student learning English and the appetite that stimulate them to be engaged in a

      4、foreign language working, nurturance organizes ability goodly, oneself harden oneself becomes the generation newlywed person that has development innovation capacity. Before our student comes from a country mostly, they are very little to English understanding, only by short course inside 45 minutes, want to increase integrated capacity as soon as possible (listen, say, read, write, interpret) be special difficulty, accordingly, our activate form is diversiform, the creation activity that extrao

      5、rdinary splendour confused shows, can make the student finds everything new and fresh. Get remarkable result, namely the introduction is fast, progress is great, rise fast also. Professor Chen Lin has said university of Beijing foreign language: “The scene that sets inside the class no matter how distinct, it is false, only the student uses a language in daily life, ability masters a language truly. “ the importance that Professor Chen Lin emphasizes developing 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询English

      6、extracurricular activity, emphasize foreign minister of the class inside the class be united in wedlock, the knowledge that learns inside the class skill application arrives in daily life. So how should be English extracurricular activity done? One, constituent sex activityThis kind of activity is in the student he is organized, attend of ones own accord, the teacher is appropriative and directive, below the circumstance such as adviser, the after school English that emphasizes rich student live

      7、s, create English language environment, education creates interest, innovation consciousness and creation talent. . English hears of a groupHear the group wants to choose good group leader, make an activity plan (contain time, mobile arrangement) . Main content is through making game, reading, say a series of activities such as English story, develop colloquial ability, overcome the cowardly psychology of rural student, enhance the self-confident heart that learns English. (1) English gameDo Eng

      8、lish game to be able to enhance study enthusiasm and self-confidence, in the meantime, also can develop ripe 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询artful spoken language. It is to consolidate vocabulary, syntactic, training pronouncing is effective method. Game can cooperate classroom content, often do. (2) readingReading is one kind exercises a student oral expression ability, aggrandizement English reads as good as what admire ability method. It can promote a student to understand the setting of English l

      9、anguage country, politics, economy, culture, formal wait. The form can divide those who be entire school sex to also can divide grade sex, a class also can undertake. Can make so the speech of classmates, dialect, read what ability gets older rate to rise. 2. English blackboard signs up for a groupLet a student do English board newspaper oneself, can increase the interest that learns English, those who undertake creativity works take exercise, can foster their creation thinking again. Do a hand to report a duplicate to, yi Ke gives blackboard to declare. What pick material, should be broad classmate is familiar, such, the student was understood, just have the effect. Each semester strives to go out a few 精品文档欢迎来主页查询更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询period. No matter the hand reports a duplicate to,still be blackboard newspaper, the theme must be highlighted, or cooperate education, or receive great red-letter day to wait, content can contain a story, proverbial, riddle, cel

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