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元旦主持词,妙语连珠的精彩(new year's day presided over the word, wonderful sparkling discourse)

  • 卖家[上传人]:xins****2008
  • 文档编号:117196145
  • 上传时间:2019-11-18
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    • 1、元旦主持词,妙语连珠的精彩(New years Day presided over the word, wonderful sparkling discourse)/ * 短文学 _ 300x250 _ 内页 * /was _ cpro id = u1412357;每到辞旧迎新之时, 晚会已成必有的一个节目了.大家齐聚一堂, 只为了共同庆祝新年的到来, 为这个节日增添一些欢声笑语.元旦晚会上主持词是必不可少的.好的主持词能够带动大家的情绪, 让晚会的气氛更加高涨.希望小编整理的元旦主持词能够帮助到大家.元旦主持词 (一)开场白甲: 新年的钟声即将敲响, 时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕.伴随着冬日里温暖的阳光, 2015年元旦如约而至.乙: 在这一刻, 我们已经感受到了春的气息, 这是我们利民的春天, 这是我们职教处这个大家庭的春天, 这更是我们每个人的春天.甲: 今天, 我们相约在这里, 享受缘分带给我们的欢乐, 享受这段美好时光.乙: 今天, 我们相聚在这里, 一起用心来感受真情, 用爱来融化冰雪.甲: 今天, 我们相聚在这里, 敞开你的心扉, 释放你的激情.乙: 今天, 我们相聚

      2、在这里, 这里将成为欢乐的海洋, 让快乐响彻云霄!甲: 职教处2009年元旦联欢会现在开始! 首先, 由处长致新年祝词! (hellip &; & hellip;) 感谢处长的祝福! 让我们用掌声把祝福也送给她和她的家人, 祝他们新年快乐, 身体健康! 同时, 也把祝福送给在座的每一位, 祝大家新的一年万事如意, 心想事成!串词1、新年新气象, 在新的一年里, 你都有哪些想法呢? 技校班同学的想法就是希望明天会更好, 这也是我们大家的想法, 我们每个人都希望明天会更好! 下面, 就让我们在明天会更好的歌声中进入今天联欢会的第一版块相约新年!2、每个人都有过纯真的童年时代, 它象一股清泉流淌在我们心底.长大了, 每每想起童年, 我们都会回味无穷.下面, 电大班 * * * 等给大家带来配乐诗朗诵长大以后想想童年.有请!3、赵本山, 宋丹丹以其诙谐、幽默打动了亿万观众的心, 再加上小崔的机智, 更显得珠联壁合.接下来就由 * * * 、 * * * 、 * * * 为我们演绎02级版本的昨天, 今天, 明天!4、一段充满青春活力的劲舞过后, 我们来共同欣赏一首歌曲亲密爱人.5、优美的笛声讲

      3、述了一段非常感人的故事, 在人生的道路上, 我们会经历挫折, 经历失败, 但是, 只要我们不断努力, 终会有成功的一天, 因为阳光总在风雨后!6、各位班长的话让我们特别感动, 电大三年生活, 我们体会最深的就是感动.我们被同学感动着, 被老师感动着, 被一件件事情感动着.今天的联欢会就有许多事情让我们感动, 许多老师和同学都为此付出了辛勤的劳动, 他们为了能把最精彩的节目奉献给大家, 经常是忙碌到深夜一、两点, 这些都让我们感动不已.现在, 就让我们用热烈的掌声感谢这台联欢会的总策划兼音响师 * * * 、总导演我们的处长 * * * 女士, 感谢在座的每一个人感谢你们的辛勤付出! 下面, 我们01级同学就为大家献上这篇散文感动.7、在职教处, 不论老师还是同学, 真诚是彼此的依靠.这里不仅教书, 而且育人, 我们在座的每一个人都感受到了这一点, 但是感受最深的, 我想还要数历届留校的老师了, 让我们一起来听一听他们的真情告白.结束语二十年后再相会背景音乐起With the pace of the youth, we are approaching to spring, singing

      4、 all the way, the way of all things in the laughter, waiting in the wind and snow joyfully.Encouraging youth, we are approaching to spring, singing all the way, the way of laughter, everything is waiting in the Enron shuhuai.Into the spring, into the vigorous hope, every youth heart is full of colorful colors.Into the spring, into the fashion of the dynamic zone, the world in front of us brilliant stretch.XX college in 2015 “ into the spring ” celebration of new years day, welcome to the New Yea

      5、r Gala ended here. Dear teachers and classmates, bye bye.New years Day (two)W: distinguished leaders, ladies and gentlemen.Man: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.Good afternoon, everybody!Woman: with the warm sunshine in winter and the coming of new years day in 2015, the calendar of life will turn a new leaf.Man: at this moment, we have already felt the breath of spring. This is the spring of nature. It is also the spring of our primary school development, and belongs to each of us in spring

      6、.Female: as the new year begins on this day, let us Everything looks fresh and gay., open heart, full of song.Together: XX primary school celebrates New Years art performance now!First of all, let us warm applause please school for our new year greetings to president Michael essien!Man: Thank you, President Wang, for his warm speech! Thank you, President Wang, for your new years greetings and encouragement.We firmly believe that: in the new year, under the correct leadership of President Wang, u

      7、nder the joint efforts of all the teachers and students in the school, with the support and cooperation of all parents, the schools tomorrow will be even better.W: first of all, lets welcome the children of the kindergarten class to bring along the dance angel rhythm.Man: what a bunch of innocent children. Oh, thank you, teacher. Have you seen the army?Woman: Yes, its so powerful, neat and smart!Man: Yeah, yeah, but have you seen the little monkey army?W: huh? The little monkey army?Man: lets us

      8、e the warmest applause to welcome another program, the brave army of the little monkeys, brought by the children in the kindergarten.W: Thank you for the wonderful performance from our children. Its so cute. It is new years day soon, new years Day is a happy day, a day full of songs and smiles. Well, here we have a chorus of songs and smiles from class four, grade two.Male: enjoy over 4.2 classes of wonderful chorus, well enjoy a wonderful song zhilaizhiwang, singer Wang Mei, dancer Xue Nien, Li

      9、u Jie.W: Miss Liu, did you ever dream of being a hero when you were young?Man: of course, its not just me. I think every boy has a dream of being a hero.Woman: Well, then, well all be heroes today. We have a chorus of hero of hearts from class five, grade two.Man: Thank you, teacher. You asked us boys dreams just now. So I represent boys and ask you girls what dreams they have?Woman: ha ha, this is a secret, I wont tell you, but someone can give you the answer, please ask dream girl performer.Man: after enjoying this program, I finally understand one thing. You cant guess the girls thoughts. Here we have applause, please first grade children to bring us the chorus sell newspaper song.Woman: after the first grade children s

      《元旦主持词,妙语连珠的精彩(new year's day presided over the word, wonderful sparkling discourse)》由会员xins****2008分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《元旦主持词,妙语连珠的精彩(new year's day presided over the word, wonderful sparkling discourse)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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