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    • 1、动词动词 实义动词 系动词 助动词 情态动词 四大护法 什么是动词?什么是动词?什么是动词?什么是动词? Patrick Star is eating a hamburger. The boy still stands here. 表示动作或者状态的词 护法一号护法一号 实义动词实义动词 定义: 能独立作谓语的动词 及物动词 (vt)延续性 分类 不及物动词 (vi)非延续性 及物动词后必须加宾语 I like very much. I like English very much. They call me. They call me Mary. Please pass me. Please pass me the salt. Horses run fast. He jumps very high. 不及物动词无需接宾语 Mike is studying Maths. Mike studies hard. ? ? 有些动词既是及物动词又是不及物动词 study work turn off leave like pick up learn swim fly keep vt vi 有些不

      2、及物动词与其他词构成短语时,作用相当于一个及物动词 护法护法二二号号 系动词系动词 感官类 系动词 动态系 动词 双谓语 系动词 状态类 系动词 系动词 sound smell feel taste look be I am a student. seem They seem quite happy. keep We need to keep fit. stay The window stayed open all the night. 描述状态变化过程 He is getting worse and worse. The man fell asleep two hours ago. Its growing warm. Maple trees turn red in autumn. 既有系动词的功能,后接表语,又保留原实义动词本身的含义 The sun rose red. She stopped and stood quite still. The book lay open on the table. He married young. 了解一下 用系动词的适当形式填空 1. You

      3、 _very young. 2. At first those questions _ easy, but later I found them difficult. 3. After the sports meeting, he _very tired. 4. My younger brother _a student last year. 5. When we_ up, were going to help build up our country. 6. The flowers _very sweet. 7. Her face _red. 8. Jack _very happy. 9. The mooncake _good. 10. The meat _ bad. looks seemed looks was grow smell turns looks tastes tastes 护法护法三三号号 助动词助动词 I was doing my homework all afternoon. Many trees are planted in the park last Sunda

      4、y. They will leave in two hours. I shall be 16 years old next year. I have learned English for 8 years. 你知道哪些助动词?你知道哪些助动词? 助动词 be 助动词 have/has/had 助动词 will/shall 助动词助动词 do/does/diddo/does/did 护法护法三三号号 情态动词情态动词 A表能力 can/couldB 表推测 can/must/might/may C 表必要性 need/have to D 表请求 should/shall/may E 半情态动词 need/dare can boy; dont go out. It _ (rain) now. Lets try !Lets try ! visited has made will go sleeps is raining 6. She often _ (do) her lessons after supper. 7. Hurry up! The train _ (leave) in five minutes. 8. They _ (arrive) in London on the night of April 30, 1989. 9. While we _ (talk) in the room, the light suddenly went out. 10. They _ (learn) about 200 English words since this term. does will leave arrived were talking have learned 知识回顾知识回顾 Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview


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