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    • 1、适用于外研新标准广 东版 高一 综合版 第 48 期 适用于外研新标准广 东版 高一 综合版 第 48 期 总分: 135 分得分:姓名: 第 48 期 适用于外研新标准广东版高一 综合版副主编: 顾玉婉责编: 黄妍美编: 杨颖一审: 张华程二审: 李克访外籍编审: William 何高伦陈觉法陈金文田知勋 (下转 A4 版) D. people in different age groups 11. If the researchers study old adults, they may _. A. reach a different conclusion B. find more use of mobile phones C. disagree with the idea of “exclusion” D. develop a habit of using mobile phones 12. The author s attitude towards the use of mobile phones is _. A. supportiveB. negative C. unknow

      2、nD. uncertain D 难度: India is a country with all kinds of people, culture, food practices, and the baby food recipes are various throughout the country; often all follow healthy food practices. Healthy food for kids can either be homemade or a product suggested by doctors. The world speaks more about the Indian baby food, since in the olden days they used to feed the kid with homemade foods, which are highly nutritious (有 营 养 的)and well balanced and which can improve the baby s development, makin

      3、g it grow more robust. The food prepared at home is easily digestible (易消化的) for the baby, which never has a bad effect on the digestion system or causes related problems. A good mother care always starts with the best food practices, which can really make the kid grow healthier and safer. A better feed by mother can make the kid sleep calm. Baby foods, like the greens, fruits, eggs and meat are very good for kids. The foods have all the proteins and vitamins (蛋白质和维生素)that are very important for

      4、 the kid to grow strong. But the question is that how much food can really be fed to a kid at a time. That may either matter to the culture or the physical ability or the metabolism rate (新陈代谢 率)of the kid. You can work out the problem by feeding the kid the products like the Nestle Cerelac, a product, which is easily digestible for the baby. It doesn t matter to feed a kid more. Today baby food will be inherited (继承) by the next coming generations, so it s always safe to advise the coming gener

      5、ations to stay far from junk foods and foods that are short of nutrition. As the Indian culture and the baby food practices are great, they never ruin their traditional culture of what Indians inherited. 13. In the writer s opinion, the Indian baby food recipes _. A. have a lot of kinds B. have special culture C. show food practices D. are given by doctors 14. What does the underlined word “robust”in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Happy and beautiful. B. Healthy and strong. C. Lovely and honest. D. Active

      6、 and clever. 15. Why are the greens, fruits, eggs and meat good for kids? A. They include rich proteins and vitamins. B. They may matter with the Indian culture. C. They matter to the metabolism rate of a kid. D. All of them are easy to digest. 第二节(共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填 入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 5 Ways to Rid Yourself of Needless Worries Why did he make a small remark about me? Was he talking badly about me? Why didn t the person like me? Have you worried about these things?

      7、 These worries don t matter but still seem to hold on to me and drag me down.16I want to share these with you Stop trying to win othersapproval 17Trust me, I ve tried. This only leads to disappointment on a daily basis, since you can t possibly live up to the entire world s expectations. Think, will it really bother you later? 18I ask myself whether I will remember whom it was that I was trying to impress then. Most likely I won t, since I have forgotten in the past who made a small negative com

      8、ment and what it was even about. 19 When I feel that I m not good enough to get approval from others, I begin to reflect on my achievements.IthinkabouthowmuchI ve improved in the past year. I ve met amazing people, developedactivelisteningskills,andstarted something I ve been planning for the past two years. Write 20 Look at it, assess its importance, then tear it into pieces, burn it, or throw it into the sea. You can then look back at that paper you just destroyed and laugh at how ridiculous y

      9、ou were being. Reflect on life s briefness Finally, just reflect on how short life is; focus on how life is constantly flying. Do you really want to spend what little time you have on this beautiful earth worrying about something you won t even remember by next week? Don t be silly, get out there and enjoy life. You ve got it pretty good, I d bet (打 赌). Don t waste it on needless worry. A. It just isn t possible to get everyone to like you. B. Think about how amazing you are. C. I ve developed some mental reminders that help me get rid of these worries. D. Say something out loud to those who laugh at you. E. I put myself into the future by a couple of days. F. I have been troubled by these things. G. Get those worries out onto paper. 第 II 卷 第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分 55 分) 第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 40 分) A teacher told her class to ask their parents for a family story with a moral (寓意) at the end of it, and then tell their stories the next day. I


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