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最新会计职称初级经济法基础考试题无忧 必过关资料下载

  • 卖家[上传人]:bao****ty
  • 文档编号:117193072
  • 上传时间:2019-11-18
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:222KB
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    • 1、medical care, five-guarantee, supplemented by the charitable aid, improve the social assistance system. Continue to improve the urban and rural minimum living standard security system, effective verification mechanism for the implementation of the rural and urban poor families economic situation, grasp the standardized management, information management, and urban and rural minimum living standard security system, pay special attention to dynamic management, improving household verification syst

      2、em. More perfect one accepted, work works, volunteered to normalization and standardization of work mechanism for emergency work support platform. Keep poverty caused by disaster causes the low edge into the scope of protection, more on basic living allowances in the employment guidance, training and preferential policies related to the implementation of basic living allowances for employment to extend for one year the low Gold release. County finance supporting funding and in full in place; to

      3、improve the five-guarantee conditions, improve the level of five-guarantee. More publicity, making full use of existing welfare institutions, improve the occupancy rate of five objects, centralized feed rate, strengthen supervision of rural orphans, education subvention allocated by to ensure that subsistence allowances for improving the quality of life of orphans. Perfect urban and rural medical rescue system, continues to advance County Medical rescue a station type rates settlement service wo

      4、rk, and in 1-2 a township carried out township level of medical rescue a station type rates settlement pilot work, actual implementation urban and rural medical rescue funds of and manpower using, further strengthening medical rescue and medical insurance, and rural cooperation medical, system of convergence, implementation II times rescue; increased temporary rescue efforts, focuses on Yu housing, and medical, and school households of rescue. (B) strengthening the disaster emergency response sy

      5、stem. Enhancing disaster relief material reserves, improve comprehensive ability of disaster relief work. The County, Township and village levels training for disaster information. Focus grasp natural disasters rescue emergency plans of implementation, increased nuclear disaster, and reported disaster, and relief efforts; increased on relief funds using regulatory efforts, planning relief material management, and issued; continues to do disaster mitigation publicity education, improve masses sho

      6、uld disaster knowledge of knows rate and avoidance disaster self-help of capacity, improve victims basic life guarantees capacity, solid do affected masses life rescue; active towards Burqin County relief material reserves library project, ensure early built; further do mitigation model Township, and community of declared work. (C) pay close attention to the District Social Welfare construction of key projects. Do non-Muslim funeral home project started construction; promote implementation of re

      7、lief materials reserve funds for construction projects. Meanwhile, the spirit of saving resources, in the integration of funds on the basis of a new old building set conservation, child day care, counselling and social welfare as a wholeComprehensive building, promoting the construction of rural old-happy assistance projects. While actively exploring the development of pension and welfare institutions of Government-owned roads, encourage and support social forces to participate in development of

      8、 old-age service, rich old-age services, improve service levels最新会计职称初级经济法基础考试题无忧 必过关资料下载11、单选题1、根据我国公司法的规定,以发起设立方式设立股份有限公司的,其发起人的人数最低应为()。A2人 B3人 C5人 D50人2、甲、乙、丙共同出资设立一有限责任公司,主营商品批发业务,根据我国公司法的规定,该公司注册资本最低金额就是()万元。A10 B30 C50 D1003、根据我国公司法的规定,上市公司应当在每一会计年度结束之日起一定期限内向国务院证券监督管理机构和证券交易所提交年度报告并予以公告。这里的一定期限内是指()。A1个月之内 B2个月之内 C3个月之内 D4个月之内4、根据我国公司法的规定,股份有限公司将公司法定公积金转增资本时,其留存的法定公积金最低比例应为()。A注册资本的10% B注册资本的15% C注册资本的20% D注册资本的25%5、根据我国担保法的规定,以企业债券进行质押的,质押合同生产的时间是()。A主合同签订之日 B质押合同签订之日 C将债券交付质权人之日 D办理出质登

      9、记之日6、甲公司与乙公司签订了购买10辆汽车的合同。就在乙公司将汽车交付甲公司时,被工商行政管理部门查出该批汽车是走私物品而予以查封。根据我国合同法关于合同效力的规定,该买卖汽车合同属于()。A有效合同 B无效合同 C可撤销合同 D效力待定合同7、根据我国合同法的规定,当事人对合同价款约定不明确,又没有政府定价或指导价可供参照时,合同价款的确定规则为()。A按照订立合同时履行地的市场价格履行 B按照履行合同时履行地的市场价格履行 C按照纠纷发生时履行地的市场价格履行 D按照订立合同时订立地的市场价格履行8、根据我国会计法的规定,外来原始凭证的金额有错误时,应当采取的正确做法是()。A由出具单位重开 B由出具单位更正并加盖接受单位印章 C由接受单位更正并加盖接受单位印章 D由经办人员更正并加盖经办人员印章9、根据会计基础工作规范的规定,单位负责人的直系亲属不得在本单位担任的会计工作岗位是()。A会计机构负责人 B稽核 C会计档案保管 D出纳10、某印刷厂购进一台印刷机器,买价12万元,取得对方开具的增值税专用发票上注明的税金为2.04万元,另支付运杂费0.2万元、安装费0.3万元。根据我国企业所得税暂行条例及其实细则的规定,该印刷机器作为固定资产的计价金额应是()万元。A12 B12.5 C14.04 D14.5411、根据我国增值税暂行条例的规定,纳税人采取分期收款方式销售商品时,其增值税纳税义务的发生时间是()。A发出商品的当天 B收到全部货款的当天 C销售商品合同签订的当天 D销售商品合同约定的收款日期的当天12、2001年3月,某音乐茶座门

      《最新会计职称初级经济法基础考试题无忧 必过关资料下载》由会员bao****ty分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新会计职称初级经济法基础考试题无忧 必过关资料下载》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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