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    • 1、-主动语态变为被动语态专项练习(一)、当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者;(二)、或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态。主动语态变被动语态步骤:1、主语和宾语交换位置(即将原来的主语变为宾语、将原来的宾语变为主语);2、谓语动词变为“be+V过去分词”;3、主动语态中的主语变为介词by的宾语。一般现在时的被动语态:am/are/is + V过去分词1.People play football all over the world.2.Mr. Green teaches us this term.3.We often play basketball after class.4.They use knives for cutting things.5.Mike often helps his mother to do housework.6.We use cameras for taking photos.7.They dont make cars in this factory. 8.Does she wash the clothes?一般过去时的被动语态:was/were + V过去分词

      2、1.People built the Great Wall long ago.2.Two years ago we used the machines to make shoes for children.3.They watched a match on TV.4.He washed the car yesterday. 5.The teacher asked the student to bring some photos.6.She sent a postcard to me yesterday.7.The boys didnt do their homework.8.Did you clean the room last night?一般将来时的被动语态:is/am/are going to + be + V过去分词 或 will +be+ V过去分词1.We will write a diary next class.2.Tom is going to hold a birthday party.3.We will have a test tomorrow.4.Tom wil

      3、l teach me with my English.5.She will borrow a book from the library.6.Im going to buy a car next year.7.They are going to finish the work soon.8.We wont see a movie this Sunday.9.Are you going to buy a computer?含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词(can/must/should/have to)+be+ V过去分词1.We have to finish our homework on time.2.You must hand in your homework on time.3.We should plant more trees. 4.He could play the violin when he was 7.5.We should speak to the old man politely.6.Parents should allow children to choose

      4、their own clothes. 7.We cant see the sun at night. 带有双宾语(宾语既有人又有物)的被动语态: (1)将间接宾语(人)变为主语,直接宾语(物)不变。(2)将直接宾语(物)变为主语,一般要在间接宾语前加介词to或for.1.He often gives me a flower.2.Yesterday my mother told me an interesting story. 3.She will buy me a present.4.Mr Xu teaches us physics. 5.We drew him a picture.6.He often makes me a postcard.7.Ill buy him a big house.8.I usually hear her sing English songs in the morning.9.He makes her horse work all day.10.He makes her horse work all day.感官动词(make,let,have)和使役动词

      5、(see,look at,watch,notice,hear,listen to)变为被动语态时要把省略了的to还原出来。感官动词:make sb do sth let sb do sth have sb do sth使役动词:see sb do sth look sb do sth watch sb do sth notice sb do sth hear sb do sth listen sb do sth 1.I saw him fall off the tree.2.They saw the boy play basketball at 3:00 yesterday.3.I saw him enter the house.4.We clean our classroom every day.5.Many people speak Englsih.6.He washed his shoes yesterday.7.The boss makes the workers work 18 hours a day.8.He can write a great many letter wi

      6、th the computer.9.He has brought his book here.10.You must hand in your compositions after class.11.My aunt visited me to her dinner party.12.My uncle gave me a present on my birthday.13.We often hear him play the guitar.14.They bought ten computers last term.15.He bought his friend some fruits yesterday.16.They will finish the work in ten days.17.The foreign friends gave us some wonderful stamps.18.The teacher saked Tom to turn on the computer.19.You must take this medicine three times a day.20

      7、.Do they often talk about this question?( )21.Lily is a warm girl. We like to make friends with her.A. hot B. strange C. friendly D. heated( )22.Millions of people are crazy about the World Cup.A. annoyed with B. excited about C. worried about D. satisfied with( )23.Mr Brown walks through the park and says hello to all of those he passes. A. look after B. plays with C. watches D. greets ( )24.Work hard, or others will take your position.A. get your job B. get your seat C. sit on your chair D. he

      8、lp do your job( )25. I thank the best way to learn English is using it. I cant agree more!A.I really agree with you. B.I dont think so.C.That sounds interesting. D.I dont use it anymore. ( )26.Is it _ UFO or _ alien?.A. a ; an B. a ; a C. an ; an D. an ; a( )27.The girl practices conversations with friends to improve her _ skills.A. spoke B .speaks C. speaking D. writing( )28. Im not sure _ Ive met him before.A. when B. if C. how D. why( )29. A _lazy man cant make_ money. A.much too,too much B.much too,much too C.much too,too many D.too much,too much( )30.Our teacher told us _.A. what the earth travels around the sun. B. what the earth traveled around the sun.C. that the earth traveled around the sun. D. that the earth travels around the sun.( )31. The woman has long hair is our math teacher.A .whom B. who C. what D. which ( )32.She used to _ in the morning, but now she


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