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    • 1、第 27 期 适用于外研新标准高一新课标域卷 同步辅导版副主编: 顾玉婉责编: 黄 妍美编: 杨颖一审: 张华程二审: 李克访外籍编审: William 适用于外研新标准高一新课标域卷 同步辅导版 第 27 期 适用于外研新标准高一新课标域卷 同步辅导版 第 27 期 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。 A难度: An old man, from Fenggang County, southwestern Chinas Guizhou province, has raised a national flag every day for the past 18 years. He demonstrated his love for China in the special way. During the last 6,500 days, each day at 7:30 a.m., Tian Maokun plays the national so

      2、ng on his mobile phone and raises the national flag in his yard. This has been Tians everyday work in the past many years. Tian lost his job in a shop department many years ago, but he has received a pension (养老金) from the local government ever since. The money from the pension reached 1,930yuanin 2012, and the pension keeps rising every year. Thankful for the governments support, Tian decided to raise the national flag to express his thanks to the country. Tian started his habit of raising the

      3、national flag in 1998, and has kept at it since that time. Whenever Tian is away from home, his wife raises the flag for him. They have worn out six flags and fifteen flagpoles(旗杆). Most of the villagers in Tians hometown did not believe at first that he would carry on. But Tians act for a long time has changed all their minds. They hold the same opinion that the informal(非 正 式 的) flag- raising activity is a good way to show respect for the improved quality of life in Chinas rural areas. Tians g

      4、ood act has influenced some people living in the nearby villages. 21. The underlined word“demonstrated”in Para 1 means“_”. A. influencedB. showed C. acceptedD. changed 22. What can we know about Tian? A. He once worked in the government. B. He was treated badly by his sons. C. He received the pension two years ago. D. His pension is increasing. 23. Tian raised the national flag every day to _. A. develop a great interest in his life B. make his wife happy C. show his thanks to the country D. fin

      5、ish the work given by the government 24. How did the attitude of Tians villagers to his flag- raising change? A. Doubtful Supportive. B. Worried Surprised. C. Unconcerned Hopeful. D. Supportive Stressed. B难度: Its a time to celebrate our cats! Every day our cat friend gives us love and today is the day to appreciate having them in our lives. From staying together with us late at night to entertaining us, cats warm our hearts every single day! Well, how did National Cat Day ever come about? Its no

      6、t only a day to celebrate your cat but also a day to raise awareness (意 识)! About 4 million cats enter shelters (收养所) every year with 1 to 2 million being euthanized (安乐 死) because shelters cannot provide enough space for all of them. If youre interested in adding a cat to your life, its important to do so at a shelter! These are the cats that need a family most and will forever be thankful for giving them a second chance! There is so much to love about cats! Cats are known to lower blood pressu

      7、re, offer love and get their owner to realize danger. Aside from these there are many qualities that make them a special creature. Here are some fun facts about cats that you might have not known! If your cats eyes areclosedit might not necessarily mean its tired. A sign of closed eyes perhaps means your cat is happy. Cats are unable to taste sweetness in anything they taste. A cat can reach 5 times its own height per jump! Cats can make over 100 sounds while dogs can only make 10! In general, c

      8、ats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. A cats hearing is better than a dogs! Cats are very independent thinkers and smart creatures. They bring happiness into their owners lives every day! Dont forget to celebrate your lovely cat today and remind them why theyre so perfect! 25. The author wrote this passage to _. A. tell us the qualities of cats B. remind us of National Cat Day C. make us happy with cats D. advise us to feed more cats 26. What do we know from this passage? A. The shelters are too

      9、crowded with cats. B. Cats can bring a lot of illnesses to kids. C. Cats are usually quiet but dangerous animals. D. Cats are able to jump higher than dogs. 27. What may a cat do when it is happy? A. It may eat sweet things. B. It may cry loudly. C. It may close its eyes. D. It may jump high. 28. What is the authors attitude towards keeping cats? A. Supportive.B. Worried. C. Uncertain.D. Surprised. C难度: Though the tube (地 铁) is used by 1.34 billion people each year, traveling on the tube in London can actually be quite lonely. An unwritten rule encourages silence, mixed with traditional British reserve (矜持). It means that even though youre in the crowded space with hundreds of other people, the silent air can leave you feeling a bit lonely. One London man, however, is trying to change this. Jonathan Dunne, 42, an American living in London, started a worldwide dialogue after giving out badges (徽章) with the theme“Tube chat”last month, encou


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